Older But Maybe Still Hot Links

This list may contain stale links. Most of these were compiled in the 1st half of 1994. I have tried to keep it updated but the WWW is growing faster than i can type. For that reason, i have placed some fresh links prior to this list. However, many if not most if not all of these older links are still active.

Agricultural Information, Food & Nutrition
livestock reports, current market prices, etc
American Philosophers Association
Archie (interactive search)
Search Anonymous FTP Sites for files by substring
Art and Art History
Resources of interest to classicists, archaeologists, art historians, etc
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Stars and stuff
Auroral/Solar Reports
Information about Australia
Backgammon Servers
Play Backgammon
Billboard Charts
U.S. Top Pop Singles for the week
Blues Brothers
A whole section of this list just for the Blues Brothers
Cancer information
Online Database, boook reviews, magazine fax delivery services
Interactive AIDs & Epilepsy documents
Chess Server
Play/Watch real-time chess with human opponents
The CIA World Factbook
Facts on just about everything collected by the CIA
Cognitive Science
A Web server on computational phonology.
Complex Systems
Complex Systems Newsgroups, Ftp Sites, etc.
Cookie Server
Funny quote or saying
Cybernetics and Systems Theory
Dartmouth Library
Divine Comedy and reviews

Read/Find passages in the King James Bible (select file bible)

Read/Find passages in Shakespeare's plays (select file s plays)

Read/Find pages in Shakespeare's sonnets (select file s sonnets)

Doctor Fun
A continuing cartoon updated each weekday
The networking component of the DoD high performance computing modernization
Aviation weather, flight planning
Earthquake Information
Recent quake location, time, magnitude
American Mathematics Society BBS with Software and Reviews
Educational Technology Net
Forums and discussion groups on medical technology and education
Entertainment Information
Resources and information relevant to the Entertainment Industry
Environmental Information
Resources and information relevant to the Environment
A collection of Internet FAQs
U.S. Food and Drug Administration news releases, AIDs information, and consumer information
Information on scholarships, minority assistance, etc
All kinds of flags - semaphores, track signals, etc
Folk Songs
Interactive search of databases of folk music
Internet Font Browser
Check out these fonts available as freeware or shareware
Self-similar Mathematical Beauties
USA Today, Headline News, Sports
Geographic Servers
Population, Latitude/Longitude, Elevation, by city or area code
Land use maps of US, graphs/data of geological information from US Geological Survey
Geographic Information and Analysis Laboratory
Global Network Navigator
An internet-based Information Center produced by O'Reilly & Associates
GNU Bulletin
An exhaustive catalogue of GNU activities
GO Server
Play the game of GO against others
Access to documents and other services
Ham Radio Callbooks
National ham radio call-sign callbook
History Databases
History and Commonwealth of Independent States information
HP Calculator BBS
BBS for HP Caculator users with chat mode
Menu-driven information searches
Httpd Documentation
Online hypertext documentation including installation instructions, etc.
Hypermedia and the Internet
Information about Hypermedia and the Internet
Hytelnet Server
University and Library catalogs around the world
Rutgers CWIS
Dictionary, Thesaurus, Quotations Database
Index Servers
Searchable catalogues of WWW resources
Info/Software Server
Journals, unix stuff, recipes, online cookbook
Various services and lots of internet information
InterText Magazine
An electronically-distributed bi-monthly fiction magazine
Iowa Political Stock Market
Buy & sell shares in political candidates
IRC Telnet Client
Internet Relay Chat
Ireland : The Internet Collection
A collection of Internet resources on Ireland
Information System for Advanced Academic Computing
Outplacement, recruiting, career counseling, ...
Law Library
Law Libraries and Legal Research, offers copies of laws for each state, computer laws, and more!
Law/Judicial information and catalogs
Library of Congress
Library of Congress Information System
multiservice access
Lunar/Planetary Institute
Resources on Geology, Geophysics, Astronomy, and Astrophysics
Line oriented W3 browsers (Lynx)
Mostly stuff for and about Lynx
University Mathematics Departments and other Mathematics related servers