MiniVend Tag Reference


MML (Minivend Markup Language) TAG REFERENCE


There are dozens of MML pre-defined tag functions. If you don't see just what you need, you can use USER DEFINED TAGS to create tags just as powerful as the pre-defined ones.

There are two styles of supplying parameters to a tag -- named and positional. In addition, you can usually embed MiniVend tags within HTML tags.

In the named style you supply a parameter/value pair just as most HTML tags use:

    [value name="foo"]

The same thing can be accomplished for the [value] tag with

    [value foo]

The parameter name is the first positional parameter for the [value] tag. Some people find positional usage simpler for common tags, and MiniVend interprets them somewhat faster. If you wish to avoid ambiguity you can always use named calling.

In most cases, tags specified in the positional fashion will work the same as named parameters. The only time you will need to modify them is when there is some ambiguity as to which parameter is which (usually due to whitespace), or when you need to use the output of a tag as the attribute parameter for another tag.

TIP: This will not work:

    [page scan se=[scratch somevar]]

To get the output of the [scratch somevar] interpreted, you must place it within a named and quoted attribute:

    [page href=scan arg="se=[scratch somevar]"]

MiniVend tags can be specified within HTML to make it easier to interface to some HTML editors. Consider:

    <TABLE MV="if items">
    <TR MV="item-list">
    <TD> [item-code] </TD>
    <TD> [item-description] </TD>
    <TD> [item-price] </TD>

The above will loop over any items in the shopping cart, displaying their part number, description, and price, but only IF there are items in the cart.

The same thing can be achieved with:

    [if items]
    <TD> [item-code] </TD>
    <TD> [item-description] </TD>
    <TD> [item-price] </TD>

What is done with the results of the tag depends on whether it is a container or standalone tag. A container tag is one which has an end tag, i.e. [tag] stuff [/tag]. A standalone tag has no end tag, as in [area href=somepage]. (Note that [page ...] and [order ..] are not container tags.)

A container tag will have its output re-parsed for more MiniVend tags by default. If you wish to inhibit this behavior, you must explicitly set the attribute reparse to 0. Note that you will almost always wish the default action. The only container MML tag that doesn't have reparse set by default is [mvasp].

With some exceptions ([include] is among them) among them) the output of a standalone tag will not be re-interpreted for MiniVend tag constructs. All tags accept the INTERPOLATE=1 tag modifier, which causes the interpretation to take place. It is frequent that you will not want to interpret the contents of a [set variable] TAGS [/set] pair, as that might contain tags which should only be upon evaluating an order profile, search profile, or mv_click operation. If you wish to perform the evaluation at the time a variable is set, you would use [set name=variable interpolate=1] TAGS [/set].

Looping tags and Sub-tags

Certain tags are not standalone; these are the ones that are interpreted as part of a surrounding looping tag like [loop], [item-list], [query], or [region].


PREFIX represents the prefix that is used in that looping tag. They are only interpreted within their container and only accept positional parameters. The default prefixes:

    Tag           Prefix     Examples
    -----        --------   ----------
    [loop]        loop       [loop-code], [loop-field price], [loop-increment]
    [item-list]   item       [item-code], [item-field price], [item-increment]
    [search-list] item       [item-code], [item-field price], [item-increment]
    [query]       sql        [sql-code], [sql-field price], [sql-increment]

Sub-tag behavior is consistent among the looping tags.

There are two types of looping lists; ARRAY and HASH.

An array list is the normal output of a [query], a search, or a [loop] tag. It returns from 1 to N return fields, defined in the mv_return_fields or rf variable or implicitly by means of a SQL field list. The two queries below are essentially identical:

    [query sql="select foo, bar from products"]

    [loop search="

Both will return an array of arrays consisting of the foo column and the bar column. The Perl data structure would look like:

        ['foo0', 'bar0'],
        ['foo1', 'bar1'],
        ['foo2', 'bar2'],
        ['fooN', 'barN'],

A hash list is the normal output of the [item-list] tag. It returns the value of all return fields in an array of hashes. A normal [item-list] return might look like:

            code     => '99-102',
            quantity => 1,
            size     => 'XL',
            color    => 'blue',
            mv_ib    => 'products',
            code     => '00-341',
            quantity => 2,
            size     => undef,
            color    => undef,
            mv_ib    => 'products',

You can also return hash lists in queries:

    [query sql="select foo, bar from products" type=hashref]

Now the data structure will look like:

        { foo => 'foo0', bar => 'bar0' },
        { foo => 'foo1', bar => 'bar1' },
        { foo => 'foo2', bar => 'bar2' },
        { foo => 'fooN', bar => 'barN' },
[PREFIX-accessories arglist]

The same as the [accessories ...] tag except always supplied the current item code. If the list is a hash list, i.e. an [item-list], then the value of the current item hash is passed so that a value default can be established.

[PREFIX-alternate N] DIVISIBLE [else] NOT DIVISIBLE [/else][/PREFIX-alternate]

Set up an alternation sequence. If the item-increment is divisible by `N', the text will be displayed. If an `[else]NOT DIVISIBLE TEXT[/else]' is present, then the NOT DIVISIBLE TEXT will be displayed. For example:

    [item-alternate 2]EVEN[else]ODD[/else][/item-alternate]
    [item-alternate 3]BY 3[else]NOT by 3[/else][/item-alternate]
[PREFIX-calc] 2 + [item-field price] [/PREFIX-calc]

Calls perl via the equivalent of the [calc] [/calc] tag pair. Much faster to execute.

[PREFIX-change][conditoon] ... [/condition] TEXT [/PREFIX-change]

Sets up a breaking sequence that occurs when the contents of [condition] [/condition] change. The most common one is a category break to nest or place headers.

The region is only output when a field or other repeating value between [condition] and [/condition] changes its value. This allows indented lists similar to database reports to be easily formatted. The repeating value must be a tag interpolated in the search process, such as [PREFIX-field field] or [PREFIX-data database field]. If you need access to MML tags, you can use [PREFIX-calc] with a $Tag->foo() call.

Of course, this will only work as you expect when the search results are properly sorted.

The value to be tested is contained within a [condition]value[/condition] tag pair. The [PREFIX-change] tag also processes an [else] [/else] pair for output when the value does not change.

Here is a simple example for a search list that has a field category and subcategory associated with each item:

         [item-change cat]
         [condition][item-field category][/condition]
                 [item-field category]
         [condition][item-field subcategory][/condition]
                 [item-field subcategory]
    <TD> [item-field name] </TD>

The above should put out a table that only shows the category and subcategory once, while showing the name for every product. (The &nbsp; will prevent blanked table cells if you use a border.)


The key or code of the current loop. In an [item-list] this is always the product code; in a loop list it is the value of the current argument; in a search it is whatever you have defined as the first mv_return_field (rf).

[PREFIX-data table field]

Calls the column field in database table table for the current [PREFIX-code]. This may or may not be equivalent to [PREFIX-field field] depending on whether your search table is defined as one of the ProductFiles.


The description of the current item, as defined in the catalog.cfg directive DescriptionField. In the demo, it would be the value of the field description in the table products.

If the list is a hash list, and the lookup of DescriptionField fails, then the attribute description will be substituted. This is useful to supply shopping cart descriptions for on-the-fly items.


The price of the current item is calculated, and the difference between that price and the list price (quantity one) price is output. This may have different behavior than you expect if you set the [discount] [/discount] tag along with quantity pricing.


Looks up a field value for the current item in one of several places, in this order:

    1. The first ProductFiles entry.
    2. Additional ProductFiles in the order they occur.
    3. The attribute value for the item in a hash list.
    4. Blank

A common user error is to do this:

    [loop search="

    [loop-field foo_field]

In this case, you are searching the table foo for a string of bar. When it is found, you wish to display the value of foo_field. Unless foo is in ProductFiles and the code is not present in a previous product file, you will get a blank or some value you don't want. What you really want is [loop-data foo foo_field], which specifically addresses the table foo.


The current count on the list, starting from either 1 in a zero-anchored list like [loop] or [item-list], or from the match count in a search list.

If you skip items with [PREFIX-last] or [PREFIX-next], the count is NOT adjusted.


If CONDITION evaluates true (a non-whitespace value that is not specifically zero) then this will be the last item displayed.

[PREFIX-modifier attribute]

If the item is a hash list (i.e. [item-list]), this will return the value of the attribute.


If CONDITION evaluates true (a non-whitespace value that is not specifically zero) then this item is skipped.

[PREFIX-param name]
[PREFIX-param N]

Returns the array parameter associated with the looping tag row. Each looping list returns an array of return fields, set in searches with mv_return_field or rf. The default is only to return the code of the search result, but by setting those parameters you can return more than one item.

In a [query ...] MML tag you can select multiple return fields with something like:

    [query prefix=prefix sql="select foo, bar from baz where foo=buz"]
        [prefix-code]  [prefix-param foo]  [prefix-param bar]

In this case, [prefix-code] and [prefix-param foo] are synonymns, for foo is the first returned parameter and becomes the code for this row. Another synonym is [prefix-param 0]; and [prefix-param 1] is the same as [prefix-param bar].


The price of the current code, formatted for currency. If MiniVend's pricing routines cannot determine the price (i.e. it is not a valid product or on-the-fly item) then zero is returned. If the list is a hash list, the price will be modified by its quantity or other applicable attributes (like size in the demo).


The value of the quantity attribute in a hash list. Most commonly used to display the quantity of an item in a shopping cart [item-list].


The [PREFIX-quantity] times the [PREFIX-price]. This does take discounts into effect.

[if-PREFIX-data table field] IF text [else] ELSE text [/else] [/if-PREFIX-data]

Examines the data field, i.e. [PREFIX-data table field], and if it is non-blank and non-zero then the IF text will be returned. If it is false, i.e. blank or zero, the ELSE text will be returned to the page.

This is much more efficient than the otherwise equivalent [if type=data term=table::field::[PREFIX-code]].

You cannot place a condition; i.e. [if-PREFIX-data table field eq 'something']. Use [if type=data ...] for that.

Careful, a space is not a false value!

[if-PREFIX-field field] IF text [else] ELSE text [/else] [/if-PREFIX-field]

Same as [if-PREFIX-data ...] except uses the same data rules as [PREFIX-field].

[modifier-name attribute]

Outputs a variable name which will set an appropriate variable name for setting the attribute in a form (usually a shopping cart). Outputs for successive items in the list:

    1. attribute0
    2. attribute1
    3. attribute2



Outputs for successive items in the list:

    1. quantity0
    2. quantity1
    3. quantity2

etc. [modifier-name quantity] would be the same as [quantity-name].


Each MML tag is show below. Calling information is defined for the main tag, sub-tags are described in Sub-tags.



Parameters: code arg

Positional parameters in same order.

The attribute hash reference is passed to the subroutine after the parameters as the last argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         code => VALUE,
         arg => VALUE,
    $Tag->accessories($code, $arg, $ATTRHASH);

Attribute aliases

            base ==> table
            col ==> column
            database ==> table
            db ==> table
            field ==> column
            key ==> code
            row ==> code


The [accessories ...] tag allows you to access MiniVend's option attribute facility in any of several ways.

If passed any of the optional arguments, initiates special processing of item attributes based on entries in the product database.

MiniVend allows item attributes to be set for each ordered item. This allows a size, color, or other modifier to be attached to a line item in the shopping cart. Previous attribute values can be resubmitted by means of a hidden field on a form.

