Table of Contents

Updates To These Notes

The very latest Release Notes can be found at

What is it ?

The Non-Stop Open Source E-Commerce Pack is an integrated vertical solution stack composed of Open Source software and providing Internet Commerce capabilities. These packages were formerly provided as part of SCO Skunkware. This release is has tailored the installation and configuration toward E-Commerce deployment as well as deployment on a Non-Stop Cluster.

SCO Skunkware is the generic name for a free collection of Open Source software packages prebuilt and prepackaged for SCO systems. This distribution is a subset of the SCO Skunkware packages focused on providing a tightly integrated Internet Commerce Application Suite. In addition, many of the components in this release have been enhanced for deployment on a Non-Stop Cluster system thereby providing additional reliability and scalability. This distribution is intended for use on the UnixWare 7.1.1 platform. To obtain SCO Skunkware, see the SCO Skunkware Web Site or you may wish to order the SCO Skunkware CD.

Distributions are released on CD periodically and a repository of this and previous distributions as well as updates and corrections can always be found at

SCO Skunkware contains a wide variety of software ranging from educational and experimental research tools to commercial grade software suitable for use on a production server.

It is provided for free and is not formally supported by SCO.

The software on this CD-ROM is licensed under a variety of terms. Much of it is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Some is licensed under the GNU Library General Public License. Other components are licensed under the Artistic License. A few components are commercial products which can be used freely for non-commercial purposes (e.g. MySQL).

To determine the licensing conditions for a particular component, see the corresponding source in the /usr/local/src source directory or read the Non-Stop Open Source E-Commerce Licensing page.

Supported UnixWare 7 releases
This release of the Non-Stop Open Source E-Commerce Pack is only supported on UnixWare 7.1.1 or later releases. It has been enhanced to take advantage of the failover and scaling capabilities of UnixWare 7 Non-Stop Clusters.

Exporting/Importing Secure Socket Layer Apache module
Some areas of the world may prohibit the importation of the encryption technology in the Apache SSL module (mod_ssl) and/or OpenSSL. Other areas may prohibit the exportation of such technologies to particular areas of the world. You are strongly advised to pay close attention and adhere to any export/import and/or use laws which apply to you. If it is illegal to use or import strong encryption in your part of the world, this package can easily be configured to not use the mod_ssl Apache module - simply comment the mod_ssl lines out of /usr/local/lib/apache/conf/httpd.conf or start the Apache web server without the -DSSL argument.

MySQL and PostgreSQL licensing
Most of the components in this solution pack are pure "Open Source" packages meaning they can be freely used, modified and redistributed in a commercial setting. However, some components may require license fees when used in anything but non-commercial or educational settings. In particular, the licenses covering MySQL and PostgreSQL should be examined prior to deploying in a commercial setting.

Alpha and Beta quality software components
Some of the components in this release may not be production releases. While these releases have been tested to assure their respective demos run correctly, it is expected that the production releases will contain many bug fixes and feature enhancements. It is probably a good idea to track development of those components you deploy in business critical areas.

This is freely distributed and unsupported software. No warranty is made on any of the components. Support and assistance with this software is not provided by SCO. In many cases, however, an e-mail to describing any problem you might have may result in a reply/fix/solution. And ...

The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. and SCO Skunkware are not related to, affiliated with or licensed by the famous Lockheed Martin Skunk Works (R), the creator of the F-117 Stealth Fighter, SR-71, U-2, Venturestar(tm), Darkstar(tm), and other pioneering air and spacecraft.

Getting Started

Accessing the CD on other platforms

On any other system, after mounting or otherwise making the High-Sierra Rockridge CD-ROM filesystem accessible, point your WWW browser to mount-point/index.html where mount-point indicates the UNIX directory or Windows drive representing the CD-ROM.

Source Code Distribution

Source code is installed in the /usr/local/src directory. The source distributions are in gzip compressed tar or cpio format. In order to extract these, use the command:

$ gzcat /usr/local/src/<package>.tar.gz | tar xf -
or, in the case of a compressed cpio archive:
$ gzcat /usr/local/src/<package>.cpio.gz | cpio -icdu
Where <package> is the package name (e.g. gzip-1.2.4).

A full source archive for this and previous releases is available at either or

Default Package Configurations

Many of the packages contain configuration files. In order to avoid excessive user interaction during installation and to provide a consistent and well integrated set of configurations, the packages have been pre-configured.

Generally, you will not need to alter the default configurations but you may choose to do so. Some of the package pre-configurations are as follows:

Known Limitations and Problems


We are interested in your general comments about this distribution and about Open Source software in general. Please feel free to e-mail with comments, criticisms and suggestions.

Ron Record
Open Source Program Architect SCO
400 Encinal St. Santa Cruz, CA 95061

Last Updated: Tuesday, Mar 14 09:00:04 PST 2000

Copyright © 1995-2000 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy statement.