This file describes the MetaPKG control script language. It was last updated for MetaPKG Version 2.0.0. The file is a simple text file, usually with one command or "function" per line (although complex functions, which are discussed below, can span multiple lines). Lines that begin with a '#' character are comment lines and are ignored. Keywords are not case sensitive. Thus, CLIENT, ClIEnt and client are all equivalent. Each non-comment line can be one of exactly two things: a) A simple function, or b) a complex function. A "simple function" always has the form: function (parm1, parm2, ...) More specifically, a simple function is the name of the function, followed by an open parenthesis, followed by zero or more comma separated areguments, followed by a close parenthesis. Simple functions can optionally be terminated with a semicolon. For example: print ("This is a simple function") addexport ("/foo/bar", TRUE); keeplink (); A complex function always has the form: function (parm1, parm2, ...) { simple_or_complex_function ... simple_or_complex_function } Specifically, a complex function is the name of the function, followed by an open parenthesis, followed by a comma separated list of arguments, a close parenthesis, an open brace, a list of zero or more other valid complex or simple functions, and a final close brace. For example: component ("foo", "1.2.3", "Component foo") { print ("In component foo"); file ("/foo/bar") { mode (0644) owner ("bin"); group ("bin") } } Data types ========== Strings Many functions take strings as their arguments. Strings are always enclosed in "double quotes". Anywhere a string is valid, you can also refer to a macro or environment variable value, by using the syntax ${NAME}. You can reference multiple variables in a single string. Strings can also contain the following special escape characters: \" - insert a litteral quote \\ - insert a litteral backslash \$ - insert a litteral dollar sign Examples: "This is a simple string" "This references a ${MACRO}" "Version ${MAJOR}.${MINOR}.${PATCH}" "A string with litteral \\ and \" characters" Integers Integers are simply sequences of digits. If the number begins with a 0, then it is an octal number. If it begins with a '+' then it is forced to be a decimal number. If it begins with any other number, then MetaPKG will treat it as an octal number if it consists solely of the digits 0 through 7, or a decimal number if it contains the digits 8 or 9. Examples: 123 # Octal 123 128 # Decimal 128 0644 # Octal 644 +123 # Decimal 123 Booleans Boolean values set boolean true of false values. `TRUE', `YES' or `Y' all evaluate to boolean true, and `FALSE', `NO' or `N' all evaluate to boolean false. Access Type Files and directories can have differnt access types, depending on the way the file is used. MetaPKG recognises two access types: config files and static files. Config files are files whose contents are expected to be changed by the system administrator or as part of normal usage. Static files are files whose contents should not change. Not all backends differentiate between these two types. There are several synonyms for the various access types, so that packaging terminology for different packaging systems is approximately preserved. `CONFIG', `CLIENT', `VARIABLE' and `VOLATILE' all refer to config files, and `STATIC', `SERVER' and `PRECIOUS' all refer to static files. Examples: access (STATIC); addexport ("/foo/bar", CLIENT); Availability Files and directories can also be defined to have different availability options. Not all backend drivers support these keywords. Files can either be made available early in the installation process, or at the normal time (which varies according to different packaging systems). The keywords `EARLY' and `REGPHASE' indicate a file is to be made available earlier than normal, and `NORMAL' and `EXPPHASE' indicate it is to be made available at the normal time, as defined by the packaging tool. There are certain special circumstances where you want to prevent a file from being visible to the system, in which case you can mark the file as being private. The keywords `PRIVATE', `NONE' and `NEVER' indicate this. Examples: phase (EARLY); phase (NEVER); phase (NORMAL); There are many functions that the MetaPKG language supports. The following discussion breaks them down into the following logical groupings: o Global functions o Conditional functions o Initialization functions o File and Directory functions o Package functions o Component functions o Product functions Global functions ================ These are functions that can appear anywhere, either at the global level, or inside any other complex function. print (string) Displays the specified STRING verbatim exec (string) Executes the specified STRING as a system command shell (string) Executes the specified STRING via the Korn shell -c option script (string1, string2) Executes the script specified by STRING2, via the Korn shell. STRING1 is a delimiter that will mark the start and end of the script. The script also has access to many different internal variables: METAPKG_BASEDIR The base root directory that the script is executed in METAPKG_DISTDIR The root of the actual distribution tree (BASEDIR/dist) METAPKG_PKGDIR The current full directory name for the generated packaging files METAPKG_PRODUCT The current product code (-P command line