The catalog.cfg file directive UseModifier is used to set the name of the modifier or modifiers. For example

    UseModifier        size color

will attach both a size and color attribute to each item code that is ordered.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You may not use the following names for attributes:

    item  group  quantity  code  mv_ib  mv_mi  mv_si

You can also set it in scratch with the mv_UseModifier scratch variable -- [set mv_UseModifier]size color[/set] has the same effect as above. This allows multiple options to be set for products. Whichever one is in effect at order time will be used. Be careful, you cannot set it more than once on the same page. Setting the mv_separate_items or global directive SeparateItems places each ordered item on a separate line, simplifying attribute handling. The scratch setting for mv_separate_items has the same effect.

The modifier value is accessed in the [item-list] loop with the [item-param attribute] tag, and form input fields are placed with the [modifier-name attribute] tag. This is similar to the way that quantity is handled.

NOTE: You must be sure that no fields in your forms have digits appended to their names if the variable is the same name as the attribute name you select, as the [modifier-name size] variables will be placed in the user session as the form variables size0, size1, size2, etc.

MiniVend will automatically generate the select boxes when the [accessories <code size]> or [item-accessories size] tags are called. They have the syntax:

   [item_accessories attribute, type*, column*, table*, name*, outboard*]
   [accessories code=sku
                passed="value=label, value2, value3=label 3" ]

Not needed for item-accessories, this is the product code of the item to reference. =item attribute

The item attribute as specified in the UseModifier configuration directive. Typical are size or color.


The action to be taken. One of:

  select          Builds a dropdown <SELECT> menu for the attribute.
                  NOTE: This is the default.
  multiple        Builds a multiple dropdown <SELECT> menu for the
                  attribute.  The size is equal to the number of
                  option choices.
  display         Shows the label text for *only the selected option*.
  show            Shows the option choices (no labels) for the option.
  radio           Builds a radio box group for the item, with spaces
                  separating the elements.
  radio nbsp      Builds a radio box group for the item, with &nbsp;
                  separating the elements.
  radio left n    Builds a radio box group for the item, inside a
                  table, with the checkbox on the left side. If "n"
                  is present and is a digit from 2 to 9, it will align
                  the options in that many columns.
  radio right n   Builds a radio box group for the item, inside a
                  table, with the checkbox on the right side. If "n"
                  is present and is a digit from 2 to 9, it will align
                  the options in that many columns.

  check           Builds a checkbox group for the item, with spaces
                  separating the elements.
  check nbsp      Builds a checkbox group for the item, with &nbsp;
                  separating the elements.
  check left n    Builds a checkbox group for the item, inside a
                  table, with the checkbox on the left side. If "n"
                  is present and is a digit from 2 to 9, it will align
                  the options in that many columns.
  check right n   Builds a checkbox group for the item, inside a
                  table, with the checkbox on the right side. If "n"
                  is present and is a digit from 2 to 9, it will align
                  the options in that many columns.

  textarea_XX_YY  A textarea with XX columns and YY rows

  text_XX         A text box with XX size in characters

The default is 'select', which builds an HTML select form entry for the attribute. Also recognized is 'multiple', which generates a multiple-selection drop down list, 'show', which shows the list of possible attributes, and 'display', which shows the label text for the selected option only.


The database column name to be used to build the entry (usually a field in the products database). Defaults to a field named the same as the attribute.


The database table to find column in, defaults to the first products file where the item code is found.


Name of the form variable to use if a form is being built. Defaults to mv_order_attribute -- i.e. if the attribute is size, the form variable will be named mv_order_size. If the variable is set in the user session, the widget will ``remember'' its previous setting.


If calling the item-accessories tag, and you wish to select from an outboard database table with a different key from the item code, you can pass the key to use to find the accessory data.

When called with an attribute, the database is consulted and looks for a comma-separated list of attribute options. They take the form:

    name=Label Text, name=Label Text*

The label text is optional -- if none is given, the name will be used.

If an asterisk is the last character of the label text, the item is the default selection. If no default is specified, the first will be the default. An example:

    [item_accessories color]

This will search the product database for a field named ``color''. If an entry ``beige=Almond, gold=Harvest Gold, White*, green=Avocado'' is found, a select box like this will be built:

    <SELECT NAME="mv_order_color">
    <OPTION VALUE="beige">Almond
    <OPTION VALUE="gold">Harvest Gold
    <OPTION VALUE="green">Avocado

In combination with the mv_order_item and mv_order_quantity variables this can be used to allow entry of an attribute at time of order.

If used in an item list, and the user has changed the value, the generated select box will automatically retain the current value the user has selected.

The value can then be displayed with [item-modifier size] on the order report, order receipt, or any other page containing an [item-list].

When called with an attribute, the database is consulted and looks for a comma-separated list of attribute options. They take the form:

    name=Label Text, name=Label Text*

The label text is optional -- if none is given, the name will be used.

If an asterisk is the last character of the label text, the item is the default selection. If no default is specified, the first will be the default. An example:

    [accessories TK112 color]

This will search the product database for a field named ``color''. If an entry ``beige=Almond, gold=Harvest Gold, White*, green=Avocado'' is found, a select box like this will be built:

    <SELECT NAME="mv_order_color">
    <OPTION VALUE="beige">Almond
    <OPTION VALUE="gold">Harvest Gold
    <OPTION VALUE="green">Avocado

In combination with the mv_order_item and mv_order_quantity variables this can be used to allow entry of an attribute at time of order.


Below is a fragment from a shopping basket display form which shows a selectable size with ``sticky'' setting and a price that changes based upon the modifier setting. Note that this would normally be contained within the [item_list] [/item-list] pair.

    <SELECT NAME="[modifier-name size]">
    [loop option="[modifier-name size]" list="S, M, L, XL"]
    <OPTION> [loop-code] -- [price code="[item-code]" size="[loop-code]"]

The above is essentially the same as would be output with the [item-accessories size] tag if the product database field size contained the value S, M, L, XL, but contains the adjusted price.



Parameters: type term op compare


Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

Called Routine for positonal:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         type => VALUE,
         term => VALUE,
         op => VALUE,
         compare => VALUE,
    $Tag->and($type, $term, $op, $compare);

Attribute aliases

            base ==> type
            comp ==> compare
            operator ==> op


The [and ...] tag is only used in conjunction with [if ...]. Example:

    [if value fname]
    [and value lname]
    Both first and last name are present.
    Missing one of "fname" and "lname" from $Values.

See [if ...].



Aliases for tag


Parameters: href arg

Positional parameters in same order.

The attribute hash reference is passed to the subroutine after the parameters as the last argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         href => VALUE,
         arg => VALUE,
    $Tag->area($href, $arg, $ATTRHASH);


Named call example:

    <A HREF="[area href=scan arg="

Positional call example:

    <A HREF="[area ord/basket]">Check basket</A>

HTML example:

    <A MV="area dir/page" HREF="dir/page.html">

Produces the URL to call a MiniVend page, without the surrounding A HREF notation. This can be used to get control of your HREF items, perhaps to place an ALT string or a Javascript construct.

It was originally named area because it also can be used in a client-side image map, and has an alias of href. The two links below are identical in operation:

   <A HREF="[area href=catalog]" ALT="Main catalog page">Catalog Home</A>
   <A HREF="[href href=catalog]" ALT="Main catalog page">Catalog Home</A>

The optional arg is used just as in the page tag.

The optional form argument allows you to encode a form in the link.

        <A HREF="[area form="
        ]"> Order t-shirt in Large size </A>

The two form values mv_session_id and mv_arg are automatically added when appropriate. (mv_arg is the arg parameter for the tag.)

If the parameter href is not supplied, process is used, causing normal MiniVend form processing.

This would generate a form that ordered item number 99-102 on a separate line (mv_separate_items being set), with size L, in quantity 2. Since the page is not set, you will go to the default shopping cart page -- equally you could set mv_orderpage=yourpage to go to yourpage.

All normal MiniVend form caveats apply -- you must have an action, you must supply a page if you don't want to go to the default, etc.

You can theoretically submit any form with this, though none of the included values can have newlines or trailing whitespace. If you want to do something like that you will have to write a UserTag.



Parameters: category

Positional parameters in same order.

The attribute hash reference is passed to the subroutine after the parameters as the last argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         category => VALUE,
    $Tag->banner($category, $ATTRHASH);


The [banner ...] tag is designed to implement random or rotating banner displays in your Minivend pages. See the main Minivend documentation, section Banner/Ad rotation.



Parameters: href if

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         href => VALUE,
         if => VALUE,
    $Tag->bounce($href, $if);


The [bounce ...] tag is designed to send an HTTP redirect (302 status code) to the browser and redirect it to another (possibly MiniVend-parsed) page.

It will stop MML code execution at that point; further tags will not be run through the parser. Bear in mind that if you are inside a looping list, that list will run to completion and the [bounce] tag will not be seen until the loop is complete.

Example of bouncing to a MiniVend parsed page:

    [if !scratch real_user]
    [bounce href="[area violation]"]

Note the URL is produced by the [area ...] MML tag.

Since the HTTP says the URL needs to be absolute, this one might cause a browser warning:

    [if value go_home]
    [bounce href="/"]

But running something like one of the MiniVend demos you can do:

    [if value go_home]
    [bounce href="__SERVER_NAME__/"]

    [if value go_home]
    [bounce href="/"]



No parameters.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Interpolates container text by default>.

This is a container tag, i.e. [calc] FOO [/calc]. Nesting: NO

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:



syntax: [calc] EXPRESSION [/calc]

Starts a region where the arguments are calculated according to normal arithmetic symbols. For instance:

    [calc] 2 + 2 [/calc]

will display:


The [calc] tag is really the same as the [perl] tag, except that it doesn't accept arguments, interpolates surrounded MiniVend tags by default, and is slightly more efficient to parse.

TIP: The [calc] tag will remember variable values inside one page, so you can do the equivalent of a memory store and memory recall for a loop.

ASP NOTE: There is never a reason to use this tag in a [perl] or ASP section.



Parameters: name

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: YES

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         name => VALUE,


Sets the name of the current shopping cart for display of shipping, price, total, subtotal, shipping, and nitems tags.



Parameters: label


The attribute hash reference is passed after the parameters but before the container text argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

This is a container tag, i.e. [catch] FOO [/catch]. Nesting: NO

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         label => VALUE,
    $Tag->catch($label, $ATTRHASH, $BODY);





Parameters: name

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: YES

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         name => VALUE,





Parameters: name value multiple default

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: YES

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         name => VALUE,
         value => VALUE,
         multiple => VALUE,
         default => VALUE,
    $Tag->checked($name, $value, $multiple, $default);


You can provide a ``memory'' for drop-down menus, radio buttons, and checkboxes with the [checked] and [selected] tags.

    <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=foo
            VALUE=on [checked name=foo value=on default=1]>
    <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=foo
            VALUE=off [checked name=foo value=off]>

This will output CHECKED if the variable var_name is equal to value. Not case sensitive.

The default parameter, if true (non-zero and non-blank), will cause the box to be checked if the variable has never been defined.

Note that CHECKBOX items will never submit their value if not checked, so the box will not be reset. You must do something like:

    <INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME=foo
            VALUE=1 [checked name=foo value=1 default=1]>
    [value name=foo set=""]



Parameters: convert noformat

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Interpolates container text by default>.

