Fvwm95 2.0.42a

The F(?) Virtual Window Manager with Windows 95 Look and Feel

Contributed by
Ronald Joe Record (rr@ronrecord.com)
Obtained from
Web - http://ltiwww.epfl.ch/~barth/fvwm95.html
Ftp: - ftp://mitac11.uia.ac.be/pub/
Hectar Peraza, David Barth, Rob Nation and others


Fvwm95 is a window manager for X11. It is a derivative of fvwm, which, in turn, is derivated from twm. For a more detailed description, see the fvwm95 man page.
Very Useful
Examined code + Used and configured it
Work Planned
Further configuration
Man Pages - available with this package
For an introduction, see the fvwm man page.
Other Info

Build Notes

This source is built and configured to be installed under /usr

To build it for a different location, compile with make prefix=directory or reconfigure with ./configure --prefix=directory.

Installation Notes

Use the SCO custom utility with the media images in [mount-point]/inst/fvwm95 to install from the SCO Skunkware 96 CD-ROM.

After installing, to configure your own personal fvwm95, copy the file /usr/lib/X11/fvwm95-2/.fvwm2rc95 to your home directory and modify.

I have modified this system-wide .fvwm2rc95 configuration file for use on the SCO OpenServer 5 platform with SCO Skunkware 5 and Skunkware 96 applications & games. It really is a toot. You should try it.

To set up your individual X session to use fvwm95, create a file $HOME/.startxrc with contents something like :

MACH=`uname -n`
/usr/bin/X11/scoterm -ls -n $MACH -title $USER@$MACH \
	-fn 10x20 -cr magenta -sb -bd green -bg blue -fg cyan \
	-geometry 80x25+20+20 2> /dev/null &
if [ -x /usr/bin/fvwm ]
   fvwm 2> /dev/null
   pmwm 2> /dev/null
To configure your system so that all users default to fvwm95, edit the file /usr/lib/X11/sys.startxrc replacing pmwm with fvwm95-2.

Then, from a shell prompt, run the command startx or login via scologin.

See also :
The original README and INSTALL files or the HTML-ized fvwm man page.

SkunkWare 96