option) METAPKG_COMPONENT The main component code (-P command line option) METAPKG_DESCRIPTION The product description (-D command line option) METAPKG_VERSION The product version (-V command line option) METAPKG_VENDOR The current vendor code METAPKG_BACKEND The currently selected backend driver (if any) If the script is being executed from within a package() complex function, the following additional variables are available: METAPKG_THISPKG_SUBDIR The full path to the current package root METAPKG_THISPKG_DESC The description for the current package METAPKG_THISPKG_NAME The name of the current package If the script is being executed within a component() complex function, the following additional variables are available: METAPKG_THISCMPNT_NAME The name of the current component METAPKG_THISCMPNT_DESC The description of the current component METAPKG_THISCMPNT_VERSION The version number of the current component Example: script ("@@@@", @@@@ echo "Processing $METAPKG_PRODUCT" # Lots of shell script code @@@@); error (string) Displays the specified STRING as an error message and aborts the script processing and exits the program. warning (string) Displays the specified STRING as a warning message. include (string) Includes the contents of the file named by STRING as if it had appeared at the point of the include keyword. If the file referenced is not an absolute path, then the file is searched for in the same directory as the main control script. Nested includes are not supported. Conditional Functions ===================== These functions are used to conditionally process parts of a script. They are all related to testing the value or precense of macros. Macros can either be defined in the script, or on the command line using the -M option. See the invocation guide for details. All of the condition test functions must be terminated with an `endif' keyword. The general format of the conditional functions is: condition functions functions ... endif You can also include an inverse condition block, using the `else' keyword: condition functions functions else functions functions endif Conditionals can appear absolutely anywhere in the script. If the condition evaluates to boolean false, then none of the functions until the enclosing `endif' (or the code between `else' and `endif') will be executed. define (name,value) Define a new macro called NAME, and give it the specified VALUE. Both parameters are strings. Command line macros are always set first, before the control script is executed. The control script can override command-line specified macro values. ifdef (name) Conditional function that evaluates to true if the specified macro NAME is defined, even if its value is simply the empty string. ifndef (name) The reciprocal of `ifdef'. Evaluates to boolean true if the macro NAME is not defined. ifeq (name,value) Evaluates to boolean true if the macro NAME has the specified VALUE. The comparison is case-sensitive. The macro must be defined. ifneq (name,value) The reciprocal of `ifeq'. Evaluates to boolean true if the macro NAME has anything other than the specified VALUE. The macro must be defined. Examples: ifeq ("OSNAME", "OSR5") define ("OSOK", "1") else ifeq ("OSNAME", "OSR6") define ("OSOK", "1") else ifeq ("OSNAME", "UW7") define ("OSOK", "1") endif endif endif ifndef ("OSOK") error ("Invalid or missing OSNAME: `${OSNAME}'") endif # This example is a little more interesting because the value that is # being checked is itself the value of another macro. ifeq ("BUILDOS", "${OSNAME}") print ("BUILDOS is the same as OSNAME") endif # If you really wanted to get exotic, you could use one macro name to # define the name of another macro name whose value you want to check # against a third macro: define ("MACRO_TO_TEST", "TEST1") define ("TEST1", "SomeThing") ifneq ("${MACRO_TO_TEST}", "${TESTVAL}") # Actually checks the value of TEST1 for whatever is stored in TESTVAL printf ("Not OK") endif Initialization Functions ======================== The initialization functions typically appear at the very top of a script, and must appear at the global level, not inside other complex functions (although they can of course appear within conditionals). These functions are used to programatically set command line options, and to check on the MetaPKG environment. want (major [,minor [, patch] ]) want (name, major [,minor [, patch] ]) This should almost always be the first non-comment line of a script. It tells MetaPKG exactly what version of the program the script requires in order to execute correctly. The function takes one, two or three integers, or a string followed by one, two or three integers. The integer values are the major, minor and patch level of MetaPKG, respectively. For example, if you have a script that requires any version of MetaPKG in the 2.x.x or later series, you would use: want (2) If you wanted to ensure that at least version 2.1 was being used: want (2, 1) And last, if you wanted to ensure that version 2.1.3 or any later version be used: want (2, 1, 3) The second form of the function takes as its first argument the name of a backend driver. In this case, the check is performed on the backend driver version, not the main program version. The backend driver versions are not the same as the main program version. For example: want (2) # Want at least version 2 of MetaPKG want ("cdmt", 1, 1) # Want