This is a container tag, i.e. [currency] FOO [/currency]. Nesting: NO

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         convert => VALUE,
         noformat => VALUE,
    $Tag->currency($convert, $noformat, $BODY);


When passed a value of a single number, formats it according to the currency specification. For instance:


will display:


or something else depending on the Locale and PriceCommas settings. It can contain a [calc] region. If the optional ``convert'' parameter is set, it will convert the value according to PriceDivide> for the current locale. If Locale is set to fr_FR, and PriceDivide for fr_FR is 0.167, the following sequence

    [currency convert=1] [calc] 500.00 + 1000.00 [/calc] [/currency]

will cause the number 8.982,04 to be displayed.



Parameters: table field key

Positional parameters in same order.

The attribute hash reference is passed to the subroutine after the parameters as the last argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         table => VALUE,
         field => VALUE,
         key => VALUE,
    $Tag->data($table, $field, $key, $ATTRHASH);

Attribute aliases

            base ==> table
            code ==> key
            col ==> field
            column ==> field
            database ==> table
            name ==> field
            row ==> key


Syntax: [data table=db_table column=column_name key=key filter=``uc|lc|name|namecase|no_white|etc.''* append=1* value=``value to set to''* increment=1* ]

Returns the value of the field in a database table, or (DEPRECATED) from the session namespace. If the optional value is supplied, the entry will be changed to that value. If the option increment* is present, the field will be atomically incremented with the value in value. Use negative numbers in value to decrement. The append attribute causes the value to be appended; and finally, the filter attribute is a set of MiniVend filters that are applied to the data 1) after it is read; or 2)before it is placed in the table.

If a DBM-based database is to be modified, it must be flagged writable on the page calling the write tag. Use [tag flag write]products[/tag] to mark the products database writable, for example. This must be done before ANY access to that table.

DEPRECATED BEHAVIOR: (replace with session tag). In addition, the [data ...] tag can access a number of elements in the MiniVend session database:

    accesses           Accesses within the last 30 seconds
    arg                The argument passed in a [page ...] or [area ...] tag
    browser            The user browser string
    cybercash_error    Error from last CyberCash operation
    cybercash_result   Hash of results from CyberCash (access with usertag)
    host               MiniVend's idea of the host (modified by DomainTail)
    last_error         The last error from the error logging
    last_url           The current MiniVend path_info
    logged_in          Whether the user is logged in (add-on UserDB feature)
    pageCount          Number of unique URLs generated
    prev_url           The previous path_info
    referer            HTTP_REFERER string
    ship_message       The last error messages from shipping
    source             Source of original entry to MiniVend
    time               Time (seconds since Jan 1, 1970) of last access
    user               The REMOTE_USER string
    username           User name logged in as (UserDB feature)

NOTE: Databases will hide session values, so don't name a database ``session''. or you won't be able to use the [data ...] tag to read them. Case is sensitive, so in a pinch you could call the database ``Session'', but it would be better not to use that name at all.



Parameters: name default set


Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: YES

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         name => VALUE,
         default => VALUE,
         set => VALUE,
    $Tag->default($name, $default, $set);


Returns the value of the user form variable variable if it is non-empty. Otherwise returns default, which is the string ``default'' if there is no default supplied. Got that? This tag is DEPRECATED anyway.



Parameters: code base

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         code => VALUE,
         base => VALUE,
    $Tag->description($code, $base);


Expands into the description of the product identified by code as found in the products database. This is the value of the database field that corresponds to the catalog.cfg directive DescriptionField. If there is more than one products file defined, they will be searched in order unless constrained by the optional argument base.

This tag is especially useful for multi-language catalogs. The DescriptionField directive can be set for each locale and point to a different database field; for example desc_en for English, desc_fr for French, etc.



Parameters: code

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

This is a container tag, i.e. [discount] FOO [/discount]. Nesting: NO

Invalidates cache: YES

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         code => VALUE,
    $Tag->discount($code, $BODY);


Product discounts can be set upon display of any page. The discounts apply only to the customer receiving them, and are of one of three types:

    1. A discount for one particular item code (code/key is the item-code)
    2. A discount applying to all item codes (code/key is ALL_ITEMS)
    3. A discount applied after all items are totaled
       (code/key is ENTIRE_ORDER)

The discounts are specified via a formula. The formula is scanned for the variables $q and $s, which are substituted for with the item quantity and subtotal respectively. In the case of the item and all items discount, the formula must evaluate to a new subtotal for all items of that code that are ordered. The discount for the entire order is applied to the entire order, and would normally be a monetary amount to subtract or a flat percentage discount.

Discounts are applied to the effective price of the product, including any quantity discounts.

To apply a straight 20% discount to all items:

    [discount ALL_ITEMS] $s * .8 [/discount]

or with named attributes:

    [discount code=ALL_ITEMS] $s * .8 [/discount]

To take 25% off of only item 00-342:

    [discount 00-342] $s * .75 [/discount]

To subtract $5.00 from the customer's order:

    [discount ENTIRE_ORDER] $s - 5 [/discount]

To reset a discount, set it to the empty string:

    [discount ALL_ITEMS][/discount]

Perl code can be used to apply the discounts. Here is an example of a discount for item code 00-343 which prices the second one ordered at 1 cent:

    [discount 00-343]
    return $s if $q == 1;
    my $p = $s/$q;
    my $t = ($q - 1) * $p;
    $t .= 0.01;
    return $t;

If you want to display the discount amount, use the [item-discount] tag.

    Discount for [item-code]: [item-discount]

Finally, if you want to display the discounted subtotal in a way that doesn't correspond to a standard MiniVend tag, you can use the [calc] tag:

    Discounted subtotal for [item-code]: [currency][calc]
                                            [item-price noformat] * [item-quantity]

%% dump %% Prints a dump of the current user session as expanded by Data::Dumper. Includes any CGI environment passed from the server.

%% either %% The [either]this[or]that[/either] implements a check for the first non-zero, non-blank value. It splits on [or], and then parses each piece in turn. If a value returns true (in the Perl sense -- non-zero, non-blank) then subsequent pieces will be discarded without interpolation.


  [either][value must_be_here][or][bounce href="[area incomplete]"][/either]



No parameters.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:






Parameters: name function

Positional parameters in same order.

The attribute hash reference is passed to the subroutine after the parameters as the last argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         name => VALUE,
         function => VALUE,
    $Tag->ecml($name, $function, $ATTRHASH);





No parameters.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

This is a container tag, i.e. [either] FOO [/either]. Nesting: NO

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:






Parameters: name

Positional parameters in same order.

The attribute hash reference is passed to the subroutine after the parameters as the last argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         name => VALUE,
    $Tag->error($name, $ATTRHASH);





Parameters: table

Positional parameters in same order.

The attribute hash reference is passed to the subroutine after the parameters as the last argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: YES

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         table => VALUE,
    $Tag->export($table, $ATTRHASH);

Attribute aliases

            base ==> table
            database ==> table





Parameters: name code

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         name => VALUE,
         code => VALUE,
    $Tag->field($name, $code);

Attribute aliases

            col ==> name
            column ==> name
            field ==> name
            key ==> code
            row ==> code


HTML example: <PARAM MV=field MV.COL=column MV.ROW=key>

Expands into the value of the field name for the product identified by code as found by searching the products database. It will return the first entry found in the series of Product Files. the products database. If you want to constrain it to a particular database, use the [data base name code] tag.

Note that if you only have one ProductFile products, which is the default, [field column key] is the same as [data products column key].



Parameters: name type

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         name => VALUE,
         type => VALUE,
    $Tag->file($name, $type);


Inserts the contents of the named file. The file should normally be relative to the catalog directory -- file names beginning with / or .. are not allowed if the MiniVend server administrator has set NoAbsolute to Yes.

The optional type parameter will do an appropriate ASCII translation on the file before it is sent.



Parameters: op

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

This is a container tag, i.e. [filter] FOO [/filter]. Nesting: NO

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         op => VALUE,
    $Tag->filter($op, $BODY);


Applies any of MiniVend's standard filters to an arbitray value, or you may define your own. The filters are also available as parameters to the cgi, data, and value tags.

Filters can be applied in sequence and as many as needed can be applied.

Here is an example. If you store your author or artist names in the database ``LAST, First'' so that they sort properly, you still might want to display them normally as ``First Last''. This call

    [filter op="name namecase"]WOOD, Grant[/filter]

will display as

    Grant Wood

Another way to do this would be:

    [data table=products column=artist key=99-102 filter="name namecase"]

Filters available include:


Returns the value of the CGI variable. Useful for starting a filter sequence with a seed value.

    'cgi' =>    sub {
                    return $CGI::values(shift);

Returns only digits.

    'digits' => sub {
                    my $val = shift;
                    $val =~ s/\D+//g;
                    return $val;

Returns only digits and periods, i.e. [.0-9]. Useful for decommifying numbers.

    'digits_dot' => sub {
                    my $val = shift;
                    $val =~ s/[^\d.]+//g;
                    return $val;

Turns linefeeds into carriage-return / linefeed pairs.

    'dos' =>    sub {
                    my $val = shift;
                    $val =~ s/\r?\n/\r\n/g;
                    return $val;

Changes < to &lt;, " to &quot;, etc.

    'entities' => sub {
                    return HTML::Entities::encode(shift);

Performs a security screening by testing to make sure a corresponding scratch variable has been set.

    'gate' =>   sub {
                    my ($val, $var) = @_;
                    return '' unless $::Scratch->{$var};
                    return $val;

Lowercases the text.

    'lc' =>     sub {
                    return lc(shift);

Looks up an item in a database based on the passed table and column. Call would be:

    [filter op="uc"]us[/filter]

This would be the equivalent of [data table=country column=name key=US].

    'lookup' => sub {
                        my ($val, $tag, $table, $column) = @_;
                        return tag_data($table, $column, $val) || $val;

Changes newlines to carriage returns.

    'mac' =>    sub {
                    my $val = shift;
                    $val =~ s/\r?\n|\r\n?/\r/g;
                    return $val;

Transposes a LAST, First name pair.

    'name' => sub {
                    my $val = shift;
                    return $val unless $val =~ /,/;
                    my($last, $first) = split /\s*,\s*/, $val, 2;
                    return "$first $last";

Namecases the text. Only works on values that are uppercase in the first letter, i.e. [filter op=namecase]LEONARDO da Vinci[/filter] will return ``Leonardo da Vinci''.

    'namecase' => sub {
                    my $val = shift;
                    $val =~ s/([A-Z]\w+)/\L\u$1/g;
                    return $val;

Strips all whitespace.

    'no_white' =>   sub {
                    my $val = shift;
                    $val =~ s/\s+//g;
                    return $val;

Strips leading slashes and dots.

    'pagefile' => sub {
                    $_[0] =~ s:^[./]+::;
                    return $_[0];

Change single-quote characters into doubled versions, i.e. ' becomes ''.

    'sql'       => sub {
                    my $val = shift;
                    $val =~ s:':'':g; # '
                    return $val;

Strips leading and trailing whitespace.

    'strip' =>  sub {
                    my $val = shift;
                    $val =~ s/^\s+//;
                    $val =~ s/\s+$//;
                    return $val;

Rudimentary HTMLizing of text.

    'text2html' => sub {
                    my $val = shift;
                    $val =~ s|\r?\n\r?\n|<P>|;
                    $val =~ s|\r?\n|<BR>|;
                    return $val;

Uppercases the text.

    'uc' =>     sub {
                    return uc(shift);

Removes those crufty carriage returns.

    'unix' =>   sub {
                    my $val = shift;
                    $val =~ s/\r?\n/\n/g;
                    return $val;

Changes non-word characters (except colon) to %3c notation.

