Open Source in OpenServer 6 XML Processing Library 2 2.6.19 libxslt XSL Transformation Library 1.1.14 lsof information about open files 4.73 lynx Text based browser 2.8.5dev8 MD5 Digest Library (libmd5) 1.0.0 Shared Memory Library (libmm) 1.3.1 mod_perl Embedded Perl for Apache 1.29.1 mod_ssl cryptography for Apache 2.8.22 Mozilla web browser 1.7.8 MozPlugger browser plugin 1.7.1 M-Peg Encoder/Decoder Library 1.2.1 MySQL SQL database server 4.1.10 NetPBM Portable Bitmap Library 10.26.1 OpenLDAP Library Kit 2.2.24 OpenSLP Service Location Protocol V2 1.2.1 OpenSSH Secure shell client and server 4.0 OpenSSL Secure Sockets 0.9.6m and 0.9.7g GIMP Toolkit (Pango) 1.4.1 Perl Compatible Regular Expressions 5.0 Perl interpreter 5.8.6 PHP4 Hypertext Processor 4.3.11 GNOME popt library (libpopt) 1.7 PostgreSQL object-relational dbms 7.4.7 GNU Readline Library 5.0 Sablotron XML Processor 1.0.1 Samba SMB file/print server 3.0.13 BSD Sendmail 8.11.3 Slang Screen Library 1.4.9 Squid WWW proxy server 2.5.STABLE9 Tcl 8.4.9 the Tcl script language Tk 8.4.9 TclX 8.3.5 Extended Tcl