at least version 1.1 of the CDMT backend want ("pkgadd", 3, 1, 1) # Want version 3.1.1 or later of the pkgadd # backend driver. set (string, string) Sets the parameter named by the first STRING to the second STRING. Even though the second argument is a STRING, its value may need to evaluate to an integer for some options. The following table lists the parameters that can be set, and their type (S for string, I for integer). Note that the variable names are the same as the long option name. Type Name Command line equivalent S version -V S description -D S product-code -P S component-code -C S pkgadd-category -U (pkgadd backend only) I flat-mode -f I installed-perms -i I component-mode -c I all-early -r I dont-harden-symlinks -h (CDMT backend only) I dont-export-symlinks -H (CDMT backend only) I hard-links-ok -l (CDMT backend only) I all-variable -v I all-static -s I include-man-source -m backend (name) Selects the backend specified by NAME as the backend to use. prepare (string) { prep_functions } This complex function is used to prepare the distribution tree for processing. It is run before actual directory scanning begins in the main program. The only argument is the name of the preparation phase, and can be any string. It is used simply to inform the user what is happening. Inside the prepare function, you can use a number of special purpose functions, as well as all global and conditional functions. The special purpose functions are: auto_compress_texinfo () This function will instruct MetaPKG to scan each file in the distribution to check to see if it is a TeXinfo file. If it is, and it is not compressed, then MetaPKG will automatically compress the page using the command `gzip -9'. You can thwart this behaviour on the command line using the -I autotexi option. See the invocation guide for details. auto_format_mansource () This function instructs MetaPKG to look in the distribution for unformatted manual pages, and if found, to automatically format them. This function actually works one directory at a time, and checks to see if the directory contains such manual pages. If it does, it then processes all files within that directory. This function is extremely smart, and will correctly deal with symlinked files, man pages that include others, etc. You can prevent this function from running by using the -I automan command line option. See the invocation guide for details. Manual pages are formatted using the following command: groff -P -c -s -t -Tascii -mandoc. You can redefine this command using the REMAN_FORMAT environment variable. compress_texinfo (string) This function will explicitly compress all TeXinfo files in the specified directory. It is esentially the function that the auto_compress_texinfo() function calls for each directory that it finds uncompressed TeXinfo files in. You can prevent this function from having any effect by using the -I texinfo command line option. format_mansource (string) Explicitly format the manual pages in the specified directory. This is what auto_format_mansource() calls for each directory it finds unformatted manual pages in. You can prevent this function from having any effect by using the -I reman command line option. auto_strip (strip, mcs [, string]) STRIP and MCS are both boolean values. This function instructs MetaPKG to run the `strip' command (if STRIP is true) on all executables, shared libraries, archives and object files. If MCS is true, then also run the `mcs -d' command. An option third argument, which is a STRING, is a string that is to be added to every such file using the `mcs -a' option. This is useful for branding distributions. exists (string, boolean) This function is used to check to ensure that the file or directory specified by the STRING exists. If it does not, the BOOLEAN second argument indicates whether or not this signals an error or simply a warning. If set to FALSE, then a warning is printed. If set to TRUE, then an error is printed and processing stops. It is useful to have such checks to ensure that the distribution is valid before actually processing all of the directories, or doing the auto strip and formatting functions described above. Typically, these would appear after a script() function that actually massages and prepares the distribution tree. remove (string) This function instructs MetaPKG to remove the specified file from its lists, and to act as if the file was not present in the filesystem at all. It does NOT physically remove the file. This function is most useful for conditionally removing some files based on macro values, or simply for ignoring certain files. Note that the STRING specified must be an exact match for the file, and the file name is relative to the top of the distribution directory. Please note that this function behaves slightly differently if it is included inside a package() function. In that context, the path is relative to the root dirctory of the package, and only affects files inside that package. See below for more details. removeany (wildcard) removeany (wildcard) { except (string) except (string) ... } Behaves identically to the remove() function above, but instead of taking an actual file name as an argument, accepts a standard shell wildcard pattern. Any files which match the wildcard are removed except when using the second syntax, in which you can specify a list of