Network / Internet

Welcome to the Skunkware Network / Internet section. Here you will find HTTP and FTP servers, WWW browsers, IRC & Archie clients and other tools used for networking and internetworking.

Additional network/internet tools for SCO platforms are available via the Skunkware web/ftp site at

Package List

Name Description Version OSR5 UnixWare
apache Apache HTTP server 1.3.0 Yes Yes
cgiwrap CGIwrap gateway program 3.6.2 Yes Yes
Count WWW access counter 2.4 Yes Yes
ipalias IP Address Alias Manager 1.0 No Yes
php PHP/FI 3.0RC3 Yes Yes
freeWAIS Wide area information server 2.2.10 Yes Yes
httpanaly log analyzer for web servers 2.01 Yes Yes
irc Internet Relay Chat server and client 2.9.5 Yes Yes
ldap Lightweight Directory Access Protocol 3.3 Yes Yes
lynx Character based web browser 2.8rel2 Yes Yes
metahtml Web Authoring Language 5.05 Yes Yes
msql mSQL Relational Database Management System 2.0.3 Yes Yes
mysql SQL Relational Database Management System 3.21.26 Yes Yes
ncftp NcFTP - Internet file transfer program 2.4.3 Yes Yes
tftpd DARPA Trivial File Transfer Protocol server 1.0 Yes Yes
omniORB omniORB Object Request Broker 2.5.0 Yes No
squid Proxy HTTP server 1.1.22 Yes Yes
wget Retrieve files from the World Wide Web 1.5.2 Yes Yes
xdir graphical network-oriented file manager 2.0 Yes Yes
xt communications program using telnet 1.2 No Yes
ytalk A multi-user chat program 3.0.3 Yes No
zircon Tcl/Tk IRC client 1.18.113 Yes Yes

Apache HTTP server (package name apache)

Apache was originally based on code and ideas found in the most popular HTTP server of the time.. NCSA httpd 1.3 (early 1995). It has since evolved into a far superior system which can rival (and probably surpass) almost any other UNIX based HTTP server in terms of functionality, efficiency and speed.

Since it began, it has been completely rewritten, and includes many new features. Apache is, as of January 1997, the most popular WWW server on the Internet, according to the Netcraft Survey.

The Apache Project is a collaborative software development effort aimed at creating a robust, commercial-grade, featureful, and freely-available source code implementation of an HTTP (Web) server. The project is jointly managed by a group of volunteers located around the world, using the Internet and the Web to communicate, plan, and develop the server and its related documentation. These volunteers are known as the Apache Group. In addition, hundreds of users have contributed ideas, code, and documentation to the project. This file is intended to briefly describe the history of the Apache Group and recognize the many contributors.

UnixWare Distribution

OpenServer Distribution

Original source code

Package Home page


A gateway that allows more secure user access to CGI (package name cgiwrap)

CGIWrap is a gateway program that allows general users to use CGI scripts and HTML forms without compromising the security of the http server. Scripts are run with the permissions of the user who owns the script. In addition, several security checks are performed on the script, which will not be executed if any checks fail.

CGIWrap is used via a URL in an HTML document. As distributed, cgiwrap is configured to run user scripts which are located in the ~/public_html/cgi-bin/ directory.

UnixWare Distribution

OpenServer Distribution

Original source code

Package Home page


WWW access counter (package name Count)

This is a CGI program to keep record of the raw hits of a web page. It generates a GIF image of the number of hits and returns to the browser as an in-lined image. The program also has a run-time option not to show the digit images, this way the hits can be kept without displaying it. The hits can be be monitored without incrementing from a separate page as well. Almost all of the features are run-time options.

The same program can be used to count hits for any number of web pages for any number of users. The program can be used to display time or date as well. The time or date of any place in the word can be displayed by specifying a timezone string for that location. The date can be formatted in any combination of MMDDYY (Month-Day-Year)

UnixWare Distribution

OpenServer Distribution

Original source code

Package Home page


IP Address Alias Manager (package name ipalias)

The "IP Address Alias Manager" administers network addresses for configured IP interfaces - enabling the virtual domains services in both FTP server and mail delivery.

