SCO UnixWare Skunkware

An Update and Add-on for SCO UnixWare 2.x
(table version)

Browse the FreeBird archives.
This is a snapshot of the UnixWare FreeBird archives. You may wish to visit the FreeBird Project or peruse their ftp site.
Setting up UnixWare as an Internet Server
A WYSIWYG editor for imagemaps (mapedit)
Debug Malloc
The directory [mount-point]/UnixWare/dbg_malloc contains a man page and relocatable object for a debug malloc for SCO UnixWare.
Imap Daemon
Pine Mail Reader
Version 4.0.2 of NEdit, a Motif GUI text editor available as a Binary, with accompanying README and Built Source archive.
Lynx 2-5FM
A character based WWW browser is available as two gzip'd tar files containing the lynx binary and the configuration files.
The multi-format animation viewer, Xanim, is available as a gzip'd tar file.
Gzip and other archivers
To get started unpacking some of SCO Skunkware 96, you'll need gzip. SCO Skunkware provides a pkgadd installable gzip 1.2.4 for UnixWare

Main Skunkware 96 Page
Productivity Tools
Network/Security Tools
Tcl/Tk Packages
X11 Clients
Interesting and Useful Links
Getting Started
Release Notes
Info & Ordering

We are interested in your general comments about this distribution and about development tools in general.
Please direct comments to:

Dion L. Johnson II - The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
SCO Product Manager - Development Systems and Advanced Hardware Strategy
400 Encinal St. Santa Cruz, CA 95061 FAX: 408-427-5417 Voice: 408-427-7565


Ronald Joe Record
Affiliation: SCO / VMI
Voice: (408) 427-7604 FAX: (408) 427-5417
USPS: c/o The Santa Cruz Operation, 400 Encinal St, Santa Cruz, CA 95061