exceptions, which are also standard shell wildcard patterns. There is very little need for having more than one prepare() function in a script, although you can of course do so if it is appropriate for your package. The example below shows the recommended bare minimum for a prepare script, and should ideally be used for every product you create with MetaPKG: prepare ("Setting up ...") { script ("@@@@", @@@@ # Lots of shell script code to prepare the dist tree @@@@ ); removeany ("*.bak"); removeany ("*.a") { except ("*/libfoo.a"); except ("*/libbar.a"); } auto_compress_texinfo (); auto_format_mansource (); auto_strip (TRUE, TRUE); } allfiles (wildcard [, pathmatch]) This is a complex function. Its body can contain any of the file functions defined in the section on file functions below. The WILDCARD specified is a standard shell wildcard. Any file which matches the wildcard will have the attributes defined in the function body associated with it. Please note that if this function appears inside a package() complex function, described below, and a file matches a wildcard defined by allfiles() in both a package() function and a global allfiles(), the attributes defined in the package() function take precedence. If allfiles() appears at the global level, then every single file in the distribution is matched against it, which can be time consuming, so use this sparingly. There is an interesting relationship between allfiles() and the addexport() function, described below. If you use the addexport() function within an allfiles() function, you can use special printf-like formatting options in the addexport() string. Example: allfiles ("*.a") { except ("libc.a"); mode (0644); access (VARIABLE); } allfiles ("/usr/include/*.h") { mode (0444); access (STATIC); } New in 2.1.0: The allfiles() directive can take an optional extra argument, the string 'pathmatch', which will change the way in which names are matched. If the 'pathmatch' option is specified, then any '/' characters in the wildcard must be explicitly matched. The default (i.e no 'pathmatch' argument was specified) is to treat the '/' character as any other character, which means that a '*' will match it. alldirs (wildcard [, pathmatch]) This is a complex function identical in intent to allfiles() above, but it applies only to directory entries. mandir (path) MetaPKG usually excludes manual page source files from distributions and includes only the formatted ones. It has a built in list of usual man page source directories that it searches inside for source files to ignore. This function allows you to add a non-standard directory specified by PATH to the list of directory names that contain such files. The PATH must be an absolute pathname, but it is interpreted as being relative to the top of the current package (or the top of the distribution tree if running in flat mode). File and Directory Functions ============================ At the global level, using the allfiles() or alldirs() complex functions, or inside a package() function using the file() and directory() functions, you can perform various functions on files and directories. These functions must all appear within allfile() / file() or alldirs() / directory() complex functions. owner (string) Sets file file to be owned by the specified owner. Usually, MetaPKG is left alone to decide who the correct owner is (which is almost always "bin"), but this function can be used to set a specific owner for the file or directory in question. group (string) Sets the file or directory to be owned by the specified group. As with the owner() function above, MetaPKG usually determines the best group ownership, but this function can be used to set an explicit group. mode (number) Sets the file to have the permissions specified by the NUMBER. This is the same argument that you would give to the `chmod' command if you were using numeric modes. Although you do not strictly need to do so, as all modes are by definition octal numbers, it is safest to preceed the number with a `0' to ensure the parser picks it up as an octal number. See the section at the top of this file for a discussion on integer numbers. access (type) Sets the file access TYPE. The TYPE must be one of the access types defined at the top of this file on data types. To summarize in context here though, the type should be one of `CLIENT', `VARIABLE', `CONFIG' or `VOLATILE' for files that are expected to change, or `SERVER', `STATIC' or `PRECIOUS' if they are not. This keyword is also valid in the package function, decribed below. export (phase) phase (phase) sequence (phase) availability (phase) available (phase) These functions are all synonyms for the same thing. They all set the file availability, as described at the top of this file in the section on data types. To summarize, `EARLY' and `REGPHASE' make a file available to the system early on during package processing, `NORMAL' and `EXPPHASE' make it available during the normal course of events, and `NONE', `NEVER' and `PRIVATE' indicate the file is not to be made publically available, but instead remain private to the packaging system. Not all backend drivers obey this keyword, as not all packaging systems have the notion of a phased install. This is usually only used with files. Special note: This option has a very special meaning for the CDMT backend when used with directories. Under