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Invoking send-pr from the shell

send-pr [ site ]
        [ -f problem-report | --file problem-report ]
        [ -t mail-address | --to mail-address ]
        [ --request-id ]
        [ -L | --list ] [ -P | --print ]
        [ -V | --version] [ -h | --help ]

site is an alias on your local machine which points to an address used by a Support Site. If this argument is not present, the default site is usually the site which you received send-pr from, or your local site if you use PRMS locally. (See section Setting a default site.)

Invoking send-pr with no options calls the editor named in your environment variable EDITOR on a default PR template. If the environment variable PR_FORM is set, its value is used as a file name which contains a valid template. If PR_FORM points to a missing or unreadable file, or if the file is empty, send-pr generates an error message and opens the editor on a default template.

-f problem-report
--file problem-report
Specifies a file, problem-report, where a completed Problem Report already exists. send-pr sends the contents of the file without invoking an editor. If problem-report is `-', send-pr reads from standard input.
-t mail-address
--to mail-address
Sends the PR to mail-address. The default is preset when send-pr is configured. This option is not recommended; instead, use the argument site on the command line.
Sends a request for a >Submitter-Id: to the Support Site.
Prints the list of valid >Category: values on standard output. No mail is sent.
Displays the PR template. If the variable PR_FORM is set in your environment, the file it specifies is printed. If PR_FORM is not set, send-pr prints the standard blank form. If the file specified by PR_FORM doesn't exist, send-pr displays an error message. No mail is sent.
Displays the send-pr version number and a usage summary. No mail is sent.
Displays a usage summary for send-pr. No mail is sent.

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