SCO Skunkware 6 (continued) PHP MySQL FAQ manager 1.4.8 pilotlink for Palm handhelds 0.12.0 psutils for manipulating PostScript p17 pygtk Python GTK 2.4.1 qscintilla graphical editor/debugger 1.62 qtadd some missing Qt pieces 1.0 radiance synthetic imaging system 3.6.1 recode character set converter 3.6 risk - the game of risk rpm package manager 4.1.1 rsync remote file synchronization 2.6.4 ruby scripting language 1.8.2 scoutils - some useful utilities 1.3 sharefonts additional fonts 1.0 sip Python C and C++ Bindings 4.2.1 slocate secure locate 2.7 smbcrawler list workgroup info 0.9.0 smsync copy Treo sms messages 1.0 snort intrusion detection system 2.1.3 sqlite embeddable SQL engine 3.2.2 tetex a TeX distribution for UNIX 3.0 texi2html - texi to html 1.64 thingamablog weblog authoring 1.0 tightvnc a remote display system 1.2.9 Xanim X11 Animation Viewer 2.92.0 xboard X11 game board interface 4.2.7 Windows CE remote control 1.13pre2 xchat graphical IRC client 2.4.1 xdir graphical FTP client 2.1.2 xdiskusage graphical disk usage display 1.48 xellplan event and volunteers manager 1.1