
Welcome to the SCO Skunkware emulators.

Package List

Name Description Version OSR5 UnixWare
rxvt VT102 terminal emulator 2.20 Yes Yes

VT102 terminal emulator (package name rxvt)

rxvt - version 2.4.5 - is a color vt102 terminal emulator intended as an xterm(1) replacement for users who do not require features such as Tektronix 4014 emulation and toolkit-style configurability. As a result, rxvt uses much less swap space - a significant advantage on a machine serving many X sessions.

In order to update the utmp entry, the rxvt binary needs to have write permission on /etc/utmp. In order to accomplish this, it can be installed "setuid root". On some platforms, it is sufficient to install it "setgid adm".

UnixWare Distribution http://skunkware.dev/skunkware/uw7/emulators/

OpenServer Distribution http://skunkware.dev/skunkware/osr5/emulators/rxvt/

Original source code ftp://ftp.nuclecu.unam.mx/linux/local/rxvt/


Last Updated: Friday Jan 15, 1999 at 09:46:23 PST

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