Creates a Text object and returns the widget name.
Text fields display text in a box. The text is editable by
default, but you can make it read-only. You can create a single
line of text, or multiple lines. Text fields are useful for displaying
text or for fields where the user needs to enter a value.
-callbackcmd (C)
Sets the callback to call when a return keypress is received
in a single line text object.
Additional callback keys:
contents of the text widget.
-columnsinteger (CS)
Make the object integer number of columns wide.
This means that integer characters are shown.
In the graphical environment this will make the
width of the object integer * Max_Charwidth wide.
-filenamestring (CS)
Sets a file (named string) whose contents
will be displayed in the text widget.
-horizontalScrollBarboolean (CS)
Sets whether to include a horizontal scrollbar.
If TRUE a horizontal scrollbar is displayed.
The default value is FALSE. This option is ignored
in character mode.
-losingFocusCallbackcmd (C)
Sets the command to call when the text widget loses focus. This
routine is called regardless of whether the text has changed.
Additional callback keys:
value of the text widget.
-noEcho (CS)
This is a flag: specifies whether or not echoing should be turned off.
-readOnly (C)
This is a flag: when set, disables editing of the text widget.
-rowsinteger (CS)
Sets the number of character rows displayed in an object.
-valuestring (CSG)
Sets the string value of the text.
-valueChangedCallbackcmd (CS)
Sets the command called after text is inserted into or deleted from
the widget.
Additional callback keys:
value of the object.
-verticalScrollBarboolean (CS)
This is a flag: set to TRUE for a vertical scroll bar,
otherwise FALSE. The default value is FALSE.
This is ignored in character mode.
-wordWrap (C)
Sets word wrap on.
CHARM editing keys
The following editing keys are available in character mode: