
          xearth - displays a shaded image of the Earth in the root

          xearth [-pos pos_spec ] [-sunpos sun_pos_spec ] [-mag factor
          ] [-size size_spec ] [-shift shift_spec ] [-shade|-noshade]
          [-label|-nolabel] [-markers|-nomarkers] [-stars|-nostars]
          [-starfreq frequency ] [-grid|-nogrid] [-grid1 grid1 ]
          [-grid2 grid2 ] [-day pct ] [-night pct ] [-gamma
          gamma_value ] [-wait secs ] [-timewarp timewarp_factor ]
          [-time fixed_time ] [-onepix|-twopix] [-mono|-nomono]
          [-ncolors num_colors ] [-font font_name ] [-fork|-nofork]
          [-nice priority ] [-gif] [-ppm] [-display dpyname ]

          Xearth sets the X root window to an image of the Earth, as
          seen from your favorite vantage point in space, correctly
          shaded for the current position of the Sun. By default,
          xearth updates the displayed image every five minutes. The
          time between updates can be changed with the -wait option
          (see below).  Xearth can also render directly into PPM and
          GIF files instead of drawing in the root window; see the
          -ppm and -gif options (below).

          Xearth understands the following command line options and X

          -pos pos_spec
               Specify the position from which the Earth should be
               viewed. The pos_spec (position specifier) consists of
               three components: a keyword (one of fixed, sunrel, or
               orbit) and two numerical values. (If you're having
               problems getting xearth to accept a position specifier
               as a command line argument, make sure and read the
               comments about position specifier delimiters and using
               explicit quoting in the fourth paragraph following this

               If the position specifier keyword is fixed, the
               numerical values indicate the latitude and longitude,
               expressed in decimal degrees, of a viewing position
               that is fixed with respect to the Earth's surface.
               Positive and negative values of latitude correspond to
               positions north and south of the equator, respectively.
               Positive and negative values of longitude correspond to
               positions east and west of Greenwich, respectively.

               If the position specifier keyword is sunrel, the
               numerical values indicate the offsets in latitude and
               longitude, expressed in decimal degrees, of a viewing
               position that is fixed with respect to the position of
               the Sun. Positive and negative values of latitude and
               longitude are interpreted as for the fixed keyword.

               If the position specifier keyword is orbit, the
               numerical values indicate the period (in hours) and
               orbital inclination (in decimal degrees) of a simple
               circular orbit; the viewing position follows this
               orbit. Astute readers will surely note that these
               parameters are not sufficient to uniquely specify a
               single circular orbit. This problem is solved by
               limiting the space of possible orbits to those
               positioned over 0 degrees latitude, 0 degrees longitude
               at time zero (the Un*x epoch, see time(3)).

               Components of a position specifier are delimited by
               either whitespace, forward slashes (/), or commas. Note
               that using whitespace to separate position specifier
               components when invoking xearth from a shell may
               require explicit quoting to ensure the entire position
               specifier is passed as a single argument. For example,
               if you want to use spaces to delimit components and are
               using a "typical" shell, you'd need to use something

                   -pos "fixed 42.4 -71.1"


                   -pos 'fixed 42.4 -71.1'

               to make things work. If you'd rather not have to
               explicitly quote things, you can use forward slashes or
               commas instead of spaces to separate components, as
               shown below.

                   -pos fixed,42.4,-71.1
                   -pos fixed/42.4/-71.1

               If a position specifier is not provided, xearth uses a
               default position specifier of "sunrel 0 0" (such that
               the entire day side of the Earth is always visible).

          -sunpos sun_pos_spec
               Specify a fixed point on the Earth's surface where the
               Sun is always directly overhead. The sun_pos_spec (Sun
               position specifier) consists of two components, both
               numerical values; these components are interpreted as
               the latitude and longitude (in decimal degrees) of the
               point where the Sun is directly overhead.

               The details provided for position specifiers (see
               above) about the interpretation of positive and
               negative latitude and longitude values and the
               characters used to delimit specifier components apply
               to Sun position specifiers as well.

               By default, xearth calculates the actual position of
               the Sun and updates this position with the progression
               of time.

          -mag factor
               Specify the magnification of the displayed image. The
               diameter of the rendered Earth image is factor times
               the shorter of the width and height of the image (see
               the -size option, below).

          -size size_spec
               Specify the size of the image to be rendered. The
               size_spec (size specifier) consists of two components,
               both positive integers; these components are
               interpreted as the width and height (in pixels) of the

               The details provided for position specifiers (see
               above) about the characters used to delimit specifier
               components apply to size specifiers as well.

               When rendering into the X root window, these values
               default to the dimensions of the root window. When
               producing a PPM or GIF file instead of drawing in the X
               root window (see the -ppm and -gif options, below),
               both values default to 512.

          -shift shift_spec
               Specify that the center of the rendered Earth image
               should be shifted by some amount from the center of the
               image. The shift_spec (shift specifier) consists of two
               components, both integers; these components are
               interpreted as the offsets (in pixels) in the X and Y

               The details provided for position specifiers (see
               above) about the characters used to delimit specifier
               components apply to shift specifiers as well.
               By default, the center of the rendered Earth image is
               aligned with the center of the image.