Currently UnixWare 7 does not have a manager to do this and the administrator has to set up the aliases by hand.

Included in the image is a set of HTML pages that are added to SCOhelp at install time. The doc is under Networking -> Administering TCP/IP and Internet services -> Configuring IP Address Aliases.

The package is fully removable and can be installed with the command:

    # pkgadd -d <mount-point> ipalias

UnixWare Distribution


PHP/FI (package name php)

The following is taken verbatim from the PHP/FI documentation.

PHP began life as a simple little cgi wrapper written in Perl. I wrote it in an afternoon during a period between contracts when I needed a quick tool to get an idea of who was reading my online resume. It was never intended to go beyond my own private use. The web server where I had my resume was extremely overloaded and had constant problems forking processes. I rewrote the Perl wrapper in C to get rid of the considerable overhead of having to fork Perl each time my resume was accessed.

Eventually other people on the same web server came across my wrapper and asked if they could use it. Then, as inevitably happens, they started asking for more features. I added more features and finally put together a semi-complete distribution along with documentation, a mailing-list and a FAQ. The name of this first package was Personal Home Page Tools, which later became Personal Home Page Construction Kit.

At the same time I started playing with databases and wrote a tool to easily embed SQL queries into web pages. It was basically another CGI wrapper that parsed SQL queries and made it easy to create forms and tables based on these queries. This tool was named FI (Form Interpreter).

PHP/FI version 2.0 is a complete rewrite of these two packages combined into a single program. It has now evolved to the point where it is a simple programming language embedded inside HTML files. The original acronym, PHP, has stuck. It isn't really appropriate any longer. PHP/FI is used more for entire web sites today than for small Personal Home Page setups. By whatever name, it eliminates the need for numerous small Perl cgi programs by allowing you to place simple scripts directly in your HTML files. This speeds up the overall performance of your web pages since the overhead of forking Perl several times has been eliminated. It also makes it easier to manage large web sites by placing all components of a web page in a single html file. By including support for various databases, it also makes it trivial to develop database enabled web pages. Many people find the embedded nature much easier to deal with than trying to create separate HTML and CGI files.

OpenServer Distribution osr5/net/php/

Original source code

Package Home page


Wide Area Information Server (package name freeWAIS)

The freeWAIS-sf distribution contains clients, servers, and auxiliary programs for the TCP/IP protocol known as WAIS. The distribution is focussed on the WAIS server waisserver and the indexer waisindex. Clients are distributed only for convenience. You can use any WAIS client to query the freeWAIS-sf server.

A WAIS System consists of clients talking to a server via an TCP/IP network using the WAIS protocol. Servers answer search requesta using auxiliary data structures called the index. These are created for the original documents by the waisindex program. Retrieve-requests are answered by the server fetching (parts of) the original files. As set of documents together with their associate index is called a WAIS database.

UnixWare Distribution

OpenServer Distribution

Original source code

Package Home page


HTTP Statics Analysis (package name httpanaly)

http-analyze analyzes the logfile of a web server and creates a summary of the server's access load and the efficiency of caching mechanisms in tabular, graphical, and three-dimensional form. http-analyze recognizes logfiles in Common and Extended Logfile Format and has been highly optimized for processing huge logfiles in short update-intervals. And the best of all: http-analyze comes in source code and is absolutely free for individual and non-profit organization

UnixWare Distribution

Original source code

Package Home page


Internet Relay Chat (package name irc)

Irc is a user interface to the Internet Relay Chat, a CB-like interactive discussion environment. It is structured into channels, which are public discussion forums, and also allows for private intercommunication. Each participant has a nickname, which is the one specified in the command line or else his login name.

