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Checks and Selections

You can provide a ``memory'' for drop-down menus, radio buttons, and checkboxes with the [checked] and [selected] tags.

[checked var_name value]
named attributes: [checked name=``var_name'' value=``value'' multiple=0|1 default=0|1]

This will output CHECKED if the variable var_name is equal to value. Not case sensitive.

If the multiple attribute is defined and set to a non-zero value (1 is implicit) then if the value matches on a word/non-word boundary it will be CHECKED. If the default attribute is set to a non-zero value, then the box will be checked if the variable var_name is empty or zero.

[selected var_name value MULTIPLE*]
named attributes: [selected name=var_name value="value" multiple=1]

This will output SELECTED if the variable var_name is equal to value. If the optional MULTIPLE argument is present, it will look for any of a variety of values. Not case sensitive.

Here is a drop-down menu that remembers an item-modifier color selection:

    <SELECT NAME="color">
    <OPTION [selected name=color value=blue]> Blue
    <OPTION [selected name=color value=green]> Green
    <OPTION [selected name=color value=red]> Red

For databases or large lists of items, sometimes it is easier to use [loop list="foo bar"] and its option parameter. The above can be achieved with:

    <SELECT NAME=color>
    [loop list="Blue Green Red" option=color]
    <OPTION> [loop-code]

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