          -shade | -noshade
               Enable/disable shading. When shading is enabled, the
               surface of the Earth is shaded according to the current
               position of the Sun (and the values provided for the
               -day and -night options, below).  When shading is
               disabled, use flat colors (green and blue) to render
               land and water. Shading is enabled by default.

          -label | -nolabel
               Enable/disable labeling. If labeling is enabled and
               xearth is rendering into the X root window, provide a
               label in the lower right-hand corner that indicates the
               current date and time and current viewing and sun
               positions. Labeling is disabled by default.

          -markers | -nomarkers
               Enable/disable markers. If markers are enabled and
               xearth is rendering into the X root window, display
               small red circles and text labels indicating the
               location of interesting places on the Earth's surface.
               Markers are enabled by default.

               At present, the list of locations for which markers are
               placed consists of some three dozen major cities; no
               hooks (beyond editing the source code and recompiling!)
               are provided for adding to or changing this list. This
               limitation will likely be addressed in a future version
               of xearth.

          -stars | -nostars
               Enable/disable stars. If stars are enabled, the black
               background of "space" is filled with a random pattern
               of "stars" (individual white pixels). The fraction of
               background pixels that are turned into stars can be
               controlled with the -starfreq option (see below). Stars
               are enabled by default.

          -starfreq frequency
               Set the density of the random star pattern (see -stars,
               above); frequency indicates the fraction of background
               pixels that should be turned into "stars". The default
               value of frequency is 0.002.

          -grid | -nogrid
               Enable/disable the display of a longitude/latitude grid
               on the Earth's surface. The spacing of major grid lines
               and dots between major grid lines can be controlled
               with the -grid1 and -grid2 options (see below). Grid
               display is disabled by default.

          -grid1 grid1
               Specify the spacing of major grid lines if grid display
               (see -grid, above) is enabled; major grid lines are
               drawn with a 90/grid1 degree spacing. The default value
               for grid1 is 6, corresponding to 15 degrees between
               major grid lines.

          -grid2 grid2
               Specify the spacing of dots along major grid lines if
               grid display (see -grid, above) is enabled. Along the
               equator and lines of longitude, grid dots are drawn
               with a 90/(grid1 x grid2) degree spacing. The spacing
               of grid dots along parallels (lines of latitude) other
               than the equator is adjusted to keep the surface
               distance between grid dots approximately constant. The
               default value for grid2 is 15; combined with the
               default grid1 value of 6, this corresponds to placing
               grid dots on a one degree spacing.

          -day pct
               Specify the brightness that should be used to shade the
               day side of the Earth when shading is enabled. Pct
               should be an integer between 0 and 100, inclusive,
               where 0 indicates total darkness and 100 indicates
               total illumination. This value defaults to 100.

          -night pct
               Specify the brightness that should be used to shade the
               night side of the Earth when shading is enabled. Pct
               should be an integer between 0 and 100, inclusive,
               where 0 indicates total darkness and 100 indicates
               total illumination. This value defaults to 10.

          -gamma gamma_value
               When xearth is rendering into the X root window, adjust
               the colors xearth uses by a gamma value. Values less
               than 1.0 yield darker colors; values greater than 1.0
               yield brighter colors. The default gamma_value is 1.0.

          -wait secs
               When rendering into the X root window, wait secs
               seconds between updates. This value defaults to 300
               seconds (five minutes).

          -timewarp timewarp_factor
               Scale the apparent rate at which time progresses by
               timewarp_factor. The default value of timewarp_factor
               is 1.0.

          -time fixed_time
               Instead of using the current time to determine the
               "value" of time-dependent positions (e.g., the position
               the sun), use a particular fixed_time (expressed in
               seconds since the Un*x epoch (see time(3)).

          -onepix | -twopix
               Specify whether xearth should use one or two pixmaps
               when rendering into the X root window. If only one
               pixmap is used, partial redraws may be visible at times
               in the root window (when areas of the root window are
               exposed and redrawn during the time xearth is rendering
               the next image). If two pixmaps are used, xearth uses
               them to double-buffer changes such that partial redraws
               are (almost?) never seen. Using only one pixmap has the
               advantage of using quite a bit less memory in the X
               server; this can be important in environments where
               server-side memory is a fairly limited resource.

          -mono | -nomono
               If rendering into the X root window, enable/disable
               monocrhome mode.  Monochrome mode is enabled by default
               on systems with one-bit framebuffers (see the "depth of
               root window" information provided by xdpyinfo(1)) and
               disabled by default otherwise.

          -ncolors num_colors
               If rendering into the X root window or a GIF output
               file, specify the number of colors that should be used.
               (If markers are enabled (see -markers, above), the
               actual number of colors used may be one larger than
               num_colors.) The default value of num_colors is 64.

          -font font_name
               If rendering into the X root window, use font_name for
               drawing text labels (see -label and -markers, above).
               By default, xearth uses the "variable" font.

