All assembler directives have names that begin with a period (`.'). The rest of the name is letters, usually in lower case.
This chapter discusses directives that are available regardless of the target machine configuration for the GNU assembler. Some machine configurations provide additional directives. See section Machine Dependent Features.
.align abs-expr
, abs-expr
.app-file string
.ascii "string
.asciz "string
.balign abs-expr
, abs-expr
.byte expressions
.comm symbol
, length
.data subsection
.def name
.desc symbol
, abs-expression
.double flonums
.equ symbol
, expression
.file string
.fill repeat
, size , value
.float flonums
.global symbol
, .globl symbol
.hword expressions
.if absolute expression
.include "file
.int expressions
.irp symbol
.irpc symbol
.lcomm symbol
, length
.line line-number
.ln line-number
.long expressions
.macro name
.octa bignums
.org new-lc
, fill
.p2align abs-expr
, abs-expr
.psize lines
, columns
.quad bignums
.rept count
.sbttl "subheading
.scl class
.section name
, subsection
.set symbol
, expression
.short expressions
.single flonums
.space size
, fill
.stabd, .stabn, .stabs
.string "str
.tag structname
.text subsection
.title "heading
.type int
.val addr
.word expressions