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These manuals may be included in a hardcopy format in this Cygnus Support Progressive Release, depending on the nature of your support contract. Note: hardcopy versions of the documentation are available as a separate product from Cygnus Support if your contract does not include printed manuals. All documentation is included online with every release; see section Using Online Documentation.

For convenience we have bound them in eight wire-bound volumes.

Cygnus Developer's Kit
Embedded Systems
Using GNU CC
Debugging With GDB
Support Libraries
Binary Utilities
GNU Make
Developer's Kit Support

Source for all documentation is also included.

The manuals are designed for easy online browsing (see section Using Online Documentation). For online use, the accompanying software distribution includes all the printed manuals, and also the following documents:

FLEX: A Fast Lexical Analyzer Generator
Generates lexical analyzers suitable for GNU GCC and other compilers.
Using and Porting GNU CC
Detailed information about what's needed to put gcc on different platforms, or to modify gcc. Also includes all the information from the printed manual Using GNU CC.
A discussion of the Berkeley Yacc parser generator.
User's Guide to the GNU C++ Library
Details about the general-purpose GNU C++ library, covered under the GNU Library General Public License.
Texinfo: The GNU Documentation Format
How you can use TeX to print these manuals, and how to write your own manuals in this style.
Cygnus configure
Details on the configuration program used in Cygnus releases.
GNU Coding Standards
A complete discussion of the coding standards used by the GNU project.

On the Sun-3 and Sun-4 (SunOS 4.1 or Solaris 2) platforms, the following manual is also provided online:

GNU gprof
Details on the GNU performance analyzer.

Finally, man pages are included for all the programs in the release.

You have the freedom to copy the manuals, like the software they cover; each manual's copyright statement includes the necessary permissions. The manuals themselves are also free software, and the source code for them is also available on the tape.


Our manuals use these conventions to help you distinguish commands, filenames, and other program-specific objects from the descriptive text.

Indicates text that is a literal example of a piece of a program, such as environmental variable names like EDITOR. It will also indicate keyboard characters you should type, or other literal bits of text from a program, such as filenames or examples.
Indicates the conventional name for a special key on a keyboard, such as RET or DEL.
Stands for another piece of text. For example, in the command description "To delete the file named filename, type rm filename." filename stands for the file you want to delete, no matter what you've named it.

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