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Building and installing the HUT

If you wish to rebuild your Developer's Kit with the same precompiled pathnames as the default (under `/usr/cygnus'), simply follow the example in section Building with the defaults.

Otherwise, decide on an installation directory; for the purposes of these examples, we'll call it `instdir'. Run configure, specifying options so that the host-dependent files described by `--exec-prefix' reside in a level underneath the host-independent files designated by `--prefix', and so that both host-dependent and host-independent files are designated with the release number release.

This division allows the distribution to be both easily updated and easily accessed after installation (see section How the HUT works).

$ configure --prefix=instdir/release \

You can also build in an object directory, different from that which holds the sources, allowing more than one compiled tree to be available simultaneously.

$ mkdir objdir1   (this one is native)
$ cd objdir1
$ srcdir/configure --prefix=instdir/release \

S$ mkdir objdir2   (this one is for cross-development)
$ cd objdir2
$ srcdir/configure --prefix=instdir/release \
    --exec-prefix=instdir/release/H-hosttype \

Once the configuration is set, compilation is straightforward:

$ make all info >> make.log

Installation is straightforward as well (the example shows access to root; this is usually, though certainly not always, needed to install into publicly accessible places like `/usr'):

$ su
# make install install-info >> make.log

The final process is to set links in place, so the toolkit is easily accessible and updateable, and available in a heterogeneous environment. pub, shown below, indicates a top-level publicly accessible directory, such as `/usr'. rel is a truncated version of release, meant to be more general; if release is `progressive-94q4', rel might be `progressive'.

# ln -s instdir/release instdir/rel
# ln -s instdir/rel/H-hosttype pub/rel
# exit   (root access not needed beyond this)

Now, anyone who puts `pub/rel' in her or his path has full access to the installed tools. You can also build and install the tools for other host types; these other toolkits are available from the "same" location, `pub/rel', because pub is local to each machine. (For more discussion of these links, see section How the HUT works.)

For concrete examples of this process, see section Possible build variations.

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