Before connecting to the Internet (continued)... A layered approach to security is needed when dealing with any edge of network server. All your network devices need to be considered when looking at security. Firewalls, Inverted Firewalls, Routers, Wireless access points, Web Proxies to name a few. We will not be going into all the various layers of security needed for an edge of network server, rather we will be focusing on the most used network services on a SCO Unix Server. We won't be able to cover all aspects of keeping a system secure. You can look at The Site Security Handbook rfc-1244 for more information. We will not have time to go over setup of E-mail but we recommend that you attend the SCO Office Mail Server Release 4.1 session, where security topics will be discussed. Similarly, Network Address Translation can be used to thwart many attacks. Search the SCO Support Knowledge Center for NAT setup and configuration.