Once invoked, irc connects as a client to the specified server, server or to the default one (see below). The screen splits into a dialogue window (the major part of the screen) and a command line, from which messages can be sent and commands given to control irc.

ircd is the server (daemon) program for the Internet Relay Chat Program. The ircd is a server in that its function is to "serve" the client program irc(1) with messages and commands. All commands and user messages are passed directly to the ircd for processing and relaying to other ircd sites. The irc(1) program depends upon there being an ircd server running somewhere (either on your local UNIX site or a remote ircd site) so that it will have somewhere to connect to and thus allow the user to begin talking to other users.

OpenServer Distribution

UnixWare Distribution

Original source code

Package Home page


LDAP - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (package name ldap)

The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a protocol for accessing online directory services. It runs directly over TCP, and can be used to access a standalone LDAP directory service or to access a directory service that is back-ended by X.500. For a good overview of LDAP-based directory service, read this document:

Introduction to the SLAPD and SLURPD Administrator's Guide

The most widely used implementation of LDAP was written at the University of Michigan, and development is currently being supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. NCR-9416667.

Porting notes for ldap-3.3 to SCO OpenServer 5.0.4

This is based on the ldap-3.3 source code from:

With patches from

The included patches are:


Which cover a wide range of problems.

Slurpd doesn't work because the current implementation is threaded, and OpenServer doesn't have threads. You might be able to get it working with the free Pthreads implementation.

The ldap backend is GNU dbm, so you will have to have that installed on your system.

It was necessary to remove a number of references to sys/file.h and sys/filio.h to compile all the programs.

In util.c (part of ud), there is a routine that checks the return value of free(S). This is a no-no. Changed so return of free is not checked.

This package passed all the make tests, except the one for slurpd.

Phil Hollenback

OpenServer Distribution

UnixWare Distribution

Original source code

Package Home page


Web Authoring Language (package name metahtml)

Web pages are authored using HTML and Meta-HTML statements freely intermixed. When a page is requested by a browser, the page is passed through the Meta-HTML interpreter, which dynamically processes any Meta-HTML statements to produce a final HTML page that is delivered to the browser.

The source distribution provides several different interpreter options:

SCO Skunkware 7 contains a pkgadd installable binary distribution as well as an archive of a built Meta-HTML source tree. This build contains full support for mSQL 2.0.3.

UnixWare Distribution

OpenServer Distribution

Original source code

Package Home page


mSQL Relational Database Management System (package name msql)

Mini SQL is a light weight relational database management system. One of the major applications of mSQL has been as a back-end database for World-Wide Web sites. Mini SQL 2.0 includes the new W3-mSQL WWW interface package.

Although the mSQL software distribution is made available over the Internet, it is not public domain software or FreeWare. Mini SQL is a commercial, supported software package developed by Hughes Technologies Pty Ltd in Australia. Use of this software in any commercial environment requires the purchase of a commercial use license from Hughes Technologies. Free licenses are provided to organizations such as Universities, schools and registered charities. For more information on purchasing a license or determining whether you qualify for a free license, see

OpenServer Distribution

Original source code

Package Home page


NcFTP - Internet file transfer program (package name ncftp)

NcFTP is a user interface to the Internet standard File Transfer Protocol. This program allows a user to transfer files to and from a remote network site, and offers additional features that are not found in the standard interface, ftp.

The program runs in one of three modes: visual mode, line mode, and colon mode.

UnixWare Distribution

OpenServer Distribution

Original source code

Package Home page


tftpd - DARPA Trivial File Transfer Protocol server (package name tftpd)

Tftpd is a server which supports the DARPA Trivial File Transfer Protocol. The TFTP server operates at the port indicated in the ``tftp'' service description; see services(5). The server is normally started by inetd(8).

The use of tftp does not require an account or password on the remote system. Due to the lack of authentication information, tftpd will allow only publicly readable files to be accessed. Files may be written only if they already exist and are publicly writable. Note that this extends the concept of ``public'' to include all users on all hosts that can be reached through the network; this may not be appropriate on all systems, and its implications should be considered before enabling tftp service. The server should have the user ID with the lowest possible privilege.

Access to files may be restricted by invoking tftpd with a list of directories by including pathnames as server pro- gram arguments in /etc/inetd.conf. In this case access is restricted to files whose names are prefixed by the one of the given directories.

