Obtaining Hardcopy

Most windows that display output from XSM allow you to obtain hardcopy. You should look for the 'Print' option that appears on most 'Project' menus.

Selecting your printer

XSM supports postscript and PCL based output. If your printer is unable to understand neither of these two popular printer languages then you will need to write a printer driver for XSM. Whenever you ask for hardcopy, the printer dialog illustrated below will be displayed. You should ensure that the paper size (shown in the units specified by the current preferences) is correctly set and that margins are appropriate. You may choose a printer from any of those displayed in the list with the selected printer being displayed below the list.

Output can be directed to one of three output devices. The 'To lpt:' option will ensure the output is sent directly to the printer. 'To File' allows you to write the output to a file, for printing at a later date. To set the name of the file, you will need to click on 'PRINTER SETUP'. The 'Preview' option gives an impression, on the display, of how the output will appear when it is printed.

When you select 'OK' the hardcopy will be made (or preview displayed) as well as the current printer settings being stored ready for next time you wish to print something. If you need to return to the standard output settings, simple click on 'SET DEFAULTS'.

Because printer devices vary, each output driver also has a 'private' setup dialog. This is displayed when you click on 'PRINTER SETUP". A typical dialog is shown below. Use this dialog to set the options that your printer spooler requires and the name of the output file, when you ask for output to be directed to a file.