MetaPKG CDMT Backend Notes ========================== This backend produces output for the Custom Distribution Mastering Toolkit, or CDMT, the native packaging format for SCO OpenServer. Command Line Options ==================== The CDMT backend adds one mandatory command linew option: -E vendor Sets the text for the default CDMT `vendor'. This is used when ejecting all dependencies and pre-requisites. The CDMT backend adds 4 optional command line options: -H By default, the CDMT backend will convert symbolic links into additional `exportPath' entries for the target of the symbolic link. Under almost all circumstances, this will produce the most reliable package and provides the most useful information to the user. This option changes that default behaviour and will instead `harden' the symbolic links, by converting them into hard links, one file to another, using the LINK file type. -h This option only has meaning if used in conjuction with the -H option described above. It further modifies the default handling of symbolic links by preventing them from being `hardened'. This will result in the backend producing true symbolic links in the package, using the SYML file type. This is almost always the wrong thing to do, as SYML records are handled poorly by custom, and not removed when the package that contains them is removed. There is almost no circumstance I can conceive of where you would need this, but the option is there if you discover one. -l Usually, if MetaPKG encounters hard links in a package, it will eject a warning message that will prevent package generation unless the -W option is also specified. This is due to the fact that it is impossible to discern, from the filesystem, which of two hard links is the real primary file and which is the link to it. Using this option will allow you to silence that warning. However, you are encouraged to use the control file instead, and use the convert() directive for hard links. This option applies to all hard links encountered by MetaPKG. Using the control file, it is possible to silence the warning for a specific set of hard linked files using the linkok() function. This is the prefered approach. -e The CDMT backend will, by default, produce input files that are as terse as possible, relying on the fact that the default mode, owner and group for files and directories are 0755/bin/bin for directories and 0444/bin/bin for normal files. The backend will produce files that define this, by setting the defaults in the config file. However, if you intend to use MetaPKG to generate CDMT input files that will then be used inside another package, perhaps with different defaults, then you can use this option to eject explicit mode, owner and group attributes for all files and directories. This produces more verbose, but more transportable files.