
xv is an interactive image manipulation program for the X Window System. It can operate on images in the GIF, JPEG, TIFF, PBM, PGM, PPM, XPM, X11 bitmap, Sun Rasterfile, Targa, RLE, RGB, BMP, PCX, FITS, and PM formats on all known types of X displays. It can generate PostScript files, and if you have ghostscript (version 2.6 or above) installed on your machine, it can also display them.

xv lets you do a large number of things (many of them actually useful), including, but not limited to, the following:

Oddly enough, I'm still having a horrible time tracking down some minor bug in the Automatic Checkbook Balancing Module , and once again it fails to make it into the official xv distribution.

The ghostscript distribution is available via anonymous ftp from prep.ai.mit.edu

This document was extracted from the PostScript documentation and formatted by Roy Johnson. Much of the process was automated, and may therefore have introduced errors. Corrections are appreciated.