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Defines a global variable that will be available in all catalogs with the notation @@Variable@@. Variable identifiers must begin with a capital letter, and can contain only word characters (A-Z,a-z,0-9 and underscore) -- they are case-sensitive. If using the ParseVariables directive, only variables in ALL CAPS will be parsed. These are substituted first in any MiniVend page, and can contain any valid MiniVend tags including catalog variables.

    Variable   DOCUMENT_ROOT   /usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs

There are several standard variables which you should not use:

Name of the last file read in, as in [file ...] or an externally located perl routine

Set this to 1 to disable encrypted passwords for the AdminUser.

Name of the last page read in, as in the page called with mv_nextpage or mv_orderpage

The current locale for currency

The current locale for language

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