for k=1 to 1000 clear screen print"---------------------------------------------------------------" print color("cyan","red") "Think of a question then press return." print color("cyan","red")"Notice how the response relates to your question." input a$ print"---------------------------------------------------------------" z=int(ran(5)) for a=1 to 3 if a=1 then i$="Your issue card is " endif if a=2 then i$="Your denial card is " print endif if a=3 then i$="Your outcome card is " print endif print i$; c=int(ran(46)) if c=0 then f$="Self Trust" g$="Have courage to walk your own path and trust yourself." endif if c=2 then f$="Move Forward" g$="To achieve your dreams, take the risk of moving forward." endif if c=3 then f$="Inevitable" g$="There is no need to put off the inevitable." endif if c=4 then f$="Community" g$="Put yourself around those who understand you." endif if c=5 then f$="Safe" g$="Remember that the Universe protects you." endif if c=6 then f$="Work" g$="Work should feel like play." endif if c=7 then f$="Grief" g$="If you feel grief, don't be ashamed. Let it out." endif if c=8 then f$="Congruence" g$="When something is right for you, you feel safe and calm." endif if c=9 then f$="Worry" g$="Worry stems from a lack of trust in yourself and the Universe." endif if c=10 then f$="Plenty" g$="Life offers plenty of wealth, joy, and love." endif if c=11 then f$="Journey" g$="Life is a journey, an endless series of destinations." endif if c=12 then f$="Shedding" g$="It is important to shed what isn't working." endif if c=13 then f$="Strength" g$="By showing the strength to defeat your fears you become free." endif if c=14 then f$="Self Love" g$="You deserve your own love." endif if c=15 then f$="Fear" g$="Fear is the root of suffering." endif if c=16 then f$="Right Timing" g$="Appropriate timing is crucial for success." endif if c=17 then f$="Gentleness" g$="When we feel secure we treat ourselves and others gently." endif if c=18 then f$="Anxiety" g$="Anxiety harms your mind and body." endif if c=19 then f$="Shame" g$="Shame is a form of self-punishment no one deserves." endif if c=20 then f$="Deception" g$="Be fully honest to yourself and others." endif if c=21 then f$="Bliss" g$="Remember that life can be full of bliss." endif if c=22 then f$="Action" g$="Through mindful action we create what we want." endif if c=23 then f$="Allow" g$="Now is not a time to force things." endif if c=24 then f$="Pleasure" g$="Treat yourself. Nurture yourself. Do what you love." endif if c=25 then f$="Take Your Time" g$="There is no need to rush. You have all the time you need." endif if c=26 then f$="Love" g$="Love is the core of who we are." endif if c=27 then f$="Originality" g$="Living is a creative process. Be original." endif if c=28 then f$="Eternal" g$="We are eternal, limitless beings that need never suffer or die." endif if c=29 then f$="Expression" g$="By expressing ourselves we open our hearts to love." endif if c=30 then f$="Expanding" g$="It is a time of expanding knowledge and connections." endif if c=31 then f$="Conflicted" g$="When you feel conflicted listen to your body." endif if c=32 then f$="Power" g$="In a period of transformation you realize great power." endif if c=33 then f$="Knowing" g$="Within you awaits a calm sense of knowing." endif if c=34 then f$="Freedom" g$="Break away from forces that hold you back." endif if c=35 then f$="Attention" g$="You create your reality with your attention." endif if c=36 then f$="Leap of Faith" g$="It may be time to take a leap of faith." endif if c=37 then f$="Balance" g$="Balance and utilize your yin and yang qualities." endif if c=38 then f$="Gratitude" g$="Being grateful for what you have brings inner peace." endif if c=39 then f$="Pain" g$="We needlessly create pain through poor choices." endif if c=40 then f$="Inner Peace" g$="Contentment comes from an inner sense of peace." endif if c=41 then f$="Incongruence" g$="If something doesn't fit, you will feel it in your body." endif if c=42 then f$="Release" g$="Release any attempts to control others." endif if c=43 then f$="Faith" g$="Have faith in yourself and the Universe." endif if c=44 then f$="Clarity" g$="Nothing can fool your inner truth." endif if c=45 then f$="Holding Back" g$="Holding back your gifts brings sadness and creates distance." endif if c=46 then f$="Joy" g$="Don't take life too seriously." endif print color("blue","cyan") " "; print color("blue","cyan") f$; print color("blue","cyan") " " print color("cyan","blue") chr$(34); print color("cyan","blue") g$; print color("cyan","blue") chr$(34) next a print"---------------------------------------------------------------" print color("cyan","red")"For adults only. You are responsible for any choices you make." print color("cyan","red")"This free software may be downloaded at" print color("cyan","red")"If you choose, you may pay any amount at" print color("cyan","blue")"Please visit $9 & Once in a Lifetime Tarot Readings at" print color("cyan","blue")" Copyright 1999 by Chris Ehren Life" print"---------------------------------------------------------------" print print"Enter 'e' or 'E' to end." print"Enter any other key to continue." input a$ if a$="e" then end endif if a$="E" then end endif next k