Simulated fractal aggregate growth

The Fractal Rabbit Sporographic Wing of the Savage Rabbit Art Gallery proudly presents these creations by Savage Rabbit Artist and SCO employee Ronald Joe Record. These fantastic creations of Mr. Record's represent several numerical simulations of fractal aggregate behaviour. These simulations have been used to model a variety of natural phenomena including the growth of coral, marine snow and dust particle formation. Colors generally represent the "age" of an aggregated particle.

The first room of this wing has the following images available for viewing

Click on the Desired Image

You can select one of the images above for viewing or enter the Endomorphic Rabbit Wing, fly thru the Lyapunov Rabbit Wing, visit the Mandelbrot Rabbit Wing, check out the Topographic Rabbit Wing, zip over to the Iterographic Rabbit Wing, or stand at the Main Entrance to the Fractal Wing.

Or, you may wish to walk over to the Astro Rabbit Wing, enter the Pop Savage Art Wing, visit the Self Savage Portrait Wing, or stand at the Main Entrance to the Art Gallery

This HTML document and wing of the Savage Rabbit Art Gallery maintained by

Ron Record ( x7604

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