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  • ! default comment char
  • +

  • +
  • -

  • --alternate
  • --commentchar 'char'
  • --copysource
  • --debug
  • --help
  • --mri
  • --output outfile
  • --print
  • --unreasonable
  • --version
  • -a
  • -c 'char'
  • -d
  • -h
  • -M
  • -o outfile
  • -p
  • -s
  • -u
  • -v
  • .

  • .AELSE
  • .AENDI
  • .AENDR
  • .AENDW
  • .AIF "stra" cmp "strb"
  • .AIF expra cmp exprb
  • .ALIGN size
  • .AREPEAT aexp
  • .AWHILE expra cmp exprb
  • .AWHILE stra cmp strb
  • .DATA expr, expr, ...
  • .DATA.B expr, expr, ...
  • .DATA.L expr, expr, ...
  • .DATA.W expr, expr, ...
  • .DATAB repeat, expr
  • .DATAB.B repeat, expr
  • .DATAB.L repeat, expr
  • .DATAB.W repeat, expr
  • .END
  • .ENDM
  • .EXITM
  • .EXPORT name
  • .FORM COL=cols
  • .FORM LIN=ln
  • .FORM LIN=ln COL=cols
  • .GLOBAL name
  • .HEADING string
  • .INCLUDE "str"
  • .INSTR("string", "seg", ix)
  • .LEN("str")
  • .MACRO macname
  • .MACRO macname macargs ...
  • .ORG
  • .PAGE
  • .RADIX s
  • .RES count
  • .RES.B count
  • .RES.L count
  • .RES.W count
  • .SDATA "str" ...
  • .SDATAB repeat, "str" ...
  • .SDATAC "str" ...
  • .SDATAZ "str" ...
  • .SRES count
  • .SRES.B count
  • .SRES.L count
  • .SRES.W count
  • .SRESC count
  • .SRESC.B count
  • .SRESC.L count
  • .SRESC.W count
  • .SRESZ count
  • .SRESZ.B count
  • .SRESZ.L count
  • .SRESZ.W count
  • .SUBSTR("string",start,len)
  • ;

  • ; as comment char
  • \

  • \@
  • a

  • absolute expressions
  • argument fields
  • avoiding preprocessing
  • b

  • bang, as comment
  • breaking out of loops
  • c

  • comment character, changing
  • comments
  • continuation character
  • copying literally to output
  • d

  • directive field
  • e

  • EQ
  • exclamation mark, as comment
  • f

  • fields of GASP source line
  • g

  • GE
  • GT
  • i

  • infile ...
  • l

  • label field
  • LE
  • literal copy to output
  • LOCAL name [ , ... ]
  • loops, breaking out of
  • LT
  • m

  • macros, count executed
  • n

  • name .MACRO
  • name .MACRO ( macargs ... )
  • NE
  • number of macros executed
  • p

  • preprocessing, avoiding
  • pvar .ASSIGN expr
  • pvar .ASSIGNA aexpr
  • pvar .ASSIGNC "str"
  • pvar .EQU expr
  • pvar .REG (register)
  • r

  • relocatable expressions
  • s

  • semicolon, as comment
  • shriek, as comment
  • symbol separator
  • symbols, separating from text
  • t

  • text, separating from symbols
  • w

  • whitespace

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