SCO Skunkware 96

An Update and Add-on for SCO Skunkware 5
(table version)

"The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. and SCO Skunkware are not related to, affiliated with or licensed by the famous Lockheed Martin Skunk Works (R), the creator of the F-117 Stealth Fighter, SR-71, U-2, Venturestar(tm), Darkstar(tm), and other pioneering air and spacecraft."

SCO Skunkware 97

Tcl/Tk | Tools | Network Security | X11 Clients | GNU Dev Sys | SCO UnixWare | TLS

Interesting and Useful Links

Getting Started
Release Notes
Info & Ordering

Note to SCO OpenServer 5 and SCO Internet FastStart users :

This download area contains SCO custom installable media images fo use on SCO OpenServer 5 and SCO Internet FastStart systems. These images are tar(C) archives. To install, first download the tar archive, extract in an empty directory, and use the SCO custom utility (/etc/custom) to install a New product from media images. When prompted for the location of the media images, enter the full pathname to the extraction directory.

The tar archives are located in the inst directory. To install all of the original SCO Skunkware 96 software components, download the tar archive inst/All.tar (34.5 Mb expanding to ~80 Mb when installed).

Several additions and updates have been added since the release of the SCO Skunkware 96 CD-ROM. The installable archives can be found in the Updates/inst directory. Built source archives for these updates can be found in the Updates/src directory.

We are interested in your general comments about this distribution and about development tools in general.
Please direct comments to:

Dion L. Johnson II - The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
SCO Product Manager - Development Systems and Advanced Hardware Strategy
400 Encinal St. Santa Cruz, CA 95061 FAX: 408-427-5417 Voice: 408-427-7565


Ronald Joe Record
Affiliation: SCO / VMI
Voice: (408) 427-7604 FAX: (408) 427-5417
USPS: c/o The Santa Cruz Operation, 400 Encinal St, Santa Cruz, CA 95061