    'urlencode' => sub {
                    my $val = shift;
                    $val =~ s|[^\w:]|sprintf "%%%02x", ord $1|eg;
                    return $val;

Returns the value of the user session variable. Useful for starting a filter sequence with a seed value.

    'value' =>  sub {
                    return $::Values->(shift);

Only returns word characters. Locale does apply if collation is properly set.

    'word' =>   sub {
                    my $val = shift;
                    $val =~ s/\W+//g;
                    return $val;

You can define your own filters in an GlobalSub (or Sub or ActionMap):

    package Vend::Interpolate;

    $Filter{reverse} = sub { $val = shift; return scalar reverse $val  };

That filter will reverse the characters sent.

The arguments sent to the subroutine are the value to be filtered, any associated variable or tag name, and any arguments appended to the filter name with periods as the separator.

A [filter op=lookup.products.price]99-102[/filter] will send ('99-102', undef, 'products', 'price') as the parameters. Assuming the value of the user variable foo is bar, the call [value name=foo filter="lookup.products.price.extra"] will send ('bar', 'foo', 'products', 'price', 'extra').



Parameters: type

Positional parameters in same order.

The attribute hash reference is passed to the subroutine after the parameters as the last argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: YES

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         type => VALUE,
    $Tag->flag($type, $ATTRHASH);

Attribute aliases

            flag ==> type
            name ==> type





Parameters: code base

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

This is a container tag, i.e. [fly_list] FOO [/fly_list]. Nesting: NO

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         code => VALUE,
         base => VALUE,
    $Tag->fly_list($code, $base, $BODY);


Syntax: [fly-list prefix=tag_prefix* code=code*]

Defines an area in a random page which performs the flypage lookup function, implementing the tags below.

    (contents of flypage.html)

If you place the above around the contents of the demo flypage, in a file named flypage2.html, it will make these two calls display identical pages:

    [page 00-0011] One way to display the Mona Lisa [/page]
    [page flypage2 00-0011] Another way to display the Mona Lisa [/page]

If you place a [fly-list] tag alone at the top of the page, it will cause any page to act as a flypage.

By default, the prefix is item, meaning the [item-code] tag will display the code of the item, the [item-price] tag will display price, etc. But if you use the prefix, i.e. [fly-list prefix=fly], then it will be [fly-code]; prefix=foo would cause [foo-code], etc.



Parameters: area

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         area => VALUE,





Parameters: name if

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         name => VALUE,
         if => VALUE,
    $Tag->goto($name, $if);





Parameters: mode

Positional parameters in same order.

The attribute hash reference is passed to the subroutine after the parameters as the last argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         mode => VALUE,
    $Tag->handling($mode, $ATTRHASH);

Attribute aliases

            carts ==> cart
            modes ==> mode
            name ==> mode
            tables ==> table





No parameters.

The attribute hash reference is passed after the parameters but before the container text argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

This is a container tag, i.e. [harness] FOO [/harness]. Nesting: NO

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

    $Tag->harness($ATTRHASH, $BODY);





No parameters.

The attribute hash reference is passed after the parameters but before the container text argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

This is a container tag, i.e. [html_table] FOO [/html_table]. Nesting: NO

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

    $Tag->html_table($ATTRHASH, $BODY);





Parameters: type term op compare


Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

This is a container tag, i.e. [if] FOO [/if]. Nesting: NO

Invalidates cache: YES

Called Routine:

Called Routine for positonal:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         type => VALUE,
         term => VALUE,
         op => VALUE,
         compare => VALUE,
    $Tag->if($type, $term, $op, $compare, $BODY);

Attribute aliases

            base ==> type
            comp ==> compare
            condition ==> compare
            operator ==> op


Named call example: [if type=``type'' term=``field'' op=``op'' compare=``compare'']

Positional call example: [if type field op compare]

negated: [if type=``!type'' term=``field'' op=``op'' compare=``compare'']

Positional call example: [if !type field op compare]

Allows conditional building of HTML based on the setting of various MiniVend session and database values. The general form is:

    [if type term op compare]
                                If true, this is printed on the document.
                                The [then] [/then] is optional in most
                                cases. If ! is prepended to the type
                                setting, the sense is reversed and
                                this will be output for a false condition.
    [elsif type term op compare]
                                Optional, tested when if fails
                                Optional, printed when all above fail

The [if] tag can also have some variants:

    [if type=explicit compare=`$perl_code`]
        Displayed if valid Perl CODE returns a true value.

You can do some Perl-style regular expressions:

    [if value name =~ /^mike/]
                                This is the if with Mike.
    [elsif value name =~ /^sally/]
                                This is an elsif with Sally.
    [elsif value name =~ /^pat/]
                                This is an elsif with Pat.
                                This is the else, no name I know.

While named parameter tag syntax works for [if ...], it is more convenient to use positional calls in most cases. The only exception is if you are planning on doing a test on the results of another tag sequence: [if value name =~ /[value b_name]/] Shipping name matches billing name. [/if]

Oops! This will not work. You must do instead

    [if base=value field=name op="=~" compare="/[value b_name]/"]
        Shipping name matches billing name.

or better yet

    [if type=explicit compare=`
                        $Value->{name} =~ /$Value->{b_name}/
        Shipping name matches billing name.

MiniVend also supports a limited [and ...] and [or ...] capability:

    [if value name =~ /Mike/]
    [or value name =~ /Jean/]
    Your name is Mike or Jean.

    [if value name =~ /Mike/]
    [and value state =~ /OH/]
    Your name is Mike and you live in Ohio.

If you wish to do very complex AND and OR operations, you will have to use [if explicit] or better yet embedded Perl/ASP. This allows complex testing and parsing of values.

There are many test targets available:

config Directive

The MiniVend configuration variables. These are set by the directives in your MiniVend configuration file (or the defaults).

    [if config CreditCardAuto]
    Auto credit card validation is enabled.
data database::field::key

The MiniVend databases. Retrieves a field in the database and returns true or false based on the value.

    [if data products::size::99-102]
    There is size information.
    No size information.

    [if data products::size::99-102 =~ /small/i]
    There is a small size available.
    No small size available.

Checks to see if a discount is present for an item.

    [if discount 99-102]
    Item is discounted.

A test for an explicit value. If perl code is placed between a [condition] [/condition] tag pair, it will be used to make the comparison. Arguments can be passed to import data from user space, just as with the [perl] tag.

    [if explicit]
        $country = '[value country]';
        return 1 if $country =~ /u\.?s\.?a?/i;
        return 0;
    You have indicated a US address.
    You have indicated a non-US address. 

This example is a bit contrived, as the same thing could be accomplished with [if value country =~ /u\.?s\.?a?/i], but you will run into many situations where it is useful.

This will work for Variable values:

    [if type=explicit compare="__MYVAR__"] .. [/if]

Tests for existence of a file. Useful for placing image tags only if the image is present.

    [if file /home/user/www/images/[item-code].gif]
    <IMG SRC="[item-code].gif">

The file test requires that the SafeUntrap directive contains ftfile (which is the default).


The MiniVend shopping carts. If not specified, the cart used is the main cart. Usually used as a litmus test to see if anything is in the cart, for example:

  [if items]You have items in your shopping cart.[/if]
  [if items layaway]You have items on layaway.[/if]

Order status of individual items in the MiniVend shopping carts. If not specified, the cart used is the main cart. The following items refer to a part number of 99-102.

  [if ordered 99-102] Item 99-102 is in your cart. [/if]
    Checks the status of an item on order, true if item
    99-102 is in the main cart.

  [if ordered 99-102 layaway] ... [/if]
    Checks the status of an item on order, true if item
    99-102 is in the layaway cart.

  [if ordered 99-102 main size] ... [/if]
    Checks the status of an item on order in the main cart,
    true if it has a size attribute.

  [if ordered 99-102 main size =~ /large/i] ... [/if]
    Checks the status of an item on order in the main cart,
    true if it has a size attribute containing 'large'.

    To make sure it is exactly large, you could use:

  [if ordered 99-102 main size eq 'large'] ... [/if]

The MiniVend scratchpad variables, which can be set with the [set name]value[/set] element.

    [if scratch mv_separate_items]
    ordered items will be placed on a separate line.
    ordered items will be placed on the same line.

the minivend session variables. of particular interest are i<login>, i<frames>, i<secure>, and i<browser>.


a special case, takes the form [if validcc no type exp_date]. evaluates to true if the supplied credit card number, type of card, and expiration date pass a validity test. does a luhn-10 calculation to weed out typos or phony card numbers. Uses the standard CreditCardAuto variables for targets if nothing else is passed.


the minivend user variables, typically set in search, control, or order forms. variables beginning with c<mv_> are minivend special values, and should be tested/used with caution.

The field term is the specifier for that area. For example, [if session logged_in] would return true if the logged_in session parameter was set.

As an example, consider buttonbars for frame-based setups. It would be nice to display a different buttonbar (with no frame targets) for sessions that are not using frames:

    [if scratch frames]

Another example might be the when search matches are displayed. If you use the string '[value mv_match_count] titles found', it will display a plural for only one match. Use:

    [if value mv_match_count != 1]
        [value mv_match_count] matches found.
        Only one match was found.

The op term is the compare operation to be used. Compare operations are as in Perl:

    ==  numeric equivalence
    eq  string equivalence
    >   numeric greater-than
    gt  string greater-than
    <   numeric less-than
    lt  string less-than
    !=  numeric non-equivalence
    ne  string equivalence

Any simple perl test can be used, including some limited regex matching. More complex tests are best done with [if explicit].

[then] text [/then]

This is optional if you are not nesting if conditions, as the text immediately following the [if ..] tag is used as the conditionally substituted text. If nesting [if ...] tags you should use a [then][/then] on any outside conditions to ensure proper interpolation.

[elsif type field op* compare*]

named attributes: [elsif type=``type'' term=``field'' op=``op'' compare=``compare'']

Additional conditions for test, applied if the initial [if ..] test fails.

[else] text [/else]

The optional else-text for an if or if_field conditional.

[condition] text [/condition]

Only used with the [if explicit] tag. Allows an arbitrary expression in Perl to be placed inside, with its return value interpreted as the result of the test. If arguments are added to [if explicit args], those will be passed as arguments are in the [perl] construct.



Parameters: table type

Positional parameters in same order.

The attribute hash reference is passed after the parameters but before the container text argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Interpolates container text by default>.

This is a container tag, i.e. [import] FOO [/import]. Nesting: NO

Invalidates cache: YES

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         table => VALUE,
         type => VALUE,
    $Tag->import($table, $type, $ATTRHASH, $BODY);

Attribute aliases

            base ==> table
            database ==> table


Named attributes:

    [import table=table_name

Import one or more records into a database. The type is any of the valid MiniVend delimiter types, with the default being defined by the setting of the database DELIMITER. The table must already be a defined MiniVend database table; it cannot be created on the fly. (If you need that, it is time to use SQL.)

The type of LINE and continue setting of NOTES is particularly useful, for it allows you to name your fields and not have to remember the order in which they appear in the database. The following two imports are identical in effect:

    [import table=orders]
    code: [value mv_order_number]
    shipping_mode: [shipping-description]
    status: pending
    [import table=orders]
    shipping_mode: [shipping-description]
    status: pending
    code: [value mv_order_number]

The code or key must always be present, and is always named code.

