This probably means one of:
perl -MCPAN -e 'install DBI'
perl -MCPAN -e 'install DBD::XXXXX'
where XXXX is the name of your module. Some of them are:
Adabas DB2 Informix Ingres ODBC Oracle Pg Solid Sybase Unify XBase mSQL mysql
If you can't make this script run without error:
use DBI; use DBD::XXXXX;
then you don't have one of the above, and Minivend will never run a SQL type.
directory. For example, if you have this:
Database products products.txt dbi:mysql:test_minivend
then create a file products/products.sql
. For
Database pricing pricing.txt dbi:mysql:test_minivend
create a file products/pricing.sql
. Etc.
Yes, it will if you don't create a file called TABLENAME.sql, where
is the name of the Minivend table. If you want this to happen by default,
then set NoImport TABLENAME