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I can't get shipping subroutines to work (Minivend 3)

I don't blame you. The interface is terrible and has gone away in MiniVend 4.

The best way to do this is to define a UserTag and use it as the subroutine method. For example, in the flycat demo (or in the MiniVend 4 usertag/ directory) you will see a UserTag:

    UserTag  ups-query  Order  mode origin zip weight country
    UserTag  ups-query  Routine <<EOR
    sub {
        my( $mode, $origin, $zip, $weight, $country) = @_;
        BEGIN {
            eval {
                require Business::UPS;
                import Business::UPS;
        $country = uc $country;
        $country = undef if $country eq 'US';
        my ($shipping, $zone, $error) =
            getUPS( $mode, $origin, $zip, $weight, $country);
        if($error) {
            $Vend::Session->{ship_message} .= " $mode: $error";
            return 0;
        return $shipping;

This is called via entries in shipping.asc:

  GNDRES  Ground Residential  weight  0   150 f [ups-query
                                                    origin="[dv origin_zip]"
                                                    zip="[default zip 98366]"
                                                    country="[default country US]"
                                                    mode="GNDRES" weight="@@TOTAL@"
                                                ] [dv ups_adder]

NOTE: The above should be all on one line, or you need to escape the newline with a \.

This is very flexible, but you can make the call much less complex if you do the parameter checks and substitutions in your own routine (i.e. read the value of $::Values->{country} or $Values->{country} instead of passing a parameter).

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