If you do not use NOTES mode, you must import the fields in the same order as they appear in the ASCII source file.

The [import ....] TEXT [/import] region may contain multiple records. If using NOTES mode, you must use a separator, which by default is a form-feed character (^L).



Parameters: file

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         file => VALUE,


Same as [file name] except interpolates for all MiniVend tags and variables. Does NOT do locale translations.



Parameters: table

Positional parameters in same order.

The attribute hash reference is passed to the subroutine after the parameters as the last argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: YES

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         table => VALUE,
    $Tag->index($table, $ATTRHASH);

Attribute aliases

            base ==> table
            database ==> table





Parameters: name

Positional parameters in same order.

The attribute hash reference is passed after the parameters but before the container text argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

This is a container tag, i.e. [input_filter] FOO [/input_filter]. Nesting: NO

Invalidates cache: YES

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         name => VALUE,
    $Tag->input_filter($name, $ATTRHASH, $BODY);

Attribute aliases

            ops ==> op
            var ==> name
            variable ==> name





Parameters: name


The attribute hash reference is passed after the parameters but before the container text argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

This is a container tag, i.e. [item_list] FOO [/item_list]. Nesting: NO

Invalidates cache: YES

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         name => VALUE,
    $Tag->item_list($name, $ATTRHASH, $BODY);

Attribute aliases

            cart ==> name


Within any page, the [item_list cart*] element shows a list of all the items ordered by the customer so far. It works by repeating the source between [item_list] and [/item_list] once for each item ordered.

NOTE: The special tags that reference item within the list are not normal MiniVend tags, do not take named attributes, and cannot be contained in an HTML tag (other than to substitute for one of its values or provide a conditional container). They are interpreted only inside their corresponding list container. Normal MiniVend tags can be interspersed, though they will be interpreted after all of the list-specific tags.

Between the item_list markers the following elements will return information for the current item:

[if-data table column]

If the database field column in table table is non-blank, the following text up to the [/if_data] tag is substituted. This can be used to substitute IMG or other tags only if the corresponding source item is present. Also accepts a [else]else text[/else] pair for the opposite condition.

[if-data ! table column]

Reverses sense for [if-data].


Terminates an [if_data table column] element.

[if-field fieldname]

If the products database field fieldname is non-blank, the following text up to the [/if_field] tag is substituted. If you have more than one products database table (see ProductFiles), it will check them in order until a matching key is found. This can be used to substitute IMG or other tags only if the corresponding source item is present. Also accepts a [else]else text[/else] pair for the opposite condition.

[if-field ! fieldname]

Reverses sense for [if-field].


Terminates an [if_field fieldname] element.

[item-accessories attribute*, type*, field*, database*, name*]

Evaluates to the value of the Accessories database entry for the item. If passed any of the optional arguments, initiates special processing of item attributes based on entries in the product database.


Evaluates to the product code for the current item.

[item-data database fieldname]

Evaluates to the field name fieldname in the arbitrary database table database, for the current item.


Evaluates to the product description (from the products file) for the current item.

In support of OnFly, if the description field is not found in the database, the description setting in the shopping cart will be used instead.

[item-field fieldname]

Evaluates to the field name fieldname in the products database, for the current item. If the item is not found in the first of the ProductFiles, all will be searched in sequence.


Evaluates to the number of the item in the match list. Used for numbering search matches or order items in the list.


Evaluates the output of the MiniVend tags encased inside the tags, and if it evaluates to a numerical non-zero number (i.e. 1, 23, or -1) then the list iteration will terminate. If the evaluated number is negative, then the item itself will be skipped. If the evaluated number is positive, then the item itself will be shown but will be last on the list.

        return -1 if '[item-field weight]' eq '';
        return 1 if '[item-field weight]' < 1;
        return 0;

If this is contained in your [item-list] (or [search-list] or flypage) and the weight field is empty, then a numerical -1 will be output from the [calc][/calc] tags; the list will end and the item will not be shown. If the product's weight field is less than 1, a numerical 1 is output. The item will be shown, but will be the last item shown. (If it is an [item-list], any price for the item will still be added to the subtotal.) NOTE: no HTML style.

[item-modifier attribute]

Evaluates to the modifier value of attribute for the current item.


Evaluates the output of the MiniVend tags encased inside, and if it evaluates to a numerical non-zero number (i.e. 1, 23, or -1) then the item will be skipped with no output. Example:

      [item-next][calc][item-field weight] < 1[/calc][/item-next]

If this is contained in your [item-list] (or [search-list] or flypage) and the product's weight field is less than 1, then a numerical 1 will be output from the [calc][/calc] operation. The item will not be shown. (If it is an [item-list], any price for the item will still be added to the subtotal.)

[item-price n* noformat*]

Evaluates to the price for quantity n (from the products file) of the current item, with currency formatting. If the optional ``noformat'' is set, then currency formatting will not be applied.

[discount-price n* noformat*]

Evaluates to the discount price for quantity n (from the products file) of the current item, with currency formatting. If the optional ``noformat'' is set, then currency formatting will not be applied. Returns regular price if not discounted.


Returns the difference between the regular price and the discounted price.


Evaluates to the quantity ordered for the current item.


Evaluates to the subtotal (quantity * price) for the current item. Quantity price breaks are taken into account.

[modifier-name attribute]

Evaluates to the name to give an input box in which the customer can specify the modifier to the ordered item.


Evaluates to the name to give an input box in which the customer can enter the quantity to order.



Parameters: name

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         name => VALUE,





Parameters: list

Positional parameters in same order.

The attribute hash reference is passed after the parameters but before the container text argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

This is a container tag, i.e. [loop] FOO [/loop]. Nesting: NO

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         list => VALUE,
    $Tag->loop($list, $ATTRHASH, $BODY);

Attribute aliases

            arg ==> list
            args ==> list


HTML example:

    <TABLE><TR MV="loop 1 2 3"><TD>[loop-code]</TD></TR></TABLE>

Returns a string consisting of the LIST, repeated for every item in a comma-separated or space-separated list. Operates in the same fashion as the [item-list] tag, except for order-item-specific values. Intended to pull multiple attributes from an item modifier -- but can be useful for other things, like building a pre-ordained product list on a page.

Loop lists can be nested reliably in MiniVend 3.06 by using the with=``tag'' parameter. New syntax:

    [loop arg="A B C"]
        [loop with="-a" arg="[loop-code]1 [loop-code]2 [loop-code]3"]
            [loop with="-b" arg="X Y Z"]

An example in the old syntax:

    [loop 1 2 3]   
        [loop-a 1 2 3 ]
        [loop-b 1 2 3]

All loop items in the inner loop-a loop need to have the with value appended, i.e. [loop-field-a name], [loop-price-a], etc. Nesting is arbitrarily large, though it will be slow for many levels.

You can do an arbitrary search with the search=``args'' parameter, just as in a one-click search:

    [loop search="se=Americana/sf=category"]
        [loop-code] [loop-field title]

The above will show all items with a category containing the whole world ``Americana'', and will work the same in both old and new syntax.

[if-loop-data table field] IF [else] ELSE [/else][/if-loop-field]

Outputs the IF if the field in table is non-empty, and the ELSE (if any) otherwise.

[if-loop-field field] IF [else] ELSE [/else][/if-loop-field]

Outputs the IF if the field in the products table is non-empty, and the ELSE (if any) otherwise.


Evaluates to the value of the Accessories database entry for the item.

[loop-change marker]

Same as [on_change] but within loop lists.


Evaluates to the product code for the current item.

[loop-data database fieldname]

Evaluates to the field name fieldname in the arbitrary database table database, for the current item.


Evaluates to the product description (from the products file) for the current item.

[loop-field fieldname]

Evaluates to the field name fieldname in the database, for the current item.


Evaluates to the number of the item in the list. Used for numbering items in the list.


Evaluates the output of the MiniVend tags encased inside, and if it evaluates to a numerical non-zero number (i.e. 1, 23, or -1) then the loop iteration will terminate. If the evaluated number is negative, then the item itself will be skipped. If the evaluated number is positive, then the item itself will be shown but will be last on the list.

        return -1 if '[loop-field weight]' eq '';
        return 1 if '[loop-field weight]' < 1;
        return 0;

If this is contained in your [loop list] and the weight field is empty, then a numerical -1 will be output from the [calc][/calc] tags; the list will end and the item will not be shown. If the product's weight field is less than 1, a numerical 1 is output. The item will be shown, but will be the last item shown.


Evaluates the output of the MiniVend tags encased inside, and if it evaluates to a numerical non-zero number (i.e. 1, 23, or -1) then the loop will be skipped with no output. Example:

      [loop-next][calc][loop-field weight] < 1[/calc][/loop-next]

If this is contained in your [loop list] and the product's weight field is less than 1, then a numerical 1 will be output from the [calc][/calc] operation. The item will not be shown.

[loop-price n* noformat*]

Evaluates to the price for optional quantity n (from the products file) of the current item, with currency formatting. If the optional ``noformat'' is set, then currency formatting will not be applied.



Parameters: tables

Positional parameters in same order.

The attribute hash reference is passed after the parameters but before the container text argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

This is a container tag, i.e. [mvasp] FOO [/mvasp]. Nesting: NO

Invalidates cache: YES

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         tables => VALUE,
    $Tag->mvasp($tables, $ATTRHASH, $BODY);

Attribute aliases

            table ==> tables





Parameters: name

Positional parameters in same order.

The attribute hash reference is passed to the subroutine after the parameters as the last argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: YES

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         name => VALUE,
    $Tag->nitems($name, $ATTRHASH);


Expands into the total number of items ordered so far. Takes an optional cart name as a parameter.



Parameters: code quantity

Positional parameters in same order.

The attribute hash reference is passed to the subroutine after the parameters as the last argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         code => VALUE,
         quantity => VALUE,
    $Tag->onfly($code, $quantity, $ATTRHASH);





Parameters: type term op compare


Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

Called Routine for positonal:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         type => VALUE,
         term => VALUE,
         op => VALUE,
         compare => VALUE,
    $Tag->or($type, $term, $op, $compare);

Attribute aliases

            base ==> type
            comp ==> compare
            operator ==> op





Parameters: code quantity

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         code => VALUE,
         quantity => VALUE,
    $Tag->order($code, $quantity);


Expands into a hypertext link which will include the specified code in the list of products to order and display the order page. code should be a product code listed in one of the ``products'' databases. The optional argument cart/page selects the shopping cart the item will be placed in (begin with / to use the default cart main) and the order page that will display the order. The optional argument database constrains the order to a particular products file -- if not specified, all databases defined as products files will be searched in sequence for the item.


  Order a [order TK112]Toaster[/order] today.



Aliases for tag


Parameters: href arg

Positional parameters in same order.

The attribute hash reference is passed to the subroutine after the parameters as the last argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         href => VALUE,
         arg => VALUE,
    $Tag->page($href, $arg, $ATTRHASH);

Attribute aliases

            base ==> arg


Insert a hyperlink to the specified catalog page pg. For example, [page shirts] will expand into < a href=``;;1''>. The catalog page displayed will come from ``shirts.html'' in the pages directory.

The additional argument will be passed to MiniVend and placed in the {arg} session parameter. This allows programming of a conditional page display based on where the link came from. The argument is then available with the tag [data session arg], or the embedded Perl session variable $Session->{arg}. Spaces and some other characters will be escaped with the %NN HTTP-style notation and unescaped when the argument is read back into the session.

