
          xscreensaver - graphics hack and screen locker, launched
          when the user is idle

          xscreensaver [-display host:display.screen] [-timeout int]
          [-cycle int] [-nice int] [-verbose] [-silent] [-xidle]
          [-no-xidle] [-lock] [-no-lock] [-lock-timeout int] [-demo]
          [-visual visual] [-install] [-no-install] [-xrm resources]

          The xscreensaver program waits until the keyboard and mouse
          have been idle for a period, and then runs a graphics demo
          chosen at random.  It turns off as soon as there is any
          mouse or keyboard activity.

          This program can lock your terminal in order to prevent
          others from using it, though its default mode of operation
          is merely to display pretty pictures on your screen when it
          is not in use.

          The benefit that this program has over the combination of
          the xlock(1) and xautolock(1) programs is the ease with
          which new graphics hacks can be installed.  You don't need
          to recompile (or even re-run) this program to add a new
          display mode.

          xscreensaver accepts the following options:

          -timeout minutes
                  The screensaver will activate after the keyboard and
                  mouse have been idle for this many minutes.

          -cycle minutes
                  After the screensaver has been running for this many
                  minutes, the currently running sub-process will be
                  killed (with SIGTERM), and a new one started.  If
                  this is 0, then the sub-process will not be killed;
                  only one demo will run until the screensaver is
                  deactivated by user activity.

          -nice integer
                  The sub-processes created by xscreensaver will be
                  ``niced'' to this level, so that they do not consume
                  cycles that are needed elsewhere.

                  Print diagnostics.


                  Use the XIDLE server extension to decide whether the
                  user is idle.  This is the default if xscreensaver
                  has been compiled with support for this extension.
                  On X11R4 or X11R5 systems, the XIdle method is
                  faster and more reliable than what will be done
                  otherwise, so use it if you can.

                  Don't use the XIDLE server extension.

                  Use the MIT-SCREEN-SAVER server extension to decide
                  whether the user is idle.  This is the default if
                  xscreensaver has been compiled with support for this
                  extension.  On X11R6 systems, the  MIT-SCREEN-SAVER
                  method is faster and more reliable than what will be
                  done otherwise, so use it if you can.

                  Don't use the MIT-SCREEN-SAVER server extension.

          -lock   Enable locking: before the screensaver will turn
                  off, it requires you to type the password of the
                  person who launched the screensaver, or the root
                  password.  (Note: this doesn't work if the
                  screensaver is launched by xdm(1) because it can't
                  know the user-id of the logged-in user.)

                  Disable locking.  This is the default.

          -lock-timeout minutes
                  This is how long after the screensaver activates
                  that locking is enabled.  For example, if this is 5,
                  then any user activity within five minutes of the
                  time when the screensaver activated will cause the
                  screen to unblank without requiring a password.
                  After 5 minutes, a password will be required.  The
                  default is 0, meaning that if locking is enabled,
                  then a password will be required as soon as the
                  screensaver activates.

          -visual visual
                  Specify which visual to use.  Legal values are:

                  best    Use the visual which supports the most
                          writable color cells; this is the default.

                  default Use the screen's default visual (the visual
                          of the root window.)  This is not
                          necessarily the most colorful visual, which
                          is why it is not the default.

                  class   One of StaticGray, StaticColor, TrueColor,
                          GrayScale, PseudoColor, or DirectColor.
                          Selects the deepest visual of the given

                  number  A number (decimal or hex) is interpreted as
                          a visual id number, as reported by the
                          xdpyinfo(1) program; in this way you can
                          select a shallower visual if desired.

                  Use the default colormap.  This is the default.

                  Install a private colormap while the screensaver is
                  on, so that the graphics hacks can get as many
                  colors as possible.

          -demo   Enter the interactive demo mode immediately after
                  startup.  Normally demo mode is invoked via the
                  xscreensaver-command(1) program.

          xscreensaver understands the following resources:

          timeout (class Time)
                  Same as the -timeout command-line option.  Default
                  10 minutes.

          cycle (class Time)
                  Same as the -cycle command-line option.  Default 10

          nice (class Nice)
                  Same as the -nice command-line option.  Default 10.

          verbose (class Boolean)
                  Same as the -verbose command-line option.

          xidle (class Boolean)
                  Same as the -xidle command-line option.

          lock (class Boolean)
                  Same as the -lock command-line option.

          lockTimeout (class Time)
                  Same as the -lock-timeout command-line option.

          fade (class Boolean)
                  If this is true, then when the screensaver
                  activates, the current contents of the screen will
                  fade to black instead of simply winking out.  This
                  only works on displays with writable colormaps.
                  Default true.  A fade will also be done when
                  switching graphics hacks (when the cycle timer

          unfade (class Boolean)
                  If this is true, then when the screensaver
                  deactivates, the original contents of the screen
                  will fade in from black instead of appearing
                  immediately.  This only works on displays with
                  writable colormaps, and if fade is true as well.
                  Default false.

