
Welcome to the Skunkware 7 X11 Applications section. The Skunkware team has collected a few graphical applications which some users may wish to run as additional productivity tools. Users wil almost certainly want to customize these applications.

Additional X11 applications for SCO platforms are available via the Skunkware web/ftp site at

Package List

Name Description Version OSR5 UnixWare
AnswerGar organizational memory program 1.0 No Yes
addressbo better graphical rolodex 0.6.2 No Yes
bb bb - aalib demo 1.2 Yes Yes
mathrec Mathematical Recreation Software 1.1 Yes Yes
stacey Stacey Campbell's Mandelbrot Program 1.1 No Yes
xacc X Accountant 1.0.17 Yes Yes
xaos XaoS - fractal zoomer/morpher 3.0 Yes Yes
xearth Planet earth root window 1.0 Yes Yes
xhtml HTML editor 1.3 Yes Yes
xinvest Personal finance package 2.4 Yes Yes
xquote Stock quote retrieval 1.0.2 Yes Yes
xlockmore X11 Screen Locker 4.03 Yes Yes
xautolock fire up programs in case of user inactivity under X pl10 No Yes
xmailbox X11 Mail Reminder 2.4 Yes Yes
astrolog X11 astrology chart 5.30 Yes Yes
rxvt VT102 terminal emulator 2.4.5Yes Yes
xdiary X11 graphical diary 1.0 No Yes
xgrabsc X11 screen grabber 2.3 No Yes
xpaint simple paint program 2.4.7 Yes Yes
xrolodex rolodex program 1.0 No Yes
xtide Tide and current predictions 2.0b2 Yes No
xwebster graphical webster client 1.0 No Yes
xfishtank X11 graphical fish tank 2.2 Yes Yes

Help/Consulting System (package name AnswerGar)

This is prototype software for a help/consulting system called Answer Garden. Below is a very short description:

Answer Garden allows groups to develop databases of commonly asked questions that grow "organically" as new questions arise and are answered. It is designed to help in situations (such as field service organizations and customer "hot lines") where there is a continuing stream of questions, many of which occur over and over, but some of which the group has never seen before. The system includes a branching network of diagnostic questions, as well as facilities for other retrieval engines, to help users find the answers they want. If the answer is not present, the system automatically sends the question to the appropriate expert, and the expert returns the answer as well as inserts it into the branching network. Thus, the information database of answers and diagnostic questions grows over time. Experts can also modify this network and database in response to users' problems.

You can find a longer description of the purpose of Answer Garden in the Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Office Information Systems, 1990.

UnixWare Distribution

Original source code


Address Book (package name addressbo)

Addressbook is a program to manage your addresses, phone numbers, e-mailaddresses and everything which is now written in your rolodex.

UnixWare Distribution

Original source code

Package Home page


bb - really cool aalib demo (package name bb)

bb is a demo of the aa project's ascii library. It requires the installation of the aalib package.

UnixWare Distribution

OpenServer Distribution

Original source code

Package Home page


Mathematical Recreation Software (package name mathrec)

The mathrec package includes several X11 clients written by Dr. Ronald Joe Record who holds a Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of California. Programs in the mathrec package include :

Most of the programs in the mathrec package work best with an 8 bit PseudoColor visual (i.e. 256 colors in a colormap). However, they can be run with a TrueColor visual (some features will not be present).

Many interesting sample runs are provided as shell scripts in subdirectories in /usr/local/mathrec. For instance, sample runs of the lyap program with preset parameters are in the directory /usr/local/mathrec/lyap and those for the endo program are in /usr/local/mathrec/endo.

For additional details on these programs, see the mathrec HTML documents.

UnixWare Distribution

OpenServer Distribution

Original source code


Stacey Campbell's Mandelbrot Program (package name stacey)

stacey is an X client for exploring the Mandelbrot Set. It needs the Motif, X toolkit and X libraries to compile. It has been successfully compiled with the SCO X11R4, X11R5 and X11R6 development systems, and the SCO OSF/1 Hercules/1 dev sys. See the Makefile for more details. It runs on 16 color and 256 color X servers with PseudoColor colormap support. Other colormap sizes will probably work.

Select the area to be investiagated using the standard rubberband technique of pressing down the mouse button, dragging out the desired area, then releasing the mouse button. Stacey saves files in xwd format. It does not read in files. It can read coordinates from an .Xdefaults file, see the resources in mandel.c. Here's the keyboard usage:

The original program was culled from _The X Window System - Programming and Applications with Xt_, OSF/Motif Edition, by Douglas Young. It has changed somewhat dramatically since then, but its roots are evident. The original Mandelbrot generation code was derived from the section "Do It Yourself" in _The Beauty of Fractals_, by H.-O. Peitgen and P.H. Richter (see image1.c). My hack to optimize by filling areas of like color was inspired by John Gossman's article in alt.fractals concerning Contour Crawling (though it does not use his and Scott Sherman's code) (see image.c). I expect their code does much better optimizations but I couldn't get it working. The rainbow, red, green, and blue colormap code and keyboard interface code come straight from Hiram Clawson's color3 client, part of which was extracted from Foley and van Dam (see mandel.c). The window dumping source is a slightly modified xwd.c from the MIT X11R4 source distribution, originally written by Tony Della Fera at DEC back in 1985. The colormap rotation code comes from Dave Lemke's xrotmap client. The icon bitmap was created using Jef Pozkanzer's pbmplus utlities. Wing Eng helped by answering my Motif resource questions. As far as I can tell, all of the above people have kindly allowed their source to be used in other peoples' code subject, in places, to the usual restrictions on acknowledgments and sale.

