The Dividends Menu

The dividends menu allows you to display the dividends that apply to the current portfolio and add new dividend payments to that portfolio:

The dividends menu is just one set of menu options on the entire XSM menu bar. The overview provides a complete top level list of all menus.

Displaying Current Dividends

The dividends display shows the dividends that have been received for the securities in the current portfolio. By default, this will show the dividends regardless of the date they were received, but a particular date range can be specified by the 'Dates' option on the 'Project' menu.

You may chose which types of dividend will be shown (default is all) by using the 'Dividend Type' menu. The 'Security Type' menu specifies the type of the security that will be considered for display.

Receiving A Dividend Payment

This menu option is used when a new dividend payment is received. It allows you to specify that for one of the securities in the portfolio, a cash dividend payment was received. The information is entered in the dialog that is illustrated below.

Receiving A Stock Dividend

This menu option is used when a dividend payment is received in the form of more securities rather than a cash payment. The information is entered in the dialog that is illustrated below.