          fadeSeconds (class Time)
                  If fade is true, this is how long the fade will be
                  in seconds (default 1.)

          fadeTicks (class Integer)
                  If fade is true, this is how many times a second the
                  colormap will be changed to effect a fade.  Higher
                  numbers yield smoother fades, but may make the fades
                  take longer if your server isn't fast enough to keep
                  up.  Default 75.

          installColormap (class Boolean)
                  Same as the -install command-line option.  Default

          passwdTimeout (class Time)
                  If lock is true, this is how many seconds the
                  password dialog box should be left on the screen
                  before giving up (default 30.)  This should not be
                  too large: the X server is grabbed for the duration
                  that the password dialog box is up (for security
                  purposes) and leaving the server grabbed for too
                  long can cause problems.

          visualID (class VisualID)
                  Same as the -visual command-line option.  Default

          captureStderr (class Boolean)
                  Whether xscreensaver should redirect its standard-
                  error stream to the window itself.  Since its nature
                  is to take over the screen, you would not normally
                  see error messages generated by the screensaver or
                  the programs it runs; this resource will cause the
                  output of all relevant programs to be drawn on the
                  screensaver window itself instead of written to the
                  controlling terminal of the screensaver driver
                  process.  Default: True.

          captureStdout (class Boolean)
                  Like captureStderr but for the standard-output
                  stream.  Default: True.

          font (class Font)
                  The font used for the stdout/stderr text, if
                  captureStdout or captureStderr are true.  Default
                  *-medium-r-*-140-*-m-* (a 14 point fixed-width

          textForeground (class Foreground)
                  The foreground color used for the stdout/stderr
                  text, if captureStdout or captureStderr are true.
                  Default: Yellow.

          textBackground (class Background)
                  The background color used for the stdout/stderr
                  text, if captureStdout or captureStderr are true.
                  Default: Black.

          programs (class Programs)
                  The graphics hacks which xscreensaver runs when the
                  user is idle.  The value of this resource is a
                  string, one sh command per line.  Each line must
                  contain exactly one command -- no semicolons.

                  When the screensaver starts up, one of these is
                  selected at random, and run.  After the cycle period
                  expires, it is killed, and another is selected and

                  If the value of this resource (and the applicable
                  one of colorPrograms or monoPrograms) is empty, then
                  no programs will be run; the screen will simply be
                  made black.

                  Note that you must escape the newlines; here is an
                  example of how you might set this in your .Xdefaults

                       xscreensaver.programs:  \
                               qix -root                        \n\
                               ico -r -faces -sleep 1 -obj ico  \n\
                               xdaliclock -builtin2 -root       \n\
                               xwave -root

                  To use a program as a screensaver, two things are
                  required: that that program draw on the root window
                  (or be able to be configured to draw on the root
                  window); and that that program understand ``virtual
                  root'' windows, as used by virtual window managers
                  such as tvtwm.

                  It is quite easy to make programs understand virtual
                  roots if they don't already: you merely need to
                  include the file "vroot.h" in them after the
                  standard X includes, and recompile.  This file is
                  distributed with X11r5, and is included with
                  xscreensaver as well.

          monoPrograms (class MonoPrograms)
                  This resource is appended to the value of the
                  programs resource if the display on which the
                  screensaver is running is monochrome.

          colorPrograms (class ColorPrograms)
                  This resource is appended to the value of the
                  programs resource if the display on which the
                  screensaver is running is not monochrome.

              NOTE: this means that if you want to completely replace
              the list of programs which xscreensaver runs, you must
              set at least two, possibly three resources.  It is not
              enough to just set the programs resource -- you must
              also set colorPrograms or monoPrograms or both.

          Normally you won't need to change the following resources:

          bourneShell (class BourneShell)
                  The pathname of the shell that xscreensaver uses to
                  start subprocesses.  This must be whatever your
                  local variant of /bin/sh is -- in particular, it
                  must not be csh.

          windowCreationTimeout (class Time)
                  When XIdle is not in use, this controls the delay
                  between when windows are created and when
                  xscreensaver selects events on them.  Default 30

          pointerPollTime (class Time)
                  When XIdle is not in use, this controls how
                  frequently xscreensaver checks to see if the mouse
                  position or buttons have changed.  Default 5

          initialDelay (class Time)
                  When XIdle is not in use, xscreensaver will wait
                  this many seconds before selecting events on
                  existing windows, under the assumption that
                  xscreensaver is started during your login procedure,
                  and the window state may be in flux.  Default 30

