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Problems fixed in this release

Here is a list of the problems we have fixed since the last Progressive release. We hope that you find it useful. (You can contact us at +1 415 903 1401 to inquire about the status of any problems.)

This information, as well as a list of all problems that have been reported to us that are still outstanding, is available in ASCII form from Cygnus Support. Contact us at support@cygnus.com or at the phone number above and ask for the ASCII list of known and/or fixed bugs for 95q4.

The following summaries of fixed bugs in the progressive-95q4 release are organized by the reporting category--that is, by the software component, such as gdb or g++.

Each bug summary begins with the Cygnus Support Problem Report number. We consider a problem report closed only when the customer who reported the bug agrees the problem is solved.

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