A bit of magic occurs if MiniVend has built a static plain HTML page for the target page. Instead of generating a normal MiniVend-parsed page reference, a static page reference will be inserted if the user has accepted and sent back a cookie with the session ID.

The optional form argument allows you to encode a form in the link.

        [page form="
                mv_todo=refresh"] Order t-shirt in Large size </A>

The two form values mv_session_id and mv_arg are automatically added when appropriate. (mv_arg is the arg parameter for the tag.)

If the parameter href is not supplied, process is used, causing normal MiniVend form processing. If the href points to an http:// link no MiniVend URL processing will be done, but the mv_session_id

This would generate a form that ordered item number 99-102 on a separate line (mv_separate_items being set), with size L, in quantity 2. Since the page is not set, you will go to the default shopping cart page -- equally you could set mv_orderpage=yourpage to go to yourpage.

All normal MiniVend form caveats apply -- you must have an action, you must supply a page if you don't want to go to the default, etc.

You can theoretically submit any form with this, though none of the included values can have newlines or trailing whitespace. If you want to do something like that you will have to write a UserTag.

MiniVend allows you to pass a search in a URL. Just specify the search with the special page reference scan. Here is an example:

     [page scan
        Impressionist Paintings

Here is the same thing from a home page (assuming /cgi-bin/vlink is the CGI path for MiniVend's vlink):

     <A HREF="/cgi-bin/vlink/scan/se=Impressionists/sf=category">
        Impressionist Paintings

Sometimes, you will find that you need to pass characters that will not be interpreted positionally. In that case, you should quote the arguments:

    [page href=scan
                se="Something with spaces"

The two-letter abbreviations are mapped with these letters:

  DL  mv_raw_dict_look
  MM  mv_more_matches
  SE  mv_raw_searchspec
  ac  mv_all_chars
  ar  mv_arg
  bd  mv_base_directory
  bs  mv_begin_string
  ck  mv_cache_key
  co  mv_coordinate
  cs  mv_case
  cv  mv_verbatim_columns
  de  mv_dict_end
  df  mv_dict_fold
  di  mv_dict_limit
  dl  mv_dict_look
  do  mv_dict_order
  dp  mv_delay_page
  dr  mv_record_delim
  em  mv_exact_match
  er  mv_spelling_errors
  fi  mv_search_file
  fm  mv_first_match
  fn  mv_field_names
  hs  mv_head_skip
  id  mv_session_id
  il  mv_index_delim
  ix  mv_index_delim
  lb  mv_search_label
  lo  mv_list_only
  lr  mv_line_return
  lr  mv_search_line_return
  ml  mv_matchlimit
  mm  mv_max_matches
  mp  mv_profile
  ms  mv_min_string
  ne  mv_negate
  np  mv_nextpage
  nu  mv_numeric
  op  mv_column_op
  os  mv_orsearch
  pc  mv_pc
  ra  mv_return_all
  rd  mv_return_delim
  rf  mv_return_fields
  rg  mv_range_alpha
  rl  mv_range_look
  rm  mv_range_min
  rn  mv_return_file_name
  rr  mv_return_reference
  rs  mv_return_spec
  rx  mv_range_max
  se  mv_searchspec
  sf  mv_search_field
  si  mv_search_immediate
  sp  mv_search_page
  sq  mv_sql_query
  st  mv_searchtype
  su  mv_substring_match
  td  mv_table_cell
  tf  mv_sort_field
  th  mv_table_header
  to  mv_sort_option
  tr  mv_table_row
  un  mv_unique
  va  mv_value

They can be treated just the same as form variables on the page, except that they can't contain spaces, '/' in a file name, or quote marks. These characters can be used in URL hex encoding, i.e. %20 is a space, %2F is a /, etc. -- &sp; or &#32; will not be recognized. If you use one of the methods below to escape these ``unsafe'' characters, you won't have to worry about this.

You may specify a one-click search in three different ways. The first is as used in previous versions, with the scan URL being specified completely as the page name. The second two use the ``argument'' parameter to the [page ...] or [area ...] tags to specify the search (an argument to a scan is never valid anyway).


If you wish to do an OR search on the fields category and artist for the strings ``Surreal'' and ``Gogh'', while matching substrings, you would do:

 [page scan se=Surreal/se=Gogh/os=yes/su=yes/sf=artist/sf=category]
    Van Gogh -- compare to surrealists

In this method of specification, to replace a / (slash) in a file name (for the sp, bd, or fi parameter) you must use the shorthand of ::, i.e. sp=results::standard. (This may not work for some browsers, so you should probably either put the page in the main pages directory or define the page in a search profile.)


You can substitute & for / in the specification and be able to use / and quotes and spaces in the specification.

 [page scan se="Van Gogh"&sp=lists/surreal&os=yes&su=yes&sf=artist&sf=category]
    Van Gogh -- compare to surrealists

Any ``unsafe'' characters will be escaped.


You can specify parameters one to a line, as well.

    [page scan
        se="Van Gogh"
    ] Van Gogh -- compare to surrealists [/page]

Any ``unsafe'' characters will be escaped. You may not search for trailing spaces in this method; it is allowed in the other notations.

New syntax and old syntax handle the tags the same, though if by some odd chance you wanted to be able to search for a ] (right square bracket) you would need to use new syntax.

The optional arg is used just as in the page tag.


Expands into </a>. Used with the page element, such as:

  [page shirts]Our shirt collection[/page]. 

TIP: A small efficiency boost in large pages is to just use the </A> tag.



Parameters: tables

Positional parameters in same order.

The attribute hash reference is passed after the parameters but before the container text argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

This is a container tag, i.e. [perl] FOO [/perl]. Nesting: NO

Invalidates cache: YES

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         tables => VALUE,
    $Tag->perl($tables, $ATTRHASH, $BODY);

Attribute aliases

            table ==> tables


        $name    = $Values->{name};
        $browser = $Session->{browser};
        return "Hi, $name! How do you like your $browser?

HTML example:

    <PRE mv=perl>
        $name    = $Values->{name};
        $browser = $Session->{browser};
        return "Hi, $name! How do you like your $browser?

Perl code can be directly embedded in MiniVend pages. The code is specified as [perl arguments*] any_legal_perl_code [/perl]. The value returned by the code will be inserted on the page.

Object references are available for most MiniVend tags and functions, as well as direct references to MiniVend session and configuration values.

  $CGI->{key}               Hash reference to raw submitted values
  $CGI_array->{key}         Arrays of submitted values
  $Carts->{cartname}        Direct reference to shopping carts
  $Config->{key}            Direct reference to $Vend::Cfg
  $DbSearch->array(@args)   Do a DB search and get results
  $Document->header()       Writes header lines
  $Document->send()         Writes to output
  $Document->write()        Writes to page
  $Scratch->{key}           Direct reference to scratch area
  $Session->{key}           Direct reference to session area
  $Tag->tagname(@args)      Call a tag as a routine (UserTag too!)
  $TextSearch->array(@args) Do a text search and get results
  $Values->{key}            Direct reference to user form values
  $Variable->{key}          Config variables (same as $Config->{Variable});
  &HTML($html)              Same as $Document->write($html);
  &Log($msg)                Log to the error log

For full descriptions of these objects, see MiniVend Programming.

If you wish to use database values in your Perl code, you must pre-open the table(s) you will be using. This can be done by including the table name in the tables parameter of the Perl tag:

    [perl tables=products]
        $result = "You asked about $Values->{code}. Here is the description: ";
        $result .= $Tag->data('products', 'description', $Values->{code});
        return $result;

If you do not do this, your code will fail with a runtime Safe error.



Parameters: code

Positional parameters in same order.

The attribute hash reference is passed to the subroutine after the parameters as the last argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         code => VALUE,
    $Tag->price($code, $ATTRHASH);



        code       Product code/SKU
        base       Only search in product table *base*
        quantity   Price for a quantity
        discount   If true(1), check discount coupons and apply
        noformat   If true(1), don't apply currency formatting

Expands into the price of the product identified by code as found in the products database. If there is more than one products file defined, they will be searched in order unless constrained by the optional argument base. The optional argument quantity selects an entry from the quantity price list. To receive a raw number, with no currency formatting, use the option noformat=1.

MiniVend maintains a price in its database for every product. The price field is the one required field in the product database -- it is necessary to build the price routines.

For speed, MiniVend builds the code that is used to determine a product's price at catalog configuration time. If you choose to change a directive that affects product pricing you must reconfigure the catalog.

Quantity price breaks are configured by means of the CommonAdjust directive. There are a number of CommonAdjust recipes which can be used; the standard example in the demo calls for a separate pricing table called pricing. Observe the following:

   CommonAdjust  pricing:q2,q5,q10,q25, ;products:price, ==size:pricing

This says to check quantity and find the applicable column in the pricing database and apply it. In this case, it would be:

    2-4      Column *q2*
    5-9      Column *q5*
    10-24    Column *q10*
    25 up    Column *q25*

What happens if quantity is one? It ``falls back'' to the price that is in the table products, column price.

After that, if there is a size attribute for the product, the column in the pricing database corresponding to that column is checked for additions or subtractions (or even percentage changes).

If you use this tag in the demo:

    [price code=99-102 quantity=10 size=XL]

the price will be according to the q10 column, adjusted by what is in the XL column. (The row is of course 99-102.) The following entry in pricing:

  code    q2   q5   q10  q25  XL
  99-102  10   9    8    7    .50

Would yield 8.50 for the price. Quantity of 10 in the q10 column, with 50 cents added for extra large (XL).

Following are several examples based on the above entry as well as this the entry in the products table:

  code    description   price    size
  99-102  T-Shirt       10.00    S=Small, M=Medium, L=Large*, XL=Extra Large

NOTE: The examples below assume a US locale with 2 decimal places, use of commas to separate, and a dollar sign ($) as the currency formatting.

  TAG                                             DISPLAYS
  ----------------------------------             ---------------------------
  [price 99-102]                                  $10.00
  [price code="99-102"]                           $10.00
  [price code="99-102" quantity=1]                $10.00
  [price code="99-102" noformat=1]                10
  [price code="99-102" quantity=5]                $9.00
  [price code="99-102" quantity=5 size=XL]        $9.50
  [price code="99-102" size=XL]                   $10.50
  [price code="99-102" size=XL noformat=1]        10.5

Product discounts for specific products, all products, or the entire order can be configured with the [discount ...] tag. Discounts are applied on a per-user basis -- you can gate the discount based on membership in a club or other arbitrary means.

Adding [discount 99-102] $s * .9[/discount] deducts 10% from the price at checkout, but the price tag will not show that unless you add the discount=1 parameter.

    [price code="99-102"]            -->   $10.00
    [price code="99-102" discount=1] -->   $9.00

See Product Discounts.



Aliases for tag


Parameters: target secure


The attribute hash reference is passed to the subroutine after the parameters as the last argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         target => VALUE,
         secure => VALUE,
    $Tag->process($target, $secure, $ATTRHASH);





Parameters: sql

Positional parameters in same order.

The attribute hash reference is passed after the parameters but before the container text argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

This is a container tag, i.e. [query] FOO [/query]. Nesting: NO

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         sql => VALUE,
    $Tag->query($sql, $ATTRHASH, $BODY);

Attribute aliases

            query ==> sql





Parameters: name


Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: YES

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         name => VALUE,





No parameters.

The attribute hash reference is passed to the subroutine after the parameters as the last argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:


Attribute aliases

            code ==> key
            column ==> col
            field ==> col





No parameters.