UnixWare Distribution

Original source code


X Accountant - an easy to use Motif finance package (package name xacc)

X-Accountant is a program to keep track of your finances. Some of the features are:

Advanced Features

X-Accountant offers some features not usually found in simpler accounting programs.

OpenServer Distribution

UnixWare Distribution

Original source code

Package Home page


XaoS - Fast interactive real-time fractal zoomer/morpher (package name xaos)

XaoS is a protable real-time interactive fractal zoomer/morpher which works under X11, SVGA and text terminals. If you don't know what fractal is or you want to know more about XaoS features you should see the animated tutorial. Run XaoS and press 'H' twice. It is much more fun than reading the boring manual page :) and it supports foreign languages. You might also read file for some advanced stuff (like how to write animations and tutorials manually, port or extend XaoS, algorithms used etc.)

UnixWare Distribution

OpenServer Distribution

Original source code

Package Home page


xearth - planet earth root window (package name xearth)

Xearth sets the X root window to an image of the Earth, as seen from your favorite vantage point in space, correctly shaded for the current position of the Sun. By default, xearth updates the displayed image every five minutes. The time between updates can be changed with the -wait option. Updates can be disabled completely by using the -once option. Xearth can also render directly into PPM and GIF files instead of drawing in the root window.

OpenServer Distribution osr5/x11/misc/xearth/

UnixWare Distribution

Original source code

Package Home page


hypertext markup language editor (package name xhtml)

xhtml is a splitscreen HTML editor allowing amendments of the source document and showing the HTML display of that source. The usual file editing facilities (open, amend, save etc.) are present by either using meta key combinations or by mouse selection via pulldown menus. Also most of the HTML functions such as heading, paragraphs, lists etc are available.

UnixWare Distribution

OpenServer Distribution

Original source code

Package Home page


Xinvest - a personal finance package (package name xinvest)

With Xinvest you can:

Centralize record keeping by storing all transactions in account specific files.

Calculate total and annualized returns including the effects of buys, sells, and dividends. This provides a means of comparing the results of all accounts in a portfolio, be they CDs, bonds, mutual funds, or your checking account.

Receive automatic price updates from Xquote. On receipt of a price update Xinvest will recalculate return information.

View various transaction parameters such as share price, shares per transaction, transaction cost, transaction value (at current price), dividends, internal and total return, and/or cumulative and moving averages of the above. Plots are transaction based bar or date based x-y charts.

View overall value weightings of accounts in a portfolio. Specify categories, what percent of an account is in that category, and which accounts are of interest and Xinvest will tell you the value and percentage of all categories in the defined portfolio. Predefined is a account category to view weighting of accounts in the total portfolio. Categories are hierarchical, so you can zoom into the makeup of your portfolio. View in text and pie chart form.

A Financial calculator with common equations is provided. Included are FV, PV, FV of sum of payments, and periodic loan payments.

Hopefully, all of this is displayed using an easy-to-use, point-and-click interface. There are few command line switches, no dot files, and X resources are limited to color and font selection allowing you to tailor the look of the tool to your own preferences.

OpenServer Distribution

UnixWare Distribution

Original source code

Package Home page


Xquote - retrieve stock quotes (package name xquote)

Xquote is a WWW based quote retrieval program.

With Xquote you can retrieve quotes for stocks, mutual funds, currencies, or any other type of commodity that has web based quotes available. Xquote is extendible, both in the servers it queries and the types of information it can query. New servers or quote types can be added to the Xquote X resource file without rebuilding Xquote. See 'Adding Servers and Types' for more information.

Xquote is part of a suite of X based investment programs and can communicate quote updates to Xinvest. Xinvest can then update portfolio return and asset allocation calculations, for 'hands free' account updates.

OpenServer Distribution

UnixWare Distribution

Original source code

Package Home page


X11 Screen Locker (package name xlockmore)

xlock locks the X server till the user enters their password at the keyboard. While xlock is running, all new server connections are refused. The screen saver is disabled. The mouse cursor is turned off. The screen is blanked and a changing pattern is put on the screen. If a key or a mouse button is pressed then the user is prompted for the password of the user who started xlock.

OpenServer Distribution

UnixWare Distribution

Original source code

Package Home page


fire up programs in case of user inactivity under X (package name xautolock)

Xautolock monitors the user activity on an X Window display. If none is detected within mins minutes, a program is started as specified by the -locker option. Xautolock will typically be used to lock the screen (hence its primary name) but it really doesn't care what program you make it start. For this reason, xautolock does not interfere with the default screen saver. This implies that it is the job of the locker to take the appropriate actions if the default screen saver is to be disabled. The only real assumption made by xautolock is that a new countdown starts as soon as the locker exits.