normal circumstances, a directory is not exported, only the individual files within it are. However, there are times when you want to export the entire directory rather than exporting each individual file. This should only ever be done if you can guarantee that no other component will ever need to add files under the directory, and that all the files within it are either all `SERVER' or all `CLIENT' files. Setting this keyword *at all* for a directory will export the entire directory, and none of the contents below it. Please also note that this keyword is valid at the package level. See below for details. ssoprivate () pkgprivate () These two functions are provided for backwards compatibility with the original `mkcdmt' program, and are equivalent to setting the phase to `PRIVATE' using the export/phase function above. except (string [, pathmatch]) exclude (string [, pathmatch]) This is most useful isnide an allfiles() or alldirs() function, but it can be useful inside a normal directory() function too. What it does is add the specified STRING (which is a regular shell wildcard pattern) to a list of exceptions to the allfiles() or alldirs() wildcard. For example, you may wish to set up an allfiles() for all header files, but for some reason you do not want to process the header files in X11/*. You could exclude those headers using the except() function. As MetaPKG examines files and directories, it checks to see if it matches an allfiles() or alldirs() wildcard. If it does, then it checks to see if the file matches any of the except() wildcards. Only if it fails this second match does the allfiles() or alldirs() apply to the file. There is one other time that except() is very useful, and that is with a directory() function that also uses exportall(). In this case, except() is used to match for files under that directory to exclude. However, be aware that if you do not use a recursive exportall(), then you cannot match any files below the very top level directory (i.e only the files that are direct children of the directory containing exportall() are matched against the except() list). New in 2.1.0: The except() directive can take an optional extra argument, the string 'pathmatch', which will change the way in which names are matched. If the 'pathmatch' option is specified, then any '/' characters in the wildcard must be explicitly matched. The default (i.e no 'pathmatch' argument was specified) is to treat the '/' character as any other character, which means that a '*' will match it. addexport (name, phase) This adds the specified file NAME as an additional export for the file, and the file will be exported in the specified PHASE. See the section on data types at the top of this file for the valid values of PHASE. Also note that since you are adding an export, the `NONE' or `PRIVATE' phases make no sense, and are not valid. You must chose an actual phase. Note that with the CDMT backend, if you use this keyword for a directory, then it will export the directory and not the individual file contents underneath it. If you use addexport() within an allfiles() or alldirs() complex function, MetaPKG allows you use use printf-like formatting characters in the file NAME. The name, as specified, is passed through the C function sprintf, and is given the following 8 arguments: 1. The file or directory name 2. The parent directory name (relative to the package root) 3. The full file/directory path relative to the package root 4. The package name 5. The absolute package root directory 6. The absolute distribution root directory 7. The absolute path to the file or directory 8. The absolute path to the parent directory You can use sprintf's positional argument notation to use any of these arguments as you see fit. Consider the following example: allfiles ("/usr/X11R6/lib/lib*.so") { addexport ("/usr/lib/%s", REGPHASE) } This will do exactly what you expect. It will create an additional export to /usr/lib of all files that match the pattern. So for example, the file `/usr/X11R6/lib/' will also be exported as the file `/usr/lib/'. Another example, this time making use of more than one argument: allfiles ("/usr/lib/locale/LC_MESSAGES/*") { addexport ("/opt/lang/%2$s/msg/%1$s") } For the file `/usr/lib/locale/LC_MESSAGES/', for example, the following additiona export will be used: `/opt/lang/usr/lib/locale/LC_MESSAGES/msg/'. This type of usage is very uncommon. The first example was what the feature was primarily added for. flags (string) This is currently only obeyed by the CDMT backend. It is used to set specific flags for a file or directory. The string is inserted into the generated files verbatim. exportlinks () This function instructs the CDMT backend to always use multiple exportPath directives for files with too many symbolic or hard links. Custom has a bug where a file with more than 128 hard links to it causes it to dump core. This function will force the use of multiple exportPath lines rather than converting to hard links, if the link hardening option (-H) is being used. exportok () This option instructs MetaPKG to be silent about warnings where a directory is exported and you attempt to export a child of that directory too. Usually this is not what you want but there are occasions where it is necessary. Dont use this function until you are sure you want to silence the warning. linkok() Instructs