From the news article I just sent out to the BFer list: Raney, Harris, Rolle Dexter Love and Buddy Blue gathered against a chain link fence behind Winston's about midway through the evening for a photo op. Raney quipped later that they were all of the "former Beat Farmers." The Beat Farmers will not continue without McLain, Raney said. ------ It comes as no surprise to all of us that the BFers are no longer. Without Country Dick Montana it could never be the same. All I hope is that Jerry and Joey countinue to play together somehow. They are both truly gifted song-writers and 2/3's of a fine musical team. It is their music that got me into the BFers and hopefully we will all still here "Riverside", "Hollywood Hills", "Bigger Stones", "Make It Last", etc. Here's hoping it WILL last....... KEN ( ----------------------------------------------------------- *The Beat Farmers : WWW page at: * * * *Webb Wilder : check these guys out! * -----------------------------------------------------------