UnixWare Distribution

Original source code


Xmailbox - an X11 mail reminder (package name xmailbox)

The xmailbox program displays, by default, an image of a mailbox. When there is no mail, the image shown is that of a mailbox with its flag down. When new mail arrives, the image changes to that of a mailbox with the flag up, its door open and a letter visible inside. It can also optionally play a sound through the Open Sound System audio driver for SCO. In addition, the user can optionally invoke his/her favourite mail retrieving program.

This program is nothing more than a wrapper around the Mail- box widget included with the program's source distribution.

UnixWare Distribution

OpenServer Distribution

Original source code


X11 Astrology Charts (package name astrolog)

Create astrological charts for yourself, your friends, your family and impress your neighbors. Astrolog does basic charts plus a whole lot more: biwheels, aspect grids (with midpoints), Gauquelin sector wheels, astro-locality maps and graphic ephemerides - to name only a representative sample of the program's capabilities.

UnixWare Distribution

OpenServer Distribution

Original source code

Package Home page


VT102 terminal emulator (package name rxvt)

rxvt - version 2.4.5 - is a color vt102 terminal emulator intended as an xterm(1) replacement for users who do not require features such as Tektronix 4014 emulation and toolkit-style configurability. As a result, rxvt uses much less swap space - a significant advantage on a machine serving many X sessions.

In order to update the utmp entry, the rxvt binary needs to have write permission on /etc/utmp. In order to accomplish this, it can be installed "setuid root". On some platforms, it is sufficient to install it "setgid adm".

UnixWare Distribution

OpenServer Distribution

Original source code


Interactive X Diary/Calendar (package name xdiary)

xdiary is an X application that displays a calendar in one of two formats and/or an interactive daily diary.

UnixWare Distribution

Original source code


X11 Screen Grabber (package name xgrabsc)

xgrabsc lets you grab arbitrary rectangular images from an X server and writes them to standard output in a variety of formats.

Command line options also allow reduction of colormaps, halftoning and dithering of color images, and direct map- ping of color images to monochrome.

UnixWare Distribution

Original source code


Simple Paint Program (package name xpaint)

XPaint is a color image editing tool which features most standard paint program options, as well as advanced features such as image processing algorithms. It allows for the editing of multiple images simultaneously and supports various formats, including PPM, XBM, TIFF, JPEG, etc.

The functionality of XPaint is divided into a toolbox area for selecting the current paint operation and paint windows for modifying/creating images. Each paint window has access to its own color palette and set of patterns, although the paint operation in use is globally selected for all windows.

XPaint runs on a variety of displays. It should be noted that saving images will adapt them to the current display type (i.e. a color image loaded on a greyscale screen will be saved as a grey image).

There is also an extensive on-line help system available.

UnixWare Distribution

OpenServer Distribution /skunkware/osr5/CD-ROM/bin/X11

Original source code

Package Home page


X11 Rolodex (package name xrolodex)

xrolodex is a small, rolodex-like application for X Window System environments. It has a Motif-based user interface. Each button and menu for xrolodex is described in detail in the help system.

UnixWare Distribution

Original source code


Tide and current predictions (package name xtide)

XTide is a package that provides tide and current predictions in a wide variety of formats. Graphs, text listings, and calendars can be generated, or a tide clock can be provided on your desktop.

XTide can work with X-windows, plain text terminals, or the web. This is accomplished with three separate programs: the interactive interface (xtide), the non-interactive or command line interface (tide), and the web interface (xttpd).

The algorithm that XTide uses to predict tides is the one used by the National Ocean Service in the U.S. It is significantly more accurate than the simple tide clocks that can be bought in novelty stores. However, it takes more to predict tides accurately than just a spiffy algorithm -- you also need some special data for each and every location for which you want to predict tides. XTide reads this data from harmonics files that you must download along with the distribution.

Ultimately, XTide's predictions can only be as good as the available harmonics data. Due to issues of data availability and of compatibility with non-U.S. tide systems, the predictions for U.S. locations tend to be a lot better on average than those for locations outside of the U.S. Nevertheless, there are satisfied XTide users all over the world. It is up to you to verify that the predictions for your locale match up acceptably well with the officially sanctioned ones, and to let the author know if they do not.

OpenServer Distribution

Original source code

Package Home page


X11 Webster Client (package name xwebster)

Xwebster is used to look up words in the online copy of Webster's dictionary. It puts up an application window that contains subwindows to interact with the user and display the results. The top half has a browser window in which alternative words will be shown, below that is a row of windows consisting of an interaction window where the user may enter words to be looked up, and buttons which the user may click on to select a program function. The lower window is used to display the definitions that are found.

UnixWare Distribution

Original source code


X11 Fish Tank (package name xfishtank)

Xfishtank displays a wide variety of fish and assorted sea creatures swimming on your root window.

UnixWare Distribution

OpenServer Distribution

Original source code


Last Updated: Sunday Dec 20, 1998 at 09:11:44 PST

  © Copyright 1997 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. All rights reserved.