MetaPKG to stifle the warning about hard links for the containing file. exportall (name, phase [,bool]) phaseall (name, phase [,bool]) sequenceall (name, phase [,bool]) availabilityall (name, phase [,bool]) availableall (name, phase [,bool]) These functions are all synonyms for the same thing. This function is only valid for directories. It will instruct MetaPKG to export all of the contents of the directory to another directory specified by NAME. The contents are exported in the specified PHASE. The optional third argument, which defaults to TRUE, is a boolean option that indicates whether or not the function should be recursive. If it is not recursive, then only the contents of the actual directory, and none of its children, will be exported. If any of the entries in the directory are subdirectories, and you select boolean FALSE, then those directories will be exported wholesale. This option is most useful if you want to export the contents of a directory to more than one location. It is only obeyed by the CDMT backend. As a convenience, for readability, the word 'recursive' can be used as an alias for boolean TRUE, and 'nonrecursive' or 'norecurse' can be used as an alias for boolean FALSE. convert (name, phase) This function is used to convert hard links into soft links. In general, soft links are prefered, because there is an obvious visual relationship between the two files that is missing with hard links. The specified NAME must be a file in the current package. The file that this functions appears in will be converted to a symbolic link to NAME. If you are using the CDMT backend and no command line flags prevent it, this will actually be implemented as an additional export for NAME to the file in which this function appears. Please note that this function is only valid for files. The file will be exported in the specified PHASE. Package Functions ================= You use the package() function to define a new package. Packages are logical groupings within a component, and components are logical groupings within a product. MetaPKG is constructed in such a way that each package must be in a directory by itself. You can not use files from one directory in more than one package. Typically, each package directory is the result of a `make install' command. The package function is a complex function, and has the form: package (subdir, description, name [,string]) { package_functions } SUBDIR is the name of the subdirectory that contains the package, and is always relative to the root distribution directory. Thus, if your root distribution directory was `/u/tmp/mystuff/dist' and you used a SUBDIR argument of "/foo", then the absolute path for the contents of the package are at `/u/tmp/mystuff/dist/foo'. The DESCRIPTION is exactly what it says, the description of the package, and the NAME is the short, internal name of the package. The NAME is used by either other packages or by components to refer to this package. Different backends place different restrictions on the package name. The function can also take an optional extra fourth argument which is backend specific. See the backend documentation for details on whether or not it is required. Usually, MetaPKG assumes that each subdirectory under the main distribution directory is a new package. However, for very simple packages, this may not be the case, and the `dist/' direction simply contains one package. If this is the case, you should invoke MetaPKG in `flat' mode, using the -f option. However, you may still need to define a package, even in a flat hierarchy, in order to set attributes like the package description, name and to include file and directory overrides. In such cases, always use the string "/" to refer to a flat hierarchy. Packages can contain other packages. If you are defining a container package that will contain other packages (or even other container packages), use the empty string "" as the package name. In this case, about the only thing that makes sense inside the package is a list of sub-packages. See the subpackage() function below for details. Packages are where the majority of file() and directory() functions will appear. These are the functions that set various file and directory attributes and control the visibility and availability of files. However, there are other functions that can appear within the package() complex function. The full list of valid functions (other than the normal global and conditional functions) inside a package complex function is: file (name) { file_functions } This is used to set the attributes for the specified file NAME. The NAME must be an absolute path, relative to the top of the package directory. directory (name) { directory_functions } This is used to set the attributes for the specified directory NAME. As with the file() function, this must be an absolute path relative to the top of the package directory. symlink (FILE, name) { symlink_functions } symlink (DIRECTORY, name) { symlink_functions } This function is used to indicate that the file or directory specified by NAME is a symbolic link and should be preserved as such. In its default mode, MetaPKG will attempt to convert symbolic links to multiple exports when the CDMT backend is used. However, there are times when you really want a symbolic link to remain that way. However, be aware that Custom has a bug with regards to symbolic links, in that it will not remove them when a package is removed, so use this function sparingly. The `FILE' and `DIRECTORY' first argument is the litteral word `FILE' or `DIRECTORY'. Not all file functions are valid within a symlink complex function. Only the following functions are valid: export(), addexport(), access(), flags(), and exportok(). Examples: symlink (FILE, "/usr/lib/") {} symlink (DIRECTORY, "/usr/lib/mystuff") { addexport ("/var/adm/mystuff", EXPPHASE) } target (name [, bool]) This is almost the inverse of symlink() above. It is used to specify that the target NAME is expected to have symlinks pointing to it, which are to be preserved as symlinks (and that that is OK). Only obeyed by the CDMT backend. The optional second argument, which defaults to FALSE, indicates whether or not the files or directories that point to this target should be preserved as symlinks. If set to TRUE, they are preserved as symlinks. If set to FALSE, then the CDMT backend -h and -H semantics are applied (by default, the links pointing to the target will become multiple additional exports). remove (name) Removes the file or directory NAME from the list of files open for consideration by the main program logic. This does *NOT* remove the file from the filesystem. However, MetaPKG acts as if that had in fact happened. NAME is an absolute path relative to the top of the package root directory. removeany (wildcard [, pathmatch]) Identical in intent to the remove() function above, but instead uses a wildcard, against which all files in the package are matched. Uses standard shell wildcard syntax. New in 2.1.0: The removeany() directive can take an optional extra argument, the string 'pathmatch', which will change the way in which names are matched. If the 'pathmatch' option is specified, then any '/' characters in the wildcard must be explicitly matched. The default (i.e no 'pathmatch' argument was specified) is to treat the '/' character as any other character, which means that a '*' will match it. requires (string [,string]) This function is valid at the package, component and global level. This discussion focuses only on its role at the package level. This function instructs the packaging system to always include the package specified in the STRING argument to be installed if the current package is installed. This is how you control inter-package dependencies. The package listed here must reside in the same component as the containing package. To reference external packages or components as dependencies, use the dependency() keyword below. Some backend drivers may require an optional second argument, which is usually the description. dependency (string [,string]) This function creates a dependency on a package or component that is external to the current component. The STRING specified must be a valid component or package name for the backend driver selected. Some backends require that each external dependency is described, which is what the second STRING parameter is used for. For backends that to not require or use the description, it will cause no problems to provide it, so you should get into the habbit of always doing so. See the individual backend documentation for how this value is used. upgrades (string [,string]) This function is used by the backend driver to control package upgrades. The exact value of the STRING varies from backend to backend, and must be valid for the backend selected. See the individual backend documentation for how this value is used. Some backends may require an optional extra argument, which is usually the description of the component being upgraded. replaces (string [, description]) This function instructs MetaPKG that the package replaces a differently named package in another component. The description, which is required by the pkgadd backend but optional in the CDMT backend, describes the package being replaced. The difference between an upgrade and a replacement is subtle. An upgrade changes the same package to a later version. A replacement renames the package, but provides the same functionality. See the backend documentation for the exact details. subpackage (string [,string]) Indicates that the package in the given STRING is a sub-package of this one. Not all backends may support sub-packages, so be sure to read the backend specific documentation on how this function is used. This is most commonly used when you have created a container package and you want to group actual packages in that container. Some backends may require an additional extra string, which is usually the description of the subpackage. verbatim (string) Inserts the specified STRING into the generated package files verbatim. This function can also be used at the component and global levels, in which case the STRING is inserted into the component of product files, respectively. export (phase) phase (phase) sequence (phase) availability (phase) available (phase) Provides a mechanism for overriding the -s or -v command line options on a package by package basis. You can not use the `PRIVATE' phase with this function. This sets the default phase for all files in the package, but does not override specific phasing options set with the phase() function for individual files or directories. access (type) Sets the file access TYPE. The TYPE must be one of the access types defined at the top of