Security Profiles Security profiles. You were asked to choose a security profile at installation time. It is possible to later select a different profile by using the SCOadmin Security Profile Manager. These profiles are available: High - Recommended for systems containing confidential information and accessed by many users. Nearly all networking services are disabled; information can be transferred to other systems by users over the network, but cannot be received from other systems. User accounts can be deleted, but the user identification number UID cannot be reused for a specified period. Improved - Recommended for systems accessed by groups of users who can share information. Password expiration is more lenient and UIDs can be reused as desired. Most networking services are enabled. Traditional - Provided for compatibility with other UNIX systems. Passwords are required but they do not expire. All networking services are enabled. Low - Recommended only for systems which are not publicly accessible and which have a small number of cooperating users. To change the security profile from the command line, use relax(1M).