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If set to Yes, enables the automatic encryption and saving of credit card information. In order for this to work properly, the EncryptProgram directive must be set to properly encode the field. The best way to set EncryptProgram is with PGP in the ASCII armor mode.

This option uses the following standard fields on MiniVend order processing forms:

The actual credit card number, which will be wiped from memory after checking to see if it is a valid Amex, Visa, MC, or Discover card number. This variable will never be carried forward in the user session.

The expiration date, as a text field in the form MM/YY (will take a four-digit year as well). If it is not present, the fields mv_credit_card_exp_month and mv_credit_card_exp_year are looked at. It is set by MiniVend when the card validation returns, if not previously set.

The expiration date month, used if the mv_credit_card_exp_all field is not present. It is set by MiniVend when the card validation returns, if not previously set.

The expiration date year, used if the mv_credit_card_exp_all field is not present. It is set by MiniVend when the card validation returns, if not previously set.

Set by MiniVend to indicate the error if the card does not validate properly. The error message is not too enlightening if validation is the problem.

Set this value to 1 to force MiniVend to encrypt the card despite its idea of validity. Will still set the flag for validity to 0 if the number/date does not validate. Still won't accept badly formatted expiration dates.

Set this value to 1 to cause MiniVend encrypt only the card number and not accompany it with the expiration date and card type.

Set by MiniVend to the encrypted card information if the card validates properly. If PGP is used in ASCII armor mode, this field can be placed on the order report and embedded in the order email, replete with markers. This allows a secure order to be read for content, without exposing the credit card number to risk.

Set by Minivend to true, or 1, if the the card validates properly. Set to 0 otherwise.

PGP is recommended as the encryption program, though you should remember that US commercial organizations may require a license for RSA. MiniVend will work with GPG, the Gnu Privacy Guard.

    CreditCardAuto     Yes

This should be turned off if using CyberCash.

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