          When it is time to activate the screensaver, a full-screen
          black window is created.  This window is given the
          appropriate properties so that, to any subsequently-created
          programs, it will appear to be a ``virtual root'' window.
          Because of this, any program which draws on the root window
          (and which understands virtual roots) can be used as a

          When the user becomes active again, the screensaver window
          is unmapped and the running subprocess is killed by sending
          it SIGTERM.  This is also how the subprocesses are killed
          when the screensaver decides that it's time to run a
          different demo: the old one is killed and a new one is

          Before launching a subprocess, xscreensaver stores an
          appropriate value for $DISPLAY in the environment that the
          child will recieve.  (This is so that if you start
          xscreensaver with a -display argument, the programs which
          xscreensaver launches will draw on the same display.)

          When the screensaver turns off, or is killed, care is taken
          to restore the ``real'' virtual root window if there is one.
          Because of this, it is important that you not kill the
          screensaver process with kill -9 if you are running a
          virtual-root window manager.  If you kill it with -9, you
          may need to restart your window manager to repair the
          damage.  This isn't an issue if you aren't running a
          virtual-root window manager.

          For all the gory details, see the commentary at the top of

          You can control a running screensaver process by using the
          xscreensaver-command(1) program (which see.)

          DISPLAY to get the default host and display number.

                  to get the name of a resource file that overrides
                  the global resources stored in the RESOURCE_MANAGER

     USING XDM(1)
          You can run xscreensaver from your xdm session, so that the
          screensaver will run even when nobody is logged in on the
          console. Simply add "xscreensaver &" to your
          /usr/lib/X11/xdm/Xsetup file.  Because xdm grabs the
          keyboard, keypresses will not make the screensaver
          deactivate, but any mouse activity will.

          Users may want to add "xscreensaver-command -restart" to
          their startup scripts, so that the screensaver will be
          reinitialized with their private resource settings when they
          log in.

          It is safe to run this program as root (as xdm is likely to
          do.)  If run as root, xscreensaver changes its effective
          user and group ids to something safe (like "nobody") before
          connecting to the X server or launching user-specified

          Locking doesn't work if the screensaver is launched by xdm.
          To get around this, you can run the screensaver from xdm
          without locking, and kill and restart it from your personal
          X startup script to enable locking.

          If xscreensaver receives the DEMO ClientMessage, it pops up
          a dialog box from which you can examine and experiment with
          the screensaver's client programs.

          Clicking left on an element in the scrolling list will place
          the indicated program and its args in the text field to be
          edited.  Edit the arguments and hit return to run the
          program with the parameters you have specified.

          Double-clicking on an element in the scrolling list will run
          the indicated program immediately.

          When a client program is launched, the dialog box is hidden.
          Clicking any mouse button will re-expose the dialog box (but
          will not kill the client program.)

          Run Next
                  Clicking this button will run the next program in
                  the list after the currently-selected one, and will
                  scroll around to the top when it reaches the bottom.

          Run Previous
                  Opposite of Run Next; at the top, it scrolls around
                  to the bottom.

          Edit Parameters
                  This pops up a second dialog box, in which you have
                  the option to interactively change most of the
                  screensaver's operational parameters, such as its
                  timeouts, and whether it should hack colormaps.
                  Changing these parameters here will affect only the
                  running xscreensaver process; to make the changes
                  permanent, you need to edit your X resource file.

          Exit Demo Mode
                  Returns to normal screensaver operation.

                  Causes the screensaver process to exit and then
                  restart with the same command-line arguments.  This
                  causes the X resource database to be re-read.  This
                  is just like the -restart argument to
                  xscreensaver-command(1) except that when executed
                  from this button, the screensaver will automatically
                  return to demo mode after restarting.

          X(1), xscreensaver-command(1), xlock(1), xnlock(1),
          xautolock(1), xdm(1), qix(1), pyro(1), helix(1),
          rorschach(1), hopalong(1), attraction(1), greynetic(1),
          rocks(1), noseguy(1), blitspin(1), imsmap(1),
          slidescreen(1), decayscreen(1), hypercube(1), flame(1),
          maze(1), ico(1), xdaliclock(1), xbouncebits(1), xswarm(1),
          xwave(1), xfishtank(1)

          If you think you have changed the programs resource but the
          screensaver is ignoring it, you are confused -- you need to
          set the colorPrograms and/or monoPrograms resources as well.
          (This is not a bug, but I mention it here because people
          think that it is with great regularity.)

          If you are not making use of one of the server extensions
          (XIDLE or MIT-SCREEN-SAVER), then it is possible, in rare
          situations, for xscreensaver to interfere with event
          propagation and make another X program malfunction.  For
          this to occur, that other application would need to not
          select KeyPress events on its non-leaf windows within the
          first 30 seconds of their existence, but then select for
          them later.  In this case, that client might fail to receive
          those events.  This isn't very likely, since programs
          generally select a constant set of events immediately after
          creating their windows and then don't change them, but this
          is the reason that it's a good idea to install and use one
          of the server extensions instead, to work around this
          shortcoming in the X protocol.

