Colors generally represent the behaviour of the map ranging from stable periodic or fixed orbits to chaotic or "strange" attractors. In the Mandelbrot sets, the color figure graphically divides parameter space into stable and chaotic regions. In the Julia sets, the color figure graphically divides the domain of the map into the two basins of attraction.
The second room of this wing contains the Mandelbrot sets. The following images are available for viewing
Click on the Desired Image
You can select one of the images above for viewing or Return to the Julia room, take the short cut to the Lyapunov Rabbit Wing, visit the Endomorphic Rabbit Wing, check out the Topographic Rabbit Wing, saunter through the Sporographic Rabbit Wing, zip over to the Iterographic Rabbit Wing, or stand at the Main Entrance to the Fractal Wing.
Or, you may wish to walk over to the Astro Rabbit Wing, enter the Pop Art Wing, or visit the Self Portrait Wing, or stand at the Main Entrance to the Art Gallery
This HTML document and wing of the Savage Rabbit Art Gallery maintained by
Ron Record ( x7604