SCO Skunkware 6 (slide 2) file utility for determining file types fltk fast light tool kit fortune display a fortune freeradius Radius Server gaim instant messaging client getopt getopt library gimp GNU Image Manipulation Program gimphelp help for the gimp gmp arbitrary precision arithmetic gnet simple network library gnuchess GNU Chess gnump3d Streaming MP3 Server gnupg GNU Privacy Guard gnutar GNU tar gtklife Conway's game of life gtkpod a GUI for the Apple iPod gv view PostScript files help2man GNU help2man html2hdml html to hdml converter HylaFAX a fax and paging system ispell an interactive spelling checker j platform independend text editor jboss Enterprise JavaBeans app server jpilot Palm pilot desktop applications lame create mp3 audio files libao Cross-platform Audio Library libglade Glade library libid3tag ID3 tag manipulation library libmad MPEG audio decoder library libogg Ogg bitstream format implementation libungif uncompressed GIF image library libvorbis Vorbis audio implementation