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Installation your Developer's Kit

We ship your Developer's Kit on a set of floppy disks. The INSTALL program is included on Disk 1.

The files are stored on the floppies using Microsoft's COMPRESS program. If you prefer, you can install files without using the INSTALL program by just copying them into the right place on your hard drive and running EXPAND on each file. Since the files are stored on the floppy using their full name (not those marked as compressed by using Microsoft's `.XX_' naming convention) you must use a temporary file.

Warning! If you have a program in your path called EXPAND and it's not the one provided by Microsoft, then you should either change your path to use only the Microsoft EXPAND program, or be certain that your EXPAND program can decompress files which have been compressed using Microsoft COMPRESS.

We show the system prompt as `C:\>' for the local hard disk drive, and `A:\>' for the local 3.5" floppy disk drive.

For these examples we assume that you install into a directory called `C:\CYGNUS' and that you use drive `A:' to read the installation floppies. Substitute other hard drives, installation directories, and floppy drives to match your environment.

The INSTALL program first prompts you for an installation directory:

At this prompt, enter the name of the directory where you want the tools to be installed and press ENTER. INSTALL prompts you (assuming that you accept `C:\CYGNUS'):

   The installation will write into C:\CYGNUS.
   Are you sure you want to continue [Y] or [N] 

If you type N, INSTALL asks for another path name. If you type Y, INSTALL begins the installation.

The program draws a status bar, which fills up as INSTALL works. When the box is full, the installation is complete. INSTALL shows the name of the file being processed at the bottom of the screen.

INSTALL prompts you for each disk in order.

To use another installation directory, specify the path to your desired directory wherever the examples show `C:\CYGNUS'

You must execute the batch file `SETENV.BAT' before running the Developer's Kit. You can set the environment automatically whenever you boot the machine by putting the following line in your `AUTOEXEC.BAT':


(If you install in a location other than `C:\CYGNUS', be sure to specify the correct directory.)

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