Describes the columns used in the DrawnList. This field
contains a list of column descriptions. Each column
description in turn is a list containing the column type, the
column width, and the column's left and right margins. The syntax
{ TYPE WIDTH [Left Margin, Right Margin] }
The left and
right margins are optional parameters. The following specifies a
column that is of type ICON, with a width of 1 icon
and a left and right margin of 5 pixels:
{ ICON 1 5 5 }
Valid types are ICON, STRING,
and DATA. DATA does not display on the
screen; it is used to store item-specific data.
-positioninteger (NA)
Sets an item by list position.
(The base position is 1. To indicate the last item on the list, use 0.)
When specifying an icon index in -fieldList or -recordList
the following indexes can be used to reference connection
icons or no icons: