SCO Skunkware Images

A collection of GIF and JPEG images compiled from a variety of sources by Ronald Joe Record.

In order to view some of these, you may need a viewer called xv in your PATH. If you have mounted the Skunkware CD-ROM on /usr/skunk and /usr/skunk/bin/X11 is in your PATH, then you're all set. Otherwise, copy /usr/skunk/bin/X11/xv to a location in your shell execution PATH.

When an image is selected for viewing, xv will be spawned. You can exit xv by typing "q".

Browse a collection of GIF buttons, bars, icons, dingbats and other useful images compiled by folks at Stanford.

Additional GIF images are available for viewing in the Savage Rabbit Art Gallery.

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This HTML document created and maintained by

Ronald Joe Record (

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