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Placing Locale information in a Database

MiniVend has the capability to read its locale information from a database, named with the LocaleDatabase directive. The database can be of any valid MiniVend type. The locales are in columns, and the keys are in rows. So to set up price information:

    key                 en_US   fr_FR   de_DE
    PriceDivide         1       .1590   .58
    mon_decimal_point   .       ,       ,
    mon_thousands_sep   ,       .        
    currency_symbol     $        frs    DM 
    ps_cs_precedes      1       0       0   

That would translate exactly into:

    Locale en_US PriceDivide         1
    Locale en_US mon_decimal_point   .
    Locale en_US mon_thousands_sep   ,
    Locale en_US currency_symbol     $
    Locale en_US ps_cs_precedes      1

    Locale fr_FR PriceDivide         .1590
    Locale fr_FR mon_decimal_point   ,
    Locale fr_FR mon_thousands_sep   .
    Locale fr_FR currency_symbol     " frs"
    Locale fr_FR ps_cs_precedes      0

    Locale de_DE PriceDivide         .58
    Locale de_DE mon_decimal_point   ,
    Locale de_DE mon_thousands_sep   " "
    Locale de_DE currency_symbol     "DM "
    Locale de_DE ps_cs_precedes      1           

These settings add on to but overwrite any that are set in the catalog configuration files, including any #include files.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The information is only read on catalog configuration. It is not reasonable to access a database for translation or currency conversion in the normal course of events.

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