The attribute hash reference is passed after the parameters but before the container text argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

This is a container tag, i.e. [region] FOO [/region]. Nesting: NO

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

    $Tag->region($ATTRHASH, $BODY);

Attribute aliases

            args ==> arg
            params ==> arg
            search ==> arg





Parameters: width

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Interpolates container text by default>.

This is a container tag, i.e. [row] FOO [/row]. Nesting: NO

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         width => VALUE,
    $Tag->row($width, $BODY);


Formats text in tables. Intended for use in emailed reports or < PRE>< /PRE> HTML areas. The parameter nn gives the number of columns to use. Inside the row tag, [col param=value ...] tags may be used.

[col width=nn wrap=yes|no gutter=n align=left|right|input spacing=n]

Sets up a column for use in a [row]. This parameter can only be contained inside a [row nn] [/row] tag pair. Any number of columns (that fit within the size of the row) can be defined.

The parameters are:

    width=nn        The column width, I<including the gutter>. Must be
                    supplied, there is no default. A shorthand method
                    is to just supply the number as the I<first> parameter,
                    as in [col 20].
    gutter=n        The number of spaces used to separate the column (on
                    the right-hand side) from the next. Default is 2.
    spacing=n       The line spacing used for wrapped text. Default is 1,
                    or single-spaced.
    wrap=(yes|no)   Determines whether text that is greater in length than
                    the column width will be wrapped to the next line. Default
                    is I<yes>.
    align=(L|R|I)   Determines whether text is aligned to the left (the default),
                    the right, or in a way that might display an HTML text
                    input field correctly.

Terminates the column field.



Parameters: name noformat

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         name => VALUE,
         noformat => VALUE,
    $Tag->salestax($name, $noformat);

Attribute aliases

            cart ==> name


Expands into the sales tax on the subtotal of all the items ordered so far for the cart, default cart is main. If there is no key field to derive the proper percentage, such as state or zip code, it is set to 0. If the noformat tag is present and non-zero, the raw number with no currency formatting will be given.



Parameters: name

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: YES

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         name => VALUE,


Returns the contents of a scratch variable to the page. (A scratch variable is set with a [set] value [/set] container pair.)



Parameters: arg

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         arg => VALUE,





Parameters: arg


The attribute hash reference is passed after the parameters but before the container text argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

This is a container tag, i.e. [search_region] FOO [/search_region]. Nesting: NO

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         arg => VALUE,
    $Tag->search_region($arg, $ATTRHASH, $BODY);

Attribute aliases

            args ==> arg
            params ==> arg
            search ==> arg





Parameters: name value multiple

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: YES

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         name => VALUE,
         value => VALUE,
         multiple => VALUE,
    $Tag->selected($name, $value, $multiple);


You can provide a ``memory'' for drop-down menus, radio buttons, and checkboxes with the [checked] and [selected] tags.

This will output SELECTED if the variable var_name is equal to value. If the optional MULTIPLE argument is present, it will look for any of a variety of values. Not case sensitive.

Here is a drop-down menu that remembers an item-modifier color selection:

    <SELECT NAME="color">
    <OPTION [selected color blue]> Blue
    <OPTION [selected color green]> Green
    <OPTION [selected color red]> Red

Here is the same thing, but for a shopping-basket color selection

    <SELECT NAME="[modifier-name color]">
    <OPTION [selected [modifier-name color] blue]> Blue
    <OPTION [selected [modifier-name color] green]> Green
    <OPTION [selected [modifier-name color] red]> Red



Parameters: name

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

This is a container tag, i.e. [set] FOO [/set]. Nesting: NO

Invalidates cache: YES

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         name => VALUE,
    $Tag->set($name, $BODY);


Sets a scratch variable to value.

Most of the mv_* variables that are used for search and order conditionals are in another namespace -- they can be set by means of hidden fields in a form.

You can set an order profile with:

  [set checkout]
  <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_order_profile VALUE="checkout">

A search profile would be set with:

  [set substring_case]
  <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_profile VALUE="substring_case">

Any of these profile values can be set in the OrderProfile files as well.



Parameters: name value expire


Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: YES

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         name => VALUE,
         value => VALUE,
         expire => VALUE,
    $Tag->set_cookie($name, $value, $expire);





Parameters: name

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Interpolates container text by default>.

This is a container tag, i.e. [seti] FOO [/seti]. Nesting: NO

Invalidates cache: YES

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         name => VALUE,
    $Tag->seti($name, $BODY);





Parameters: locale currency

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         locale => VALUE,
         currency => VALUE,
    $Tag->setlocale($locale, $currency);





Parameters: mode

Positional parameters in same order.

The attribute hash reference is passed to the subroutine after the parameters as the last argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         mode => VALUE,
    $Tag->shipping($mode, $ATTRHASH);

Attribute aliases

            carts ==> cart
            modes ==> mode
            name ==> mode
            tables ==> table


The shipping cost of the items in the basket via mode -- the default mode is the shipping mode currently selected in the mv_shipmode variable. See SHIPPING.



Aliases for tag


Parameters: mode

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         mode => VALUE,





Parameters: type query

Positional parameters in same order.

The attribute hash reference is passed after the parameters but before the container text argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

This is a container tag, i.e. [sql] FOO [/sql]. Nesting: NO

Invalidates cache: YES

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         type => VALUE,
         query => VALUE,
    $Tag->sql($type, $query, $ATTRHASH, $BODY);





No parameters.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

This is a container tag, i.e. [strip] FOO [/strip]. Nesting: NO

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:






Parameters: name noformat

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: YES

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         name => VALUE,
         noformat => VALUE,
    $Tag->subtotal($name, $noformat);

Attribute aliases

            cart ==> name


Positional: [subtotal cart* noformat*]

mandatory: NONE

optional: cart noformat

Expands into the subtotal cost, exclusive of sales tax, of all the items ordered so far for the optional cart. If the noformat tag is present and non-zero, the raw number with no currency formatting will be given.



Parameters: op arg

Positional parameters in same order.

The attribute hash reference is passed after the parameters but before the container text argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

This is a container tag, i.e. [tag] FOO [/tag]. Nesting: NO

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         op => VALUE,
         arg => VALUE,
    $Tag->tag($op, $arg, $ATTRHASH, $BODY);

Attribute aliases

            description ==> arg


Performs any of a number of operations, based on the presence of arg. The arguments that may be given are:

export database file* type*

Exports a complete MiniVend database to its text source file (or any specified file). The integer n, if specified, will select export in one of the enumerated MiniVend export formats. The following tag will export the products database to products.txt (or whatever you have defined its source file as), in the format specified by the Database directive:

    [tag export products][/tag]

Same thing, except to the file products/new_products.txt:

    [tag export products products/newproducts.txt][/tag]

Same thing, except the export is done with a PIPE delimiter:

    [tag export products products/newproducts.txt 5][/tag]

The file is relative to the catalog directory, and only may be an absolute path name if NoAbsolute is set to No.

flag arg

Sets a MiniVend condition.

The following enables writes on the products and sizes databases held in MiniVend internal DBM format:

    [tag flag write]products sizes[/tag]

SQL databases are always writable if allowed by the SQL database itself -- in-memory databases will never be written.

The [tag flag build][/tag] combination forces static build of a page, even if dynamic elements are contained. Similarly, the [tag flag cache][/tag] forces search or page caching (not usually wise).

log dir/file

Logs a message to a file, fully interpolated for MiniVend tags. The following tag will send every item code and description in the user's shopping cart to the file logs/transactions.txt:

    [tag log logs/transactions.txt]
    [item_list][item-code]  [item-description]

The file is relative to the catalog directory, and only may be an absolute path name if NoAbsolute is set to No.

mime description_string

Returns a MIME-encapsulated message with the boundary as employed in the other mime tags, and the description_string used as the Content-Description. For example

   [tag mime My Plain Text]Your message here.[/tag]

will return

  Content-ID: [sequential, lead as in mime boundary]
  Content-Description: My Plain Text
  Your message here.

When used in concert with [tag mime boundary], [tag mime header], and [tag mime id], allows MIME attachments to be included -- typically with PGP-encrypted credit card numbers. See the demo page ord/report.html for an example.

mime boundary

Returns a MIME message boundary with unique string keyed on session ID, page count, and time.

mime header

Returns a MIME message header with the proper boundary for that session ID, page count, and time.

mime id

Returns a MIME message id with the proper boundary for that session ID, page count, and time.


The encased text will not be substituted for with MiniVend tags, with < and [ characters changed to &#lt; and &#91; respectively.

    [tag show_tags][value whatever][/tag]

Formats the current time according to POSIX strftime arguments. The following is the string for Thursday, April 30, 1997.

    [tag time]%A, %B %d, %Y[/tag]

Touches a database to allow use of the tag_data() routine in user-defined subroutines. If this is not done, the routine will error out if the database has not previously been accessed on the page.

    [tag touch products][/tag]



Parameters: type param

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         type => VALUE,
         param => VALUE,
    $Tag->time($type, $param);





Parameters: file

Positional parameters in same order.

The attribute hash reference is passed after the parameters but before the container text argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

This is a container tag, i.e. [timed_build] FOO [/timed_build]. Nesting: NO

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         file => VALUE,
    $Tag->timed_build($file, $ATTRHASH, $BODY);





Parameters: name noformat

Positional parameters in same order.

Pass attribute hash as last to subroutine: no

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: YES

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         name => VALUE,
         noformat => VALUE,
    $Tag->total_cost($name, $noformat);

Attribute aliases

            cart ==> name


Expands into the total cost of all the items in the current shopping cart, including sales tax (if any).



Parameters: label

Positional parameters in same order.

The attribute hash reference is passed after the parameters but before the container text argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

This is a container tag, i.e. [try] FOO [/try]. Nesting: NO

Invalidates cache: no

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         label => VALUE,
    $Tag->try($label, $ATTRHASH, $BODY);





Parameters: function


The attribute hash reference is passed to the subroutine after the parameters as the last argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: YES

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         function => VALUE,
    $Tag->update($function, $ATTRHASH);





Parameters: function

Positional parameters in same order.

The attribute hash reference is passed to the subroutine after the parameters as the last argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: YES

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         function => VALUE,
    $Tag->userdb($function, $ATTRHASH);

Attribute aliases

            name ==> nickname
            table ==> db


MiniVend provides a [userdb ...] tag to access the UserDB functions.

        oldpass="old password"*
        shipping="fields for shipping save"
        billing="fields for billing save"
        preferences="fields for preferences save"

* Optional

It is normally called in an mv_click or mv_check setting, as in:

    [set Login]
    [userdb function=login]

    <FORM ACTION="[process-target]" METHOD=POST>
    <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=mv_click VALUE=Login>
    Username <INPUT NAME=mv_username SIZE=10>
    Password <INPUT NAME=mv_password SIZE=10>

There are several global parameters that apply to any use of the userdb functions. Most importantly, by default the database table is set to be userdb. If you must use another table name, then you should include a database=table parameter with any call to userdb. The global parameters (default in parens):

    database     Sets user database table (userdb)
    show         Show the return value of certain functions
                 or the error message, if any (0)
    force_lower  Force possibly upper-case database fields
                 to lower case session variable names (0)
    billing      Set the billing fields (see Accounts)
    shipping     Set the shipping fields (see Address Book)
    preferences  Set the preferences fields (see Preferences)
    bill_field   Set field name for accounts (accounts)
    addr_field   Set field name for address book (address_book)
    pref_field   Set field name for preferences (preferences)
    cart_field   Set field name for cart storage (carts)
    pass_field   Set field name for password (password)
    time_field   Set field for storing last login time (time)
    expire_field Set field for expiration date (expire_date)
    acl          Set field for simple access control storage (acl)
    file_acl     Set field for file access control storage (file_acl)
    db_acl       Set field for database access control storage (db_acl)



Parameters: name

Positional parameters in same order.

