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The very latest Release Notes can be found at http://skunkware.dev/skunkware/relnotes.html.
SCO Skunkware is the generic name for a free collection of Open Source software packages prebuilt and prepackaged for SCO systems. This distribution is a subset of the SCO Skunkware packages focused on providing a tightly integrated Internet Commerce Application Suite. In addition, many of the components in this release have been enhanced for deployment on a Non-Stop Cluster system thereby providing additional reliability and scalability. This distribution is intended for use on the UnixWare 7.1.1 platform. To obtain SCO Skunkware, see the SCO Skunkware Web Site or you may wish to order the SCO Skunkware CD.
Distributions are released on CD periodically and a repository of this and previous distributions as well as updates and corrections can always be found at http://skunkware.dev/skunkware.
SCO Skunkware contains a wide variety of software ranging from educational and experimental research tools to commercial grade software suitable for use on a production server.
It is provided for free and is not formally supported by SCO.
To determine the licensing conditions for a particular component, see the corresponding source in the /usr/local/src source directory or read the Non-Stop Open Source E-Commerce Licensing page.
The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. and SCO Skunkware are not related to, affiliated with or licensed by the famous Lockheed Martin Skunk Works (R), the creator of the F-117 Stealth Fighter, SR-71, U-2, Venturestar(tm), Darkstar(tm), and other pioneering air and spacecraft.
[Note that it is not necessary to mount the CD-ROM in order to install the pkgadd installable packages. See the section below on installing the software.]
To mount the CD-ROM on an SCO UnixWare system, use the command:
# mount -r -f cdfs /dev/cdrom/cdrom1 /mount-pointwhere mount-point refers to the full pathname of the directory on which you wish to mount the CD-ROM (e.g. /mnt). Note also that the CD-ROM device name may vary from system to system.
On an SCO OpenServer Release 5 system issue the command:
# mount -r /dev/cd0 /mount-point
The installation of all the components will require approximately 250 Megabytes of free space on the root partition (/usr/local). If your root partition does not have sufficient space, or you wish to utilize an alternate filesystem for the components, prior to installing create a symbolic link in /usr as follows (using /u as the alternate filesystem):
# mv /usr/local /u/local # ln -s /u/local /usr/localThe above commands assume a separate /u filesystem with sufficient disk space. The exact name of the alternate filesystem mount point is system dependent.
We have provided two excellent shopping cart applications in this pack - Enhydra and MiniVend. A third, OpenMerchant, is available for download via the SCO Skunkware web site. We encourage you to play with all of them and tell us what features you like or dislike about each. The choice of which to use is yours.
For an introductory tour, point a web browser at /mount-point/index.html
# /usr/bin/X11/netscape file:/mount-point/index.htmlIf you do not have Netscape Navigator installed, download a trial copy from http://www2.sco.com or use any browser that supports tables and open the URL file:/mount-point/index.html (assuming you mounted the CD on /mount-point).
If you do not have or want a graphical browser, you can use Lynx (a character browser) which is included as part of the UnixWare 7 installation. Execute the command:
# lynx file:/mount-point/index.html
This release contains files suitable for installation with the pkgadd facility. In addition, there are dozens of source archives (almost everything on the CD is accompanied by the source used to build it).
Accessing the CD on other platforms
On any other system, after mounting or otherwise making the High-Sierra Rockridge CD-ROM filesystem accessible, point your WWW browser to mount-point/index.html where mount-point indicates the UNIX directory or Windows drive representing the CD-ROM.
Source code is installed in the /usr/local/src directory.
The source distributions are in gzip compressed
tar or cpio format. In order to extract these, use the command:
$ gzcat /usr/local/src/<package>.tar.gz | tar xf -
or, in the case of a compressed cpio archive:
$ gzcat /usr/local/src/<package>.cpio.gz | cpio -icdu
Where <package> is the package name (e.g. gzip-1.2.4).
A full source archive for this and previous releases is available at either http://skunkware.dev/skunkware/src/ or ftp://ftp.sco.com/skunkware/src/.
Default Package Configurations
Many of the packages contain configuration files. In order to avoid excessive user interaction during installation and to provide a consistent and well integrated set of configurations, the packages have been pre-configured.
Generally, you will not need to alter the default configurations but you may choose to do so. Some of the package pre-configurations are as follows:
Apache has also been preconfigured to support the dynamic HTML scripting language PHP, Secure Socket Layer (SSL), server-side Java (jsdk), name based virtual hosts, and more.
This release of Apache for UnixWare 7 has been preconfigured
to act as the server for the SCO Webtop. If the SCO Webtop is installed, you
can use a Java capable browser on any platform to open the URL
http://your.server.name/webtop to access the SCO Webtop login screen.
Finally, this release of Apache has been optimized for use on an SCO
Non-Stop Cluster. The default configuration, when enabled, will start a
separate instance of the Apache web server on each node. Each instance will
bind to ports 80 and 443. The round-robin load balancing provided by the
cluster will distribute HTTP requests across the cluster. This configuration
should provide both reliability (failover) and scalability.
MiniMate, the MiniVend administrative interface, is available via the URL
http://your.server.name/cgi-bin/simple/config/menu with username
minivend and password pass.
Once registered and setup as a Virtual Host, visit the OpenMerchant demo by
opening the URL http://your.virtual.host/ and the OpenMerchant administrative
interface by visiting http://your.virtual.host/cgi-bin/om/admin/login.cgi
with username admin and password opensales.
The Squid Internet Object Cache is configured to run on port 3128 and to
act as a caching proxy server. Clients can configure their browsers to use
this proxy server for HTTP and FTP requests thus eliminating the need to
fetch unchanged pages from the Internet while serving these pages up from
a local memory cache. Squid can also be deployed as a proxy server providing
a single point of transfer across a firewall to increase security.
The Enhydra Java and XML application server has been preconfigured to
run on port 9050. When enabled (/etc/enhydra enable), the Enhydra demonstration
is available via http://your.server.name:9050/ while the Enhydra administrative
interface is available via http://your.server.name:9050/admin with username
admin and password enhydra.
The MiniVend Internet Commerce application provides a shopping cart as well
as secure credit card transactions, shipping forms, on-line transaction
interface and database management systems. This sophisticated E-Commerce
application has been preconfigured to display the "simple" Art Store
demonstration. To enable this demonstration, run "/etc/mvendrc enable". To
start the store demo right away, run "/etc/mvendrc start". Visit the store
by opening the URL http://your.server.name/simple.
The OpenMerchant Internet Commerce application is provided as a web/ftp
downloadable alternative to Enhydra and MiniVend. Download the pkgadd
installable datastream for OpenMerchant at:
OpenMerchant has been preconfigured to display the
"Presents.com" on-line store. To visit this demonstration you will need to
configure a Virtual Host in your Apache configuration file httpd.conf as well
as register this domain with the Internic
(see http://www.internic.net).
The Webmin web-based interface for system administration has been preconfigured
to run on port 10000. When enabled (/etc/webmin enable), the Webmin GUI
is available via https://your.server.name:10000/
with username admin and the root password. Note that Webmin is
configured to use SSL to ensure passwords and other sensitive information
is secure. Because Webmin uses SSL for encryption only, the certificate
it uses is not signed by one of the recognized CAs such as
Verisign. When you first connect to the Webmin server, your
browser will ask you if you want to accept the certificate
presented, as it does not recognize the CA. Say yes.
Several packages install documentation, manuals, tutorials and other
introductory and informative matter as HTML documents in /usr/local/man/html.
During the installation of these packages, a symbolic link is created in
the default Apache web server document root. Thus, the documentation for
these packages can be accessed via a browser. For instance, the HTML documents
describing the MySQL database server are installed in
A symbolic link pointing to this location is installed as
/usr/local/lib/apache/htdocs/docs/mysql. Thus, to access the Xcoral HTML
documentation, you need only open the URL http://your.server.name/docs/mysql/
If you mount the CD-ROM under your default document root,
you will be able to serve up the HTML documents
with your web server. For instance, after installing the apache and squid
packages, if you mounted the CD-ROM on
/usr/local/lib/apache/htdocs/skunkware, then opening the URL
http://your.server.name/skunkware/ would allow you to browse the contents
of the CD-ROM from any browser that could access your server.
The Perl package on this release contains many useful
Perl modules including the MySQL, mSQL and PostgreSQL DBI/DBD interfaces.
Additional Perl modules will be available via
http://skunkware.dev/skunkware/osr5/interp/perl/. These include various
database interfaces, ImageMagick enhancements and more.
Known Limitations and Problems
"socket: Invalid argument at /usr/local/minivend/lib/Vend/Server.pm line 920."
If this happens, restart MiniVend as follows:
# rm -f /usr/local/minivend/etc/minivend.pid
# /etc/mvendrc stop
# ps -ef | grep minivend # kill PIDWhere PID indicates the process id of any MiniVend process from the ps command.
# /etc/mvendrc start
# tail /usr/local/minivend/error.log
# mv /usr/local /u/local # ln -s /u/local /usr/localWhere /u/local resides on an additional disk with sufficient space.
# umount /var/tmpand re-run pkgadd. After successfully installing, you can remount /var/tmp.
We are interested in your general comments about this distribution and about Open Source software in general. Please feel free to e-mail skunkware@ronrecord.com with comments, criticisms and suggestions.
Ron Record | rr@ronrecord.com |
Open Source Program Architect | SCO |
400 Encinal St. | Santa Cruz, CA 95061 |
Last Updated: Tuesday, Mar 14 09:00:04 PST 2000
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