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KDE - The K Desktop Environment

OpenServer Distribution http://skunkware.dev/skunkware/osr5/x11/winman/kde/

UnixWare Distribution http://skunkware.dev/skunkware/uw7/x11/winman/kde/

Original source code http://www.kde.org/

Package Home page http://www.kde.org/

KDE is an elegant and rich graphical desktop. To try it out, add the following to your $HOME/.profile:

and create/modify $HOME/.xinitrc such that "startkde" is the last command. Login on an ansi console screen and type "startx".

Alternately, you can configure your system to use the KDE graphical login manager by following the instructions in the file /usr/local/kde/share/config/xdm-setup-uw7.README

KDE 1.1.2 packages are available for both SCO OpenServer and UnixWare 7 in formats suitable for installation with the SCO Software Manager.

On SCO OpenServer, i have provided a complete custom installable media images. You can download the KDE package:

kde-1.1.2-VOLS.tar(29323264 bytes)

Prior to installing the KDE package on OpenServer, you must have installed the following:

For UnixWare 7, i have provided a complete pkgadd installable datastream. You can download the whole package:

kde-1.1.2.pkg (67909120 bytes)

On UnixWare 7, prior to installing the KDE package, you must have installed the following:

Both the OpenServer and UnixWare 7 releases of KDE 1.1.2 contain alternate kpanel binaries and configuration files. These are tailored for use in environments where KDE is pushed out to thin clients from SCO servers. Often in this situation the thin clients will utilize a local window manager to reduce network traffic. It's also common that these clients will be diskless and/or wireless. For these reasons, the kpanel functionality has been configured alternately for use with thin clients. To use the thin client kpanel, simply replace the /usr/local/kde/bin/kpanel binary with /usr/local/kde/bin/kpanel_nc and /usr/local/kde/share/config/kpanelrc with /usr/local/kde/share/config/kpanelrc_nc. You will also need to add appropriate lines to /usr/local/kde/bin/nc_logout to logout a thin client user.


KDevelop, an easy to use IDE (Integrated Development Enviroment) for Unix/X11, is now available for UnixWare 7. Download the pkgadd installable datastream via http://skunkware.dev/skunkware/uw7/devtools/kdevelop/. In addition to KDE 1.1.2 and dependencies (see above) you will need GNU Make and GNU Automake.

The SCO OpenServer distribution of KDE 1.1.2 contains KDevelop as well. In order to use KDevelop you will need the OpenServer versions of GNU Make and GNU Automake.

Petr Sorfa has written an excellent introductory tutorial to KDevelop. This has been translated into Japanese.

To use KDevelop, make sure you are using GNU make and have all the various bits installed. GNU make should be located in /usr/local/bin and called "make". It may also be called "gmake". You may wish to place /usr/local/bin first in your execution path. Bourn and Korn shell users can do something like the following in their $HOME/.profile

    export PATH
Install the following packages:
    GNU Make
    m4 1.4
    gettxt 0.10
    perl 5.04
    qt1.44 (not QT 2.0)
And, optionally,
    sgmltools (sgml2html)

OpenServer Distribution http://skunkware.dev/skunkware/osr5/x11/winman/kde/

UnixWare Distribution http://skunkware.dev/skunkware/uw7/x11/winman/kde/

Original source code http://www.kde.org/

Package Home page http://www.kde.org/


The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. and SCO Skunkware are not related to, affiliated with or licensed by the famous Lockheed Martin Skunk Works (R), the creator of the F-117 Stealth Fighter, SR-71, U-2, Venturestar(tm), Darkstar(tm), and other pioneering air and spacecraft.

Last Updated: Wednesday Feb 23, 2000 at 10:21:57 PST