          -fork | -nofork
               When rendering into the X root window, enable/disable
               forking. If forking is enabled, xearth forks a child
               process to handle all rendering calculations and screen
               updates (in essense, automatically putting itself in
               the background). Forking is disabled by default.

          -nice priority
               Run the xearth process with priority priority (see
               nice(1) and setpriority(2)). By default, xearth runs at
               priority 0.

          -gif Instead of drawing in the X root window, write a GIF
               file (eight-bit color) to standard out.

          -ppm Instead of drawing in the X root window, write a PPM
               file (24-bit color) to standard out.

          -display dpyname
               Attempt to connect to the X display named dpyname.

               Print what version of xearth this is.

          The behavior of xearth can also be controlled using the
          following X resources:

          pos (position specifier)
               Specify the position from which the Earth should be
               viewed (see -pos, above).

          sunpos (sun position specifier)
               Specify a fixed point on the Earth's surface where the
               Sun is always directly overhead (see -sunpos, above).

          mag (float)
               Specify the magnification of the displayed image (see
               -mag, above).

          size (size specifier)
               Specify the size of the image to be rendered (see
               -size, above).

          shift (shift specifier)
               Specify that the center of the rendered Earth image
               should be shifted by some amount from the center of the
               image (see -shift, above).

          shade (boolean)
               Enable/disable shading (see -shade, above).

          label (boolean)
               Enable/disable labeling (see -label, above).

          markers (boolean)
               Enable/disable markers (see -markers, above).

          stars (boolean)
               Enable/disable stars (see -stars, above).

          starfreq (float)
               Set the density of the random star pattern (see
               -starfreq, above).

          grid (boolean)
               Enable/disable the display of a longitude/latitude grid
               on the Earth's surface (see -grid, above).

          grid1 (integer)
               Specify the spacing of major grid lines if grid display
               is enabled (see -grid1, above).

          grid2 (integer)
               Specify the spacing of dots along major grid lines if
               grid display is enabled (see -grid2, above).

          day (integer)
               Specify the brightness that should be used to shade the
               day side of the Earth when shading is enabled (see
               -day, above).

          night (integer)
               Specify the brightness that should be used to shade the
               night side of the Earth when shading is enabled (see
               -night, above).

          gamma (float)
               Specify the gamma correction xearth should use when
               selecting colors (see -gamma, above).

          wait (integer)
               Specify the delay between updates when rendering into
               the X root window (see -wait, above).

          timewarp (float)
               Specify the apparent rate at which time progresses (see
               -timewarp, above).

          time (integer)
               Specify a particular fixed time that should be used to
               determine the "value" of time-dependent positions (see
               -time, above).

          twopix (boolean)
               Specify whether xearth should use one or two pixmaps
               when rendering into the X root window (see -onepix and
               -twopix, above).

          mono (boolean)
               Specify whether xearth should use monochrome mode when
               rendering into the X root window (see -mono and
               -nomono, above).

          ncolors (integer)
               Specify the number of colors xearth should use (see
               -ncolors, above). The ncolors resource is only used
               when rendering into the X root window -- the number of
               colors to use when rendering into a GIF file can only
               be specified using the -ncolors command line option.

          font (font name)
               Use the named font for drawing text labels (see -font,

          fork (boolean)
               When rendering into the X root window, enable/disable
               the automatic forking of a child process to handle the
               updates (see -fork, above).

          nice (integer)
               Specify the priority at which the xearth process should
               be run (see -nice, above).

          This version of xearth (version 0.92) supports both one- and
          eight-bit framebuffers. Systems with other than one- and
          eight-bit framebuffers are only "supported" (indirectly) to
          the extent that xearth can generate PPM and GIF files that
          can be fed directly into your favorite image viewer (e.g.,
          xv, xloadimage).

          This man page documents xearth version 0.92. There are a
          number of improvements that I'd love to make, but I really
          should be working on my thesis instead of hacking on this.

          The map information used in xearth was derived from the "CIA
          World Data Bank II map database," as taken from some "cbd"
          files that were apparently originally generated by Brian
          Reid at DECWRL.

          The Graphics Interchange Format(c) is the Copyright property
          of CompuServe Incorporated. GIF(sm) is a Service Mark
          property of CompuServe Incorporated.

          Thanks to Jamie Zawinski for suggesting that I look at his
          xscreensaver package for a good example of how to use the
          resource and command line option parts of Xt; his code saved
          me piles of lossage.

          Kudos to Jef Poskanzer for his excellent PBMPLUS toolkit.

          Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1993, 1994 by Kirk Lauritz Johnson

          Portions of the xearth source code, as marked, are:

           Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991 by Jim Frost
           Copyright (C) 1992 by Jamie Zawinski <jwz@lucid.com>

          Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this
          software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby
          granted without fee, provided that the above copyright
          notice(s) appear in all copies and that both that copyright
          notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
          documentation. The author makes no representations about the
          suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided
          "as is" without express or implied warranty.


           Kirk Johnson <tuna@cag.lcs.mit.edu>
           MIT Laboratory for Computer Science

          Patches, bug reports, and suggestions are welcome, but I
          can't guarantee that I'll get around to doing anything about
          them in a timely fashion.