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Aliases for tag


Parameters: href arg

Positional parameters in same order.

The attribute hash reference is passed to the subroutine after the parameters as the last argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         href => VALUE,
         arg => VALUE,
    $Tag->area($href, $arg, $ATTRHASH);


Named call example:

    <A HREF="[area href=scan arg="

Positional call example:

    <A HREF="[area ord/basket]">Check basket</A>

HTML example:

    <A MV="area dir/page" HREF="dir/page.html">

Produces the URL to call a MiniVend page, without the surrounding A HREF notation. This can be used to get control of your HREF items, perhaps to place an ALT string or a Javascript construct.

It was originally named area because it also can be used in a client-side image map, and has an alias of href. The two links below are identical in operation:

   <A HREF="[area href=catalog]" ALT="Main catalog page">Catalog Home</A>
   <A HREF="[href href=catalog]" ALT="Main catalog page">Catalog Home</A>

The optional arg is used just as in the page tag.

The optional form argument allows you to encode a form in the link.

        <A HREF="[area form="
        ]"> Order t-shirt in Large size </A>

The two form values mv_session_id and mv_arg are automatically added when appropriate. (mv_arg is the arg parameter for the tag.)

If the parameter href is not supplied, process is used, causing normal MiniVend form processing.

This would generate a form that ordered item number 99-102 on a separate line (mv_separate_items being set), with size L, in quantity 2. Since the page is not set, you will go to the default shopping cart page -- equally you could set mv_orderpage=yourpage to go to yourpage.

All normal MiniVend form caveats apply -- you must have an action, you must supply a page if you don't want to go to the default, etc.

You can theoretically submit any form with this, though none of the included values can have newlines or trailing whitespace. If you want to do something like that you will have to write a UserTag.

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