this file on data types. To summarize in context here though, the type should be one of `CLIENT', `VARIABLE', `CONFIG' or `VOLATILE' for files that are expected to change, or `SERVER', `STATIC' or `PRECIOUS' if they are not. When used at the package level like this, it provides a mechanism for overriding the -r command line option. This sets the default access type for all files and directories in the package, but does not override specific access option set with the access() function for individual files or directories. allfiles(wildcard [,pathmatch]) { file_functions } alldirs(wildcard [,pathmatch]) { directory_functions } These two complex functions are used to set attributes and control files and directories using wildcards. The attributes set by an allfiles() or alldirs() function will be overridden by specific file() or directory() functions. When setting file and directory attributes, MetaPKG uses the most specific information available. Thus, an individual file() or directory() function has the highest precedence, the allfiles() or alldirs() function within a package has the next highest, and last, any allfiles() or alldirs() at the global level has the lowest precedence. New in 2.1.0: allfiles() and alldirs() can take an optional extra argument, the string 'pathmatch', which will change the way in which names are matched. If the 'pathmatch' option is specified, then any '/' characters in the wildcard must be explicitly matched. The default (i.e no 'pathmatch' argument was specified) is to treat the '/' character as any other character, which means that a '*' will match it. Component Functions =================== The component() function is used to group together one or more packages defined by either the package() function or defined automatically by MetaPKG when the main distribution directory is scanned. Unless otherwise instructed by a control script or command line options, MetaPKG only creates a single component, which includes all the packages. There are two ways that you can control this. The first is using the -c command line option. This tells MetaPKG to create a new component containing a single package for each package directory found that was not otherwise contained in a component by the control script. The other way is to explicitly create components using the control file's component() function. component (name, version, description, [string]) { component_functions } This complex function is how you define a component. The component NAME must be unique on the installed system, and it must not be the same as any package or product names. The VERSION is the component version and must conform to any conventions dictated by the backend driver. See the backend specific documentation for details. The DESCRIPTION is just what it says, a description of the component. The component() function can contain a number of functions, each of which is discussed below, as well as global and conditional functions. Each component created my contain at least one package. The component function can take an optional fourth argument, which some backend drivers require. For example, the pkgadd driver requires this argument to be the package category. The actual functions that appear inside the component() complex function are a subset of the functions described above for the package() function. They all behave in mostly the same way, except that they apply at the component scope rather than the package scope. The valid functions inside a component() function are: replaces(), upgrades(), requires(), dependency(), subpackage() and verbatim(). The main difference between these functions at the component level is that the subpackage() function is not optional. A component must have at least one subpackage. Product Functions ================= The product functions appear in the control file as global functions. That is becuase the product has global scope. They are not contained within a product() complex function as components and packages are. Aside from the other normal global functions, there are only a few product specific functions. The verbatim() function is the same as it is for package functions, it inserts the specified string into the product file verbatim. The requires() function has the same syntax as it does for packages, but has a slightly different semantic meaning at the product level. At his level, the requires() keyword lists the packages or components that must always be installed when the product is installed. The syntax of the string varies from backend to backend, so please check the backend specific documentation for details. The only additional function not previous discussed is the vendor() function. vendor (string) This function sets the name of the product vendor. Each backend uses this value differently, so you must ensure that the contents of the STRING are valid for the chosen backend. Techniques and Conventions ========================== The MetaPKG control file is fairly powerful, and there are many things you can do within it. This section discusses some techniques that make for very efficient, multi-format packaging. The primary focus of these techniques is to show how the same control file can be used for covering the two most common backends: CDMT and pkgadd. The techniques shown here can be easily extended to cover other backends as they are added to MetaPKG.