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What Makes a Valid Info File?

If you have not used `--no-pointer-validate' to suppress validation, Makeinfo will check the validity of the final info file. Mostly, this means ensuring that nodes you have referenced really exist. Here is a complete list of what is checked:

  1. If a node reference such as Prev, Next or Up is a reference to a node in this file (i.e., not an external reference such as `(DIR)'), then the referenced node must exist.
  2. In a given node, if the node referenced by the Prev is different than the node referenced by the Up, then the node referenced by the Prev must have a Next which references this node.
  3. Every node except Top must have an Up field.
  4. The node referenced by Up must contain a reference to this node, other than a Next reference. Obviously, this includes menu items and followed references.
  5. If the Next reference is not the same as the Next reference of the Up reference, then the node referenced by Next must have a Prev reference pointing back at this node. This rule still allows the last node in a section to point to the first node of the next chapter.

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