          Although this program ``nices'' the subprocesses that it
          starts, graphics-intensive subprograms can still overload
          the machine by causing the X server process itself (which is
          not ``niced'') to suck a lot of cycles.  Care should be
          taken to slow down programs intended for use as screensavers
          by inserting strategic calls to sleep(3) or usleep(3)

          Also, it will cause your X server to be pretty much
          permanently swapped in.  (but the same is true of any
          program that draws periodically, like xclock or xload.)

          If the subprocess is drawing too quickly and the connection
          to the X server is a slow one (such as an X terminal running
          over a phone line) then the screensaver might not turn off
          right away when the user becomes active again (the ico(1)
          demo has this problem if being run in full-speed mode).
          This can be alleviated by inserting strategic calls to
          XSync(3) in code intended for use as a screensaver.  This
          prevents too much graphics activity from being buffered up.

          The screensaver only runs on the default screen of the
          display.  If you have more than one screen, you can run
          multiple screensaver processes, one for each screen.  This
          interacts poorly with locking.  In an ideal world, the
          screensaver would save (and lock) both screens
          simultaniously, and any activity would restore both screens.
          It would be nice if one could run different hacks on each
          screen simultaniously.  However, I don't have access to a
          multi-headed workstation, so it would be hard for me to
          implement something like this.

          If you don't have Motif, you can't compile with support for
          locking or demo mode.

          Locking doesn't work if the screensaver is launched by xdm.
          The reason for this is that when it is launched by xdm, the
          screensaver process is owned by some standard user id (such
          as root or daemon) instead of the user who is logged in on
          the console.  In order for the screensaver to prompt for the
          password of the person who had logged in from xdm, it would
          need to know who that user was, and there is no reliable and
          safe way to figure that out.  (And even if there was, there
          would be some other security issues here as well.)

          So if you want to use it as a locker, you must start it with
          your user id.  If it has already been started by xdm, you
          can kill it with xscreensaver-command -exit, and then start
          it again as you.

          If you get an error message like ``couldn't get password of
          foo'' then this probably means that you're on a system in
          which the getpwent(3) library routine can only be
          effectively used by root.  If this is the case, then
          xscreensaver must be installed as setuid to root.  Care has
          been taken to make this a safe thing to do.

          The installColormap option doesn't work very well with the
          twm(1) window manager and its descendants.  There is a race
          condition between the screensaver and this window manager,
          which can result in the screensaver's colormap not getting
          installed properly, meaning the graphics hacks will appear
          in essentially random colors.  The mwm(1) and olwm(1) window
          managers don't seem to have this problem.  The race
          condition exists because X apparently does not provide a way
          for an OverrideRedirect window to have its own colormap,
          short of grabbing the server (which is neither a good idea,
          nor really possible with the current design.)  What happens
          is that, as soon as the screensaver installs its colormap,
          twm responds to the ColormapNotify event that is generated
          by re-instaling the default colormap.  Apparently, twm
          doesn't always do this; it seems to do it regularly if the
          screensaver is activated from a menu item, but seems to not
          do it if the screensaver comes on of its own volition, or is
          activated from another console.  Any thoughts on this
          problem are welcome...

          Apparently there are some problems with ``XView'' programs
          getting confused and thinking that the screensaver window is
          the real root window even when the screensaver is not
          active: ClientMessages intended for the window manager are
          sent to the screensaver window instead.  This could be
          solved by making xscreensaver forward all unrecognised
          ClientMessages to the real root window, but there may be
          other problems as well.

          When using the MIT-SCREEN-SAVER extension in conjunction
          with the fade option, you may notice an unattractive flicker
          just before the fade begins.  This is because the server
          maps a black window just before it tells the xscreensaver
          process to activate.  The xscreensaver process immediately
          unmaps that window, but this results in a flicker.  I
          haven't figured out how to get around this yet.

          There need to be a lot more graphics hacks.  In particular,
          there should be a simulation of a Lavalite (tm).

          Copyright 8c9 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 by Jamie Zawinski.
          Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this
          software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby
          granted without fee, provided that the above copyright
          notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright
          notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
          documentation.  No representations are made about the
          suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is
          provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.

          Jamie Zawinski <jwz@mcom.com>, 13-aug-92.  Please let me
          know if you find any bugs or make any improvements.

          Thanks to David Wojtowicz for implementing lockTimeout.

          Thanks to Martin Kraemer for adding support for shadow
          passwords and locking-disabled diagnostics.