SCO Skunkware 96 Database Software Updates


This directory contains database related software i've recently
built for SCO OpenServer 5. The original source distributions
for these freeware products were obtained from :

See the individual *.readme's for copyright and license info
on each of the packages.

The original source distributions, as obtained from the sites
above, are packaged here as gzip'd tar files. The corresponding
built source hierarchies (built on and for SCO OpenServer 5)
are the similarly named gzip'd tar archives *-bin.tar.gz.

Currently the following is available :

DBD-mSQL-0.63-bin.tar.gz  -  Built source for the DBD::mSQL driver

DBD-mSQL-0.63.tar.gz      -  Original source for the DBD::mSQL driver

DBD-mSQL-0.63.readme      -  README for the DBD::mSQL driver distribution

DBI-0.79-bin.tar.gz -  Built source for DBI, The Perl5 Database Interface

DBI-0.79.tar.gz     -  Original source for DBI, The Perl5 Database Interface

DBI-0.79.readme     -  README for DBI, The Perl5 Database Interface

msql-2.0-B7.1-bin.tar.gz - Built source for Mini SQL 2.0 Beta 7.1

msql-2.0-B7.1.tar.gz - Original source for Mini SQL 2.0 Beta 7.1

msql-2.0-B7.1.readme - README for Mini SQL 2.0 Beta 7.1

After unpacking the built source archives :
	gzcat -bin.tar.gz | tar xf -
install each by logging in as root, cd'ing into the built source directory,
and typing "make install" (except in the case of Mini SQL where you should
cd into the directory msql-2.0-B7.1/targets/SCO_SV-3.2-i386)

This software is of alpha and beta quality. Further, it has not received
much testing. I have built and installed these, created a couple of test
databases, and passed all the included tests.

Ron Record