
          xtetris - X Window block dropping game

          xtetris [ X options ]

          Xtetris is a game involving dropping blocks. As they drop
          you can move them to the left or to the right by clicking
          the left or right mouse buttons respectively. Pressing the
          shift key while clicking the button causes the falling shape
          to rotate anti-clockwise (left mouse button) or clockwise
          (right mouse button). Pressing the middle mouse button
          causes the shape to quickly drop. Note that the mouse must
          be in the window in which the shapes are dropping for these
          actions to work correctly.

          You can also use the keyboard: h for moving to the left, l
          for moving to the right, j to rotate clockwise, k to rotate
          counter-clockwise and space for dropping quickly..

          You can also use the direction pad, if your keyboard has
          one: (Left) to move left, (Down) to rotate clockwise, (Up)
          to rotate counter clockwise, and (Right) to move right.

          Points are scored for each block that comes to rest on the
          gradually building up pile of blocks. Different blocks in
          different orientations have different point values. When the
          pile reaches the top of the screen and no further blocks can
          be dropped the game ends. When a row of blocks across the
          screen is completely filled, that row is removed and all the
          blocks above it drop down.  As more rows are deleted the
          blocks drop faster.

          A high score table is kept which is retained between
          separate executions of the game.  You can avoid recording
          your score, by using the -noscore option.

          Xtetris requires the installation of an application defaults
          file, probably in the file /usr/lib/X11/app-
          defaults/Xtetris. If that file does not exist, xtetris
          cannot run.  (It will probably print out something like
          "Width zero.  Terminating.")  Almost everything about
          xtetris can be configured in your .X11defaults file.  You
          can use the application defaults file as a guide.

          Xtetris takes standard X options (see X(1)). It adds the

          -boxsize boxsize
                  Specifies the width of the square blocks that
                  compose the falling objects.  The overall size of
                  the game board adjusts to boxsize.

                  Runs xtetris without recording your score, or
                  showing you the score file when you have finished
                  the game.

          -score  Runs xtetris using the scorefile, if it exists.

          -speed speed
                  Sets the game's speed.  By default speed is 10.  20
                  causes the game to be 2 times faster, 5 makes it 2
                  times slower.  "-speed 50" makes for an extremely
                  fast game, however you will need a fast processor to
                  support it.  Keep in mind that as you knock out
                  rows, the game's speed increases.  If you set your
                  speed below the standard of 10, your score will not
                  be recorded in the score file.


          -bw     Determines whether to use the color or black-and-
                  white application-defaults file.  This sets the new
                  X11R5 "customization" resource to ".c" or ".bw",
                  depending on your choice.




               Top 10 high scores.

               If set, your desired name for the high score table.

          A bug in X11R5 makes the /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Xtetris
          necessary: the pop-up score-box and about-box do not get a
          propagated "customization" resource.

          Copyright 1991, Daniel R. Greening, Didier Tallot, Phill
          Everson, and Martyn Shortley.

          Dan Greening, Didier Tallot, Phill Everson, Martyn Shortley,
          and Adam Marguilies.