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Using Online Documentation

You can browse through the online documentation using either GNU Emacs or the documentation browser program info included in the Developer's Kit distribution. Online, the manuals are organized into nodes, which correspond to the chapters and sections of a printed book. You can follow them in sequence, if you wish, just like in the printed book--but there are also other choices. The documents have menus that let you go quickly to the node that has the information you need. info has "hot" references; if one section refers to another, you can tell info to take you immediately to that other section--and you can get back again easily to take up your reading where you left off. Naturally, you can also search for particular words or phrases.

The best way to get started with the online documentation system is to run the browser info. After this Developer's Kit release is installed on your system, you can get into info by just typing its name--no options or arguments are necessary--at your shell's prompt (shown as `eg%' here):

eg% info
(You may need to check that info is in your shell path after you install the Developer's Kit release. If you have problems running info, please contact your systems administrator.)

To learn how to use info, type the command `h' for a programmed instruction sequence, or CTL-h for a short summary of commands. If at any time you are ready to stop using info, type `q'.

See section `The Info Program' in GNU Online Documentation, for detailed discussion of the info program.

Cygnus Support Online Library

All of the manuals in our printed documentation set (see section Manuals) are also available via the Cygnus Support Information Gallery, our World-Wide Web server, available at


Contact Cygnus Support for information on connecting via the World-Wide Web.

As with all GNU software, the HTML source for our documents is available (or you can convert them yourself using publicly available utilities) if you wish to put them into an internal Web server for use at your facility. Contact Cygnus Support for details, and please report any problems to the Cygnus documentation department at doc@cygnus.com.

Free Software Report
The Free Software Report is a Cygnus publication dedicated to the business of supporting free software.
Volume 1, Number 1: "Free Software? Yes, Free Software"
Volume 2, Number 1: "Free Software And The Law"
Volume 2, Number 2: "Free Software Business Models"
Volume 2, Number 3: "Free Software: An Agent For Open Systems"
Volume 3, Number 1: "Testing, Testing, 1-2-3"
Inside Cygnus Engineering
Inside Cygnus Engineering is a newsletter describing recent and upcoming activities in the Cygnus Support engineering division. We now have a complete archive of previous issues of Inside Cygnus Engineering.
Technical Reports
Cygnus Support technical reports, written by Cygnus engineers.
Security Issues in Embedded Networking
Simple Garbage Collection in G++
The GNU Instruction Scheduler
Runtime Type Support in C and C++

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