SCO Visual Tcl Reference Guide
Chapter 3, SCO Visual Tcl - graphical scripting language

Files used by SCO Visual Tcl

Files used by SCO Visual Tcl

The following files are used by SCO Visual Tcl:

the binary for the character mode server

the binary for the graphical version

the binary for the Tcl shell with embedded SCO Visual Tcl command processor

Tcl library of extended SCO Visual Tcl commands

Tcl Index for library of extended SCO Visual Tcl commands

Data file containing SCO Visual Tcl commands

Data file containing options to SCO Visual Tcl commands

location for libvtcl.a and vtcl.h (C library and header file)

resource files for SCO Visual Tcl
If the data files are moved to a directory other than /lib/vtcl, their new location should be set in the environment variable VTCL_HOME. Otherwise SCO Visual Tcl will be unable to locate them.