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Arithmetic expressions in GASP

There are two kinds of expressions, depending on their result: absolute expressions, which resolve to a constant (that is, they do not involve any values unknown to GASP), and relocatable expressions, which must reduce to the form


where addsym and subsym are assembly symbols of unknown value, and const is a constant.

Arithmetic for GASP expressions follows very similar rules to C. You can use parentheses to change precedence; otherwise, arithmetic primitives have decreasing precedence in the order of the following list.

  1. Single-argument + (identity), - (arithmetic opposite), or ~ (bitwise negation). The argument must be an absolute expression.
  2. * (multiplication) and / (division). Both arguments must be absolute expressions.
  3. + (addition) and - (subtraction). At least one argument must be absolute.
  4. & (bitwise and). Both arguments must be absolute.
  5. | (bitwise or) and ~ (bitwise exclusive or; ^ in C). Both arguments must be absolute.

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