UnixWare Distribution

OpenServer Distribution

Original source code


omniORB Object Request Broker (package name omniORB)

omniORB2 is an Object Request Broker (ORB) which implements specification 2.0 of the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA).

omniORB2 is not yet a complete implementation of the CORBA core. The following features are not supported in the current release. The following features are missing from omniORB2. We are not currently planning on adding support for these features.

OpenServer Distribution

Original source code

Package Home page


Squid Internet Object Cache (package name squid)

Squid offers high performance proxy caching for Web clients, It supports FTP, Gopher, and HTTP requests. The cache software, available only in source, is more than an order of magnitude faster than the CERN httpd and other popular Internet caches, because it never needs to fork (except for FTP), is implemented with non-blocking I/O, keeps meta data and hot objects in VM, caches DNS lookups. Squid caches can be arranged hierarchically for an improvement in response times and a reduction in bandwith usage. Squid runs on all popular Unix platforms.

OpenServer Distribution

UnixWare Distribution

Original source code

Package Home page


Retrieve files from the World Wide Web (package name wget)

Wget is a utility designed for retrieving binary documents across the Web, through the use of HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) and FTP (File Transfer Protocol), and saving them to disk. Wget is non-interactive, which means it can work in the background, while the user is not logged in, unlike most of web browsers (thus you may start the program and log off, letting it do its work). Analysing server responses, it distinguishes between correctly and incorrectly retrieved documents, and retries retrieving them as many times as necessary, or until a user-specified limit is reached. REST is used in FTP on hosts that support it. Proxy servers are supported to speed up the retrieval and lighten network load.

Wget supports a full-featured recursion mechanism, through which you can retrieve large parts of the web, creating local copies of remote directory hierarchies. Of course, maximum level of recursion and other parameters can be specified. Infinite recursion loops are always avoided by hashing the retrieved data. All of this works for both HTTP and FTP.

OpenServer Distribution

UnixWare Distribution

Original source code


xdir - an advanced graphical FTP client (package name xdir)

LLNL XDIR manages files in a heterogeneous network. It provides a graphical user interface for drag-and-drop file transfer and for direct manipulation of local and remote directories. LLNL XDIR has the ability to view information in four different formats, including hierarchical and iconic views. Based on UNIX, the C programming language, OSF/Motif, and the file transfer protocol FTP, LLNL XDIR is highly portable.

With LLNL XDIR, the user can manage all of his or her files in a network. Specifically, LLNL XDIR can be used to browse directory structures, transfer files, delete files and directories, rename files and directories, and search directories on one or more hosts for entries matching a specified pattern.

UnixWare Distribution

OpenServer Distribution

Original source code

Package Home page


Communications program using telnet (package name xt)

Xt connects to a remote host using the telnet protocol. It can manage an interactive session or be called from cron(C). It has various means for transferring files between computers, and can be partially or totally under the control of scripts.

UnixWare Distribution

Original source code


A multi-user chat program (package name ytalk)

YTalk is in essence a multi-user chat program. It works almost exactly like the UNIX talk program and even communicates with the same talk daemon(s), but YTalk allows for multiple connections.

The username field may be formatted in several different ways:

       name          - some user on your machine
       name@host     - some user on a different machine
       name#tty      - some user on a particular terminal
       name#tty@host - some user on a particular tty on a different machine
       name@host#tty - same as "name#tty@host"
You can specify multiple user names on the command line, ie:
       ytalk george

OpenServer Distribution osr5/shellutil/ytalk/

Original source code


zircon - an X11 Client for IRC (package name zircon)

Zircon is an X Window System interface to Internet Relay Chat. The software is written in tcl/tk and uses the native network communications of tcl. Zircon implements nearly everything that the irc II clients support as well as many other useful and interesting features

UnixWare Distribution

OpenServer Distribution

Original source code

Package Home page


Last Updated: Saturday Jan 02, 1999 at 19:38:10 PST

  © Copyright 1997 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. All rights reserved.