The attribute hash reference is passed to the subroutine after the parameters as the last argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: YES

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         name => VALUE,
    $Tag->value($name, $ATTRHASH);


HTML examples:

   <PARAM MV="value name">
   <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="name" VALUE="[value name]">

Expands into the current value of the customer/form input field named by field. If flag is present, single quotes will be escaped with a backslash; this allows you to contain the [value ...] tag within single quotes. (It is somewhat better to use other quoting methods.) When the value is returned, any MiniVend tags present in the value will be escaped. This prevents users from entering MiniVend tags in form values, which would be a serious security risk.

If the set value is present, the form variable value will be set to it and the empty string returned. Use this to ``uncheck'' a checkbox or set other form variable values to defaults. NOTE: This is only available in new-style tags, for safety reasons.



Parameters: name

Positional parameters in same order.

The attribute hash reference is passed to the subroutine after the parameters as the last argument. This may mean that there are parameters not shown here.

Must pass named parameter interpolate=1 to cause interpolation.

Invalidates cache: YES

Called Routine:

ASP/perl tag calls:

         name => VALUE,
    $Tag->value_extended($name, $ATTRHASH);


Named call example:


Expands into the current value of the customer/form input field named by field. If there are multiple elements of that variable, it will return the value at index; by default all joined together with a space.

If the variable is a file variable coming from a multipart/form-data file upload, then the contents of that upload can be returned to the page or optionally written to the outfile.


The form variable NAME. If no other parameters are present, then the value of the variable will be returned. If there are multiple elements, then by default they will all be returned joined by a space. If joiner is present, then they will be joined by its value.

In the special case of a file upload, the value returned is the name of the file as passed for upload.


The character or string that will join the elements of the array. Will accept string literals such as ``\n'' or ``\r''.


Three tests -- isfile returns true if the variable is a file upload. length returns the length. defined returns whether the value has ever been set at all on a form.


The index of the element to return if not all are wanted. This is useful especially for pre-setting multiple search variables. If set to *, will return all (joined by joiner). If a range, such as 0 .. 2, will return multiple elements.


Returns the contents of a file upload if set to a non-blank, non-zero value. If the variable is not a file, returns nothing.


Names a file to write the contents of a file upload to. It will not accept an absolute file name; the name must be relative to the catalog directory. If you wish to write images or other files that would go to HTML space, you must use the HTTP server's Alias facilities or make a symbolic link.


To do an auto-ASCII translation before writing the outfile, set the ascii parameter to a non-blank, non-zero value. Default is no translation.


The value that will be returned if a test is true or a file is written successfully. Defaults to 1 for tests and the empty string for uploads.


The value that will be returned if a test is false or a file write fails. Defaults to the empty string.

User-defined Tags

MiniVend 3.04 allows the definition of user tags when using the new parsed HTML syntax (a [new] tag is on the page). They will not work with the old syntax. 3.06 adds the tags on a server-wide basis, defined in minivend.cfg.

To define a tag that is catalog-specific, place UserTag directives in your catalog.cfg file. For server-wide tags, define them in minivend.cfg. Catalog-specific tags take precedence if both are defined -- in fact, you can override the base MiniVend tag set with them. The directive takes the form:

   UserTag  tagname  property  value

where tagname is the name of the tag, property is the attribute (described below), and value is the value of the property for that tagname.

The user tags can either be based on Perl subroutines or just be aliases for existing tags. Some quick examples are below.

An alias:

    UserTag product_name Alias     data products title

This will change [product_name 99-102] into [data products title 99-102], which will output the title database field for product code 99-102. Don't use this with [item-data ...] and [item-field ...], as they are parsed separately. You can do [product-name [item-code]], though.

A simple subroutine:

    UserTag company_name Routine   sub { "Your company name" }

When you place a [company-name] tag in a MiniVend page, the text Your company name will be substituted.

A subroutine with a passed text as an argument:

    UserTag caps   Routine   sub { return "\U@_" }
    UserTag caps   HasEndTag 

The tag [caps]This text should be all upper case[/caps] will become THIS TEXT SHOULD BE ALL UPPER CASE.

Here is a useful one you might wish to use:

    UserTag quick_table HasEndTag
    UserTag quick_table Interpolate
    UserTag quick_table Order   border
    UserTag quick_table Routine <<EOF
    sub {
        my ($border,$input) = @_;
        $border = " BORDER=$border" if $border;
        my $out = "<TABLE ALIGN=LEFT$border>";
        my @rows = split /\n+/, $input;
        my ($left, $right);
        for(@rows) {
            $out .= '<TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP>';
            ($left, $right) = split /\s*:\s*/, $_, 2;
            $out .= '<B>' unless $left =~ /</;
            $out .= $left;
            $out .= '</B>' unless $left =~ /</;
            $out .= '</TD><TD VALIGN=TOP>';
            $out .= $right;
            $out .= '</TD></TR>';
            $out .= "\n";
        $out .= '</TABLE>';

Called with:

    [quick-table border=2]
    Name: [value name]
    City: [value city][if value state], [value state][/if] [value country]

The properties for UserTag are are:


An alias for an existing (or other user-defined) tag. It takes the form:

    UserTag tagname Alias    tag to insert

An Alias is the only property that does not require a Routine to process the tag.


An alias for an existing attribute for defined tag. It takes the form:

    UserTag tagname attrAlias   alias attr

As an example, the standard MiniVend value tag takes a named attribute of name for the variable name, meaning that [value name=var] will display the value of form field var. If you put this line in catalog.cfg:

    UserTag value attrAlias   identifier name

then [value identifier=var] will be an equivalent tag.


Notifies MiniVend that this tag must be checked for nesting. Only applies to tags that have HasEndTag defined, of course. NOTE: Your routine must handle the subtleties of nesting, so don't use this unless you are quite conversant with parsing routines. See the routines tag_loop_list and tag_if in lib/Vend/ for an example of a nesting tag.

    UserTag tagname CanNest

Defines an ending [/tag] to encapsulate your text -- the text in between the beginning [tagname] and ending [/tagname] will be the last argument sent to the defined subroutine.

    UserTag tagname HasEndTag

This defines a tag as implicit, meaning it can just be an attribute instead of an attribute=value pair. It must be a recognized attribute in the tag definition, or there will be big problems. Use this with caution!

    UserTag tagname Implicit attribute value

If you want to set a standard include file to a fixed value by default, but don't want to have to specify [include file="/long/path/to/file"] every time, you can just put:

    UserTag include Implicit file file=/long/path/to/file

and [include file] will be the equivalent. You can still specify another value with C[include file=``/another/path/to/file'']


This attribute makes HTML tag output be inserted into the containing tag, in effect adding an attribute=value pair (or pairs).

    UserTag tagname InsertHTML   htmltag  mvtag|mvtag2|mvtagN

In MiniVend's standard tags, among others, the <OPTION ...> tag has the [selected ..] and [checked ...] tags included with them, so that you can do:

   <INPUT TYPE=checkbox
        MV="checked mvshipmode upsg" NAME=mv_shipmode> UPS Ground shipping

to expand to this:

   <INPUT TYPE=checkbox CHECKED NAME=mv_shipmode> UPS Ground shipping

Providing, of course, that mv_shipmode is equal to upsg. If you want to turn off this behavior on a per-tag basis, add the attribute mv.noinsert=1 to the tag on your page.


To make a container tag be placed after the containing HTML tag, use the InsideHTML setting.

    UserTag tagname InsideHTML   htmltag  mvtag|mvtag2|mvtagN

In MiniVend's standard tags, the only InsideHTML tag is the < SELECT> tag when used with loop, which causes this:

   <SELECT MV="loop upsg upsb upsr" NAME=mv_shipmode>
   <OPTION VALUE="[loop-code]"> [shipping-desc [loop-code]]

to expand to this:

   <SELECT NAME=mv_shipmode>
   [loop upsg upsb upsr]
   <OPTION VALUE="[loop-code]"> [shipping-desc [loop-code]]

Without the InsideHTML setting, the [loop ...] would have been outside of the select -- not what you want. If you want to turn off this behavior on a per-tag basis, add the attribute mv.noinside=1 to the tag on your page.


The behavior for this attribute depends on whether the tag is a container (i.e. HasEndTag is defined). If it is not a container, the Interpolate attribute causes the the resulting HTML from the UserTag will be re-parsed for more MiniVend tags. If it is a container, Interpolate causes the contents of the tag to be parsed before the tag routine is run.

    UserTag tagname Interpolate

If this is defined, the presence of the tag on a page will prevent search cache, page cache, and static builds from operating on the page.

    UserTag tagname InvalidateCache

It does not override [tag flag build][/tag], though.


The optional arguments that can be sent to the tag. This defines not only the order in which they will be passed to Routine, but the name of the tags. If encapsulated text is appropriate (HasEndTag is set), it will be the last argument.

    UserTag tagname Order param1 param2

Identical to the Routine argument -- a subroutine that will be called when the new syntax is not used for the call, i.e. [usertag argument] instead of [usertag ARG=argument]. If not defined, Routine is used, and MiniVend will usually do the right thing.


Works in concert with InsertHTML, defining a single attribute which will be replaced in the insertion operation..

  UserTag tagname ReplaceAttr  htmltag attr

An example is the standard HTML < A HREF=...> tag. If you want to use the MiniVend tag [area pagename] inside of it, then you would normally want to replace the HREF attribute. So the equivalent to the following is defined within MiniVend:

  UserTag  area  ReplaceAttr  a  href

Causing this

    <A MV="area pagename" HREF="a_test_page.html">

to become

    <A HREF="http://yourserver/cgi/simple/pagename?X8sl2lly;;44">
when intepreted.
=item ReplaceHTML

For HTML-style tag use only. Causes the tag containing the MiniVend tag to be stripped and the result of the tag to be inserted, for certain tags. For example:

  UserTag company_name Routine sub { my $l = shift; return "$l: XYZ Company" }
  UserTag company_name HasEndTag
  UserTag company_name ReplaceHTML  b    company_name

<BR> is the HTML tag, and ``company_name'' is the MiniVend tag. At that point, the usage:

    <B MV="company-name"> Company </B>  --->>  Company: XYZ Company

Tags not in the list will not be stripped:

    <I MV="company-name"> Company </I> --->>  <I>Company: XYZ Company</I>

An inline subroutine that will be used to process the arguments of the tag. It must not be named, and will be allowed to access unsafe elements only if the minivend.cfg parameter AllowGlobal is set for the catalog.

    UserTag tagname Routine  sub { "your perl code here!" }

The routine may use a ``here'' document for readability:

    UserTag tagname Routine <<EOF
    sub {
        my ($param1, $param2, $text) = @_;
        return "Parameter 1 is $param1, Parameter 2 is $param2";

The usual here documents caveats apply.

Parameters defined with the Order property will be sent to the routine first, followed by any encapsulated text (HasEndTag is set).

Note that the UserTag facility, combined with AllowGlobal, allows the user to define tags just as powerful as the standard MiniVend tags. This is not recommended for the novice, though -- keep it simple. 8-)