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Assembly listing control

The GASP listing-control directives correspond to related GNU as directives.

Print control. This directive emits the GNU as directive .list or .nolist, according to its argument. See section `.list' in Using as, for details on how these directives interact.
.FORM COL=cols
.FORM LIN=ln COL=cols
Specify the page size for assembly listings: ln represents the number of lines, and cols the number of columns. You may specify either page dimension independently, or both together. If you do not specify the number of lines, GASP assumes 60 lines; if you do not specify the number of columns, GASP assumes 132 columns. (Any values you may have specified in previous instances of .FORM do not carry over as defaults.) Emits the .psize assembler directive.
.HEADING string
Specify string as the title of your assembly listings. Emits `.title "string"'.
Force a